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王国来:Deliverance 2-骰子游戏指南

Mary-Kate Olsen
Mary-Kate Olsen原创
2025-02-05 02:03:13853浏览

王国来:Deliverance 2的骰子游戏:获胜的指南

骰子,也被称为Farkle,在王国返回Come:Deliverance 2,提供营地和小酒馆的赌博机会。 甚至牧师也参与! 虽然似乎是基于运气的,但战略会极大地影响您的成功。掌握主导骰子的规则和策略。

Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 - Dice Game Guide



Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 - Dice Game Guide


Dice Rolled Score
One 100
Five 50
One, Two, Three, Four, Five 500
Two, Three, Four, Five, Six 750
One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six 1500
Three of a Kind (e.g., three twos) 200, 300, 400, 500, 600 (depending on number)
Three Ones 1000
Devil's Head 1 to any combination

>多个相同的数字增加了分数(例如,四个Twos = 400,五个Twos = 800)。 选择得分骰子,继续滚动或通过轮回。第一个达到目标得分的胜利。 滚动所有六个得分骰子都会给予额外的掷骰。


Opponent Wager
Farmers 5
Miners 15
Novices 25 Badge
Soldiers 40
Priests 70
Knights 110 Badge
Cardinals 95
Lords 150
Kings 180 Badge
Emperors 300 Badge



  • 避免单个弹性:> 更好地逐渐积累了点。 得分后,剩余的骰子可以更好地获得多种组合的机会。
  • 目的是一种或更好的一种:这些组合迅速产生重要的点。>
  • >使用替代骰子和徽章(在游戏后期):这些都具有显着优势。>

Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 - Dice Game Guide


>不同的骰子提供独特的效果,通常在使用倍数时会更具影响力。 在比赛前交换它们。

Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 - Dice Game Guide

徽章和金徽章奖杯> 徽章极大地改变了游戏玩法。每场比赛使用一个(如果匹配类型允许)。 两位球员都必须具有相同的徽章水平(锡,银,金)。



Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 - Dice Game Guide



Badge Name Effect
Tin Doppelganger's Badge Doubles points of last throw (once per game)
Tin Badge of Headstart Small point headstart
Tin Badge of Defense Cancels opponent's tin badges
Tin Badge of Fortune Roll one die again (once per game)
Tin Badge of Might Add one extra die (once per game)
Tin Badge of Transmutation Change one die to a three (once per game)
Carpenter's Badge of Advantage Three and five become a new formation ("Cut") (repeatedly usable)
Tin Warlord's Badge 25% more points this turn (once per game)
Tin Badge of Resurrection Throw again after an unlucky roll (once per game)
... (Silver and Gold badges follow a similar pattern with increased effects) ... ...
Golden Wedding Badge Roll up to three dice again (once per game)

以上是王国来:Deliverance 2-骰子游戏指南的详细内容。更多信息请关注PHP中文网其他相关文章!
