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Susan Sarandon
Susan Sarandon原创
2025-02-07 08:03:09501浏览

命运2的情节:异端介绍了新的季节性工件,即废墟的平板电脑,提供了一系列强大的mod来优化构建。本指南分析了最佳特权,无论DLC所有权或最终游戏的进步如何,都优先考虑在独奏和团队比赛中使用的特权。 我们根据整体游戏可用性和在构建过程中的多功能性进行评估,从而有利于那些提供广泛的爱好型应用程序的人。 津贴按实用性顺序排名。

Destiny 2: Best Tablet Of Ruin Seasonal Artifact Perks




Destiny 2: Best Tablet Of Ruin Seasonal Artifact Perks

> 第一列:反冠军mods

> 第一列仍然专用于反冠军的津贴。 异端重新引入了收藏夹并增加了令人兴奋的新选择。

Destiny 2: Best Tablet Of Ruin Seasonal Artifact Perks

第2列:Versatile Buffs


>列第二列具有强大的特权,但有些则仅限于最终活动。 三个仍然广泛适用。

Artifact Perk Effect Reason for Ranking
Volatile Marksman Rapid precision hits or Void weapon final blows grant Volatile Rounds. Excellent for Void builds, easily activated with the abundance of high-quality Void weapons.
Unraveling Orbs Picking up an Orb grants Unraveling Rounds to Strand weapons. Accessible without Lightfall DLC; Unraveling Rounds provide supplemental damage with inherent Anti-Barrier.
Overclock and Load Increased handling and reload speed while Amplified or with Bolt Charge. Ideal for Arc classes, ensuring weapon usability and quick reloads, especially for Arc DPS builds.

Destiny 2: Best Tablet Of Ruin Seasonal Artifact Perks


> 强大的协同



Artifact Perk Effect Reason for Ranking
Dielectric Defeating enemies with Arc debuffs grants Bolt Charge stacks. Easily achieves near-100% uptime with Arc builds, maximizing Bolt Charge and damage output.
Hold the Line Machine Guns and Glaives have faster reload and higher stability when surrounded; final blows heal. Incredibly versatile; supports aggressive MG builds and creates a tanky playstyle with Glaives.

Destiny 2: Best Tablet Of Ruin Seasonal Artifact Perks


Artifact Perk Effect Reason for Ranking
Maligned Harvest Rapidly applying Volatile allows the next damage instance to create a weakening burst. Synergizes with Volatile builds; consistently weakens enemies for increased damage.
Flashover Amplified at maximum Bolt Charge; lightning bolts deal more damage. Ideal for Arc damage builds; ensures consistent Amplification and high damage output.
Horde Shuttle Damaging unraveled targets sometimes spawns a Threadling. Boosts Threadling builds, even without Strand access; increases Threadling spawns.
第四列突出显示协同和构建优化。 仔细的课堂建设是最大化这些津贴的关键。

Destiny 2: Best Tablet Of Ruin Seasonal Artifact Perks



Artifact Perk Effect Reason for Ranking
Void Flux Defeating weakened targets with a Void weapon makes nearby enemies Volatile; stronger enemies increase radius. Synergizes with other Volatile perks; transforms Void weapons into powerhouses, particularly Void Machine Guns.
Heavy Ordinance Regeneration Sustained damage with Rocket Launchers or Machine Guns grants damage resistance and grenade/melee regeneration. Essential for ability spam; easily activated with high-damage weapons.
Particle Reconstruction Sustained damage with Linear/Fusion Rifles partially refills the magazine and grants a damage bonus. Effectively turns Linear/Fusion Rifles into high-DPS weapons, mimicking the effectiveness of Fourth Time's the Charm.

第五列的特权非常强大。这三个突出的特权是普遍有益的。 Destiny 2: Best Tablet Of Ruin Seasonal Artifact Perks

Destiny 2: Best Tablet Of Ruin Seasonal Artifact Perks

