首页 >手游教程 >手游攻略 >王国来:拯救2-酒精和饮酒指南


Lisa Kudrow
Lisa Kudrow原创
2025-02-06 02:04:09883浏览

王国的来临:拯救2,酒精在日常生活中起着重要作用,影响了从警卫到土匪的角色。 但是,过多的饮酒会带来后果,包括醉酒,宿醉甚至成瘾。 本指南探讨了饮酒的机制,其收益和弊端以及如何管理其效果。

Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 - Alcohol And Drinking Guide

酒精的类型: >可从小酒馆的客栈老板那里购买几种酒精饮料,每种饮料都花了几种浓郁的饮料:啤酒,便宜的葡萄酒,美酒,米德,schnapps和葡萄酒。 请注意,某些特定于故事的饮料不可用于一般消费。



>仅消费大量酒精将导致中毒。 您的健康栏左侧的量规表示您的醉酒水平。 症状包括运动受损,视力模糊和不可靠的冲刺。 通过休息或睡眠恢复清醒(尽管饮酒过多可能会导致宿醉)。 “狗的头发”药水也可以抵消醉酒。

Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 - Alcohol And Drinking Guide饮酒的利弊:

> 酒精提供了一些优势:它暂时延迟疲劳,稍微增加强度,并提供少量营养。 但是,这也会对言语和魅力产生负面影响,提高知名度,降低耐力并阻碍入睡。


Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 - Alcohol And Drinking Guide几种技能减轻酒精的负面影响并提高其益处。 这些技能通过饮酒而提高,但节制是避免成瘾的关键。

Skill Description Level Requirement
Nightcap Prevents hangovers and improves sleep comfort while drunk. 6
Lucky Day Increases the chance of successfully using a badge while drunk. 8
Saint Vivian's Grace Reduces fall damage when intoxicated. 6
Beerfoot Reduces noise while moving indoors when drunk. 8
Beer Belly Doubles the satiation effect of beer, but halves that of potions. 10
Drunk's Luck Provides a Thievery bonus during the positive phase of drunkenness. 10
Heavy Duty Provides a Craftsmanship bonus during the positive phase of drunkenness. 0
Cheers! Heals 5 health points when drinking beer or wine; spirits cure poisoning. 12
Indomitable Drunk Mitigates the negative effects of drunkenness. 12
Drunken Food Allows excusing minor crimes committed while drunk. 14
Tavern Brawler Provides an Unarmed combat bonus during the positive phase of drunkenness. 14
Enhanced Mixture Boosts potion healing effects while drunk, up to 20 health. 16
Experienced Reveller Accelerates the onset of positive drunkenness effects. 16

Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 - Alcohol And Drinking Guide


醒来时模糊视觉指示的宿醉是使用“狗”或“万寿菊汤”药水来固化的。 两者均可从药剂师购买或使用特定草药可制作。


Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 - Alcohol And Drinking Guide

酒精成瘾: >饮酒过多,尤其是当与低营养结合使用时,可能会导致酒精成瘾。 这必须始终携带酒精并影响亨利的行为。

Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 - Alcohol And Drinking Guide

