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Zenless Zero:牺牲 - Bringer Boss战斗指南

Susan Sarandon
Susan Sarandon原创
2025-01-30 00:21:10231浏览

Zenless Zero更新1.4:征服牺牲 - 带来

Zenless Zero的1.4更新结束了其第一个主要故事情节,将宫城引入了可玩角色,并给球员带来了巨大的挑战:牺牲 - Bringer,一个强大的人造怪物,旨在吸收Void Hunter的实力。 可以说,布莱尔是迄今为止最艰难的老板,而击败他对于访问基本的最终游戏升级材料至关重要。 本指南将使您获得克服这一障碍的知识。

Zenless Zone Zero: Sacrifice - Bringer Boss Fight Guide

虽然具有挑战性,但布莱尔的战斗是可以通过正确的策略来管理的。 他有两个阶段,每个阶段都有一个独立的健康条和独特的攻击。

牺牲 - 带来:第一阶段攻击

Zenless Zone Zero: Sacrifice - Bringer Boss Fight Guide

Zenless Zone Zero: Sacrifice - Bringer Boss Fight Guide

牺牲 - 带来:第二阶段攻击

Zenless Zone Zero: Sacrifice - Bringer Boss Fight Guide

Attack Parry/Dodge? Description Counter Strategy
Summon Hand Neither Summons giant hand; charges purple energy. Attack the eye at the hand's base to remove it and stagger Bringer.
Conjure Katana Dodge Summons a massive katana after full energy charge. Get out of the red field before the katana slams down.
Double Katana Slash Dodge Two katana swipes. Dodge through the swipes.
Lightning Katana Slam Dodge Katana slam with lightning bolts. Avoid the red field and lightning bolt circles.
Katana Energy Field Dodge Katana creates a large explosion. Get out of the red circle indicating the explosion radius.
Arm Slam & Explosion Dodge Energy slam that explodes. Dodge away from Bringer after his teleport.
Fast Laser Dodge Faster version of the Phase One circle laser. Dodge quickly in the same manner as the Phase One laser.
Arm Axe Slam & Explosion Parry (axe)/Dodge Axe slam followed by an explosion. Parry the axe attacks; avoid the explosion.
Arm Tentacle Parry/Dodge Tentacle slap attack. Parry or dodge quickly.
Energy Ball Hand Summon Dodge Energy ball summons the hand. Get out of the affected area before the hand erupts.
Rotating Lasers Dodge Rotating lasers and tracking missiles. Precise dodging is crucial to avoid lasers and missiles; missiles continue firing after lasers.


Zenless Zone Zero: Sacrifice - Bringer Boss Fight Guide

带来的冰块薄弱,对物理损害有抵抗力。 以下是一些团队策略:

  • 移动性是关键:许多攻击的恢复时间很短。>
  • 利用定位:有些爆炸的半径很小;您可以通过站在Bringer后面避免损坏。
  • 销毁手:在出现时销毁手会产生重大的损坏窗口并消除了几次攻击。
  • >管理完美的助攻:为第二阶段保存完美的辅助费


Zenless Zone Zero: Sacrifice - Bringer Boss Fight Guide

Character Rank Type Role
Miyabi S Anomaly Main DPS
Yanagi S Anomaly Secondary DPS
Astra Yao S Support Off-field Support
Agent Gulliver S Damage Bangboo



Zenless Zone Zero: Sacrifice - Bringer Boss Fight Guide>该团队利用了随时可用的S-rank单元,重点是Ellen的冰损伤以及Lycaon的眩晕和抗冰切碎。>

Character Rank Type Role
Ellen Joe S Attack Main DPS
Lycaon S Stun Sub-DPS
Soukaku A Support Short-term Support
Butler S Supporting Bangboo


这个团队依靠Anton作为主要DPS,将Anby用于索尼Xperia支持。 期待更长的战斗。 [2

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