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最终幻想14:Dawntrail -Jeuno:第一次步行联盟突袭演练

Linda Hamilton
Linda Hamilton原创
2025-02-03 08:06:10311浏览

要访问Vana'diel Alliance Raid系列的回声,请完成Dawntrail主场景任务。然后,与Tuliyollal中的Hoobigo Messager(X:13.0,Y:11.6)交谈以发起“超凡脱俗的遇到”任务。 在过场动画之后,您将被指向Yak t'el,并沿途解锁。 对于24名玩家(三个


[2 Final Fantasy 14: Dawntrail - Jeuno: The First Walk Alliance Raid Walkthrough突袭有四个主要的老板遭遇,彼此之​​间遇到小敌人。 最初的垃圾暴民是可以管理的;避免长时间接触其AOE攻击并策略性地利用您的1分钟的冷却。 [2 [2


Attack Type Description
Banishga AoE Raidwide AoE.
Knuckle Sandwich Special Prishe indicates the target circle (small, medium, large) by repeating "Wait for it..." (once, twice, or thrice).
Nullifying Dropkick Tankbuster Shared tankbuster requiring all three alliance tanks to stack.
Banish Storm Line AoE Line AoE attacks indicated by scepters; find a safe spot between them.
Holy Spread Spread debuff; affected players must distance themselves from others with the same debuff.
Crystalline Thorns Special Creates spikes; players receive tethers indicating knockback direction during Auroral Uppercut. The "Wait for it..." count determines the tether direction, mirroring Knuckle Sandwich.
Auroral Uppercut Special Knockback based on tether direction (mirroring Knuckle Sandwich). Avoid arena edges and spikes.
Banishga IV Orbs AoE Raidwide damage followed by exploding orbs; find safe spots or utilize orb explosions for positioning.
Asuran Fists Tower AoE Stack on a tower to share damage; heavy mitigation needed.


> fafnir被遗忘的

Final Fantasy 14: Dawntrail - Jeuno: The First Walk Alliance Raid Walkthrough


Attack Type Description
Dark Matter Blast AoE Raidwide damage with a deadly purple circle.
Offensive Posture Special Fafnir glows, indicating the target area for its next attack (Baleful Breath or Sharp Spike).
Baleful Breath Stack AoE Stack AoE targeting a healer; raid-wide mitigation is crucial.
Sharp Spike Triple Tankbuster AoE tankbuster targeting all tanks; require heavy mitigation; DPS should avoid the tanks.

狂热者出现在坦克布斯特斯之后;非坦克坦克应管理其定位。 Fafnir的后期引入了飓风翼(龙卷风),恐怖咆哮(散布AOE),并反复出现进攻姿势/bale呼。 治疗师可以使用救援来防止歇斯底里的伴随球员撞到墙壁。 Fafnir在重复第1阶段机制之前恢复到角落,允许近战自由。

ARK Angels

Final Fantasy 14: Dawntrail - Jeuno: The First Walk Alliance Raid Walkthrough

这次独特的遭遇涉及五个方舟天使,每个天使代表FFXI种族。 关键规则:

  • 最初的束缚于三个老板之一;只有损坏链接的老板。
  • 最终阶段:所有老板都是针对性的,但AOE均无效;老板之间的健康转移。
  • >单独的方舟天使攻击在原始文本中详细介绍,并且在这里太广泛而无法完全繁殖。 这次相遇涉及多个阶段,需要仔细的协调和遵守特殊规则。


最终的老板,影子勋爵(Shadow Lord),利用各种攻击,包括千千斜线,乌姆巴拉斜线,仇恨火焰,内爆,cthonic愤怒,仇恨sigils,仇恨的sigils,黑暗的星云,痛苦的回声和约束sigil。 夜幕降临阶段引入了其他挑战,包括Tera Slash和Cloned Shadow Lords。 遭遇需要精确的躲避和缓解。Final Fantasy 14: Dawntrail - Jeuno: The First Walk Alliance Raid Walkthrough

Final Fantasy 14: Dawntrail - Jeuno: The First Walk Alliance Raid Walkthrough奖励

奖励包括破裂的novaclusters,Ordelle硬币,各种设备(截至补丁7.1的情况下,每周有战利品限制),三重三合会卡和材料。 破烂的乐谱可以换成突袭的音乐。Final Fantasy 14: Dawntrail - Jeuno: The First Walk Alliance Raid Walkthrough

Final Fantasy 14: Dawntrail - Jeuno: The First Walk Alliance Raid Walkthrough这种修订的响应使信息凝结在一起,同时保持关键的战略要素并保留图像格式。 保留了表,但要简短地缩短了一些描述。

以上是最终幻想14:Dawntrail -Jeuno:第一次步行联盟突袭演练的详细内容。更多信息请关注PHP中文网其他相关文章!
