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暗黑破坏神 4:巫术季节 - 战斗通行证挑战指南

Christopher Nolan
Christopher Nolan原创
2025-01-24 22:13:11909浏览

暗黑破坏神 IV 赛季旅程指南:征服挑战并获得奖励!

本赛季的暗黑破坏神 IV 战斗通行证提供令人兴奋的外观奖励和季节性祝福。 季节之旅提供了解锁这些装备的最快路径,提供奖励青睐和传奇装备的分层挑战。虽然本赛季的挑战更加艰巨,但本指南可以帮助您制定快速进步的完成策略。

Diablo 4: Season Of Witchcraft - Battle Pass Challenges Guide


Diablo 4: Season Of Witchcraft - Battle Pass Challenges Guide

《暗黑破坏神 IV》战斗通行证通过“青睐”取得进展,部分通过 XP 获得。 然而,季节之旅显着加速了进程,提供了额外的恩惠和传奇战利品。 这一系列挑战分布在七个级别,每个级别在完成大部分挑战后都会奖励一个缓存。 季节之旅是升级战斗通行证并同时增强角色装备的理想方式。 所有进度和奖励均在帐户范围内。


Diablo 4: Season Of Witchcraft - Battle Pass Challenges Guide


挑战名称 挑战描述 报酬
灰烬老将 在地狱潮汐期间获得 666 个异常煤渣。 较小的恩惠
地狱的战利品 在地狱之潮中打开一个折磨礼物宝箱。 较小的恩惠
荒野中的麻烦 完成 5 项世界事件。 较小的恩惠
女巫的债务 将您在 Coven 中的等级提升至 R1。 较小的恩惠
来自巢穴的小饰品 在猎头期间从乌鸦那里获取缓存。 较小的恩惠
Forager 收集 100 捆草药。 较小的恩惠
坦纳的学徒 收集 50 块生皮。 较小的恩惠
探矿者 收集 100 个铁块。 较小的恩惠
震耳欲聋的低语 完成 10 个耳语。 较小的恩惠
喝一口 在任意炼金术士处将你的药水升级为小号。 较小的恩惠
在后口袋里 探索军械库。 较小的恩惠



Diablo 4: Season Of Witchcraft - Battle Pass Challenges Guide


Diablo 4: Season Of Witchcraft - Battle Pass Challenges Guide


Challenge Name Challenge Description Reward
Sacrificial Blade Increase your Coven standing to R5. Smaller Favor
Rot Cleanser Complete 5 Rootholds. Smaller Favor
Carve Out The Necrosis Defeat Thralls of Rot. Smaller Favor
Gifts Of The Ancients Unlock 10 Aspects in the Codex of Power. Smaller Favor
Miracles Of Alchemy Craft 5 Elixirs at the Alchemist. Smaller Favor
Confront The Creature Defeat the Blood Maiden in Helltide. Smaller Favor
Champion Of The Lost Clear 3 Strongholds. Smaller Favor
Basic Needs Temper 5 affixes onto gear at the Blacksmith. Smaller Favor
Forsaken Offerings Obtain 5 caches from the Tree of Whispers. Smaller Favor
Hard Fought Victory Complete a Legion Event. Smaller Favor
Band Of Killers Defeat a World Boss while in a party. Smaller Favor



Diablo 4: Season Of Witchcraft - Battle Pass Challenges Guide


Challenge Name Challenge Description Reward
In The EYes Of The Coven Increase your Coven standing to R8. Smaller Favor
Power Primordial Upgrade 5 Witchcraft powers to R10. Smaller Favor
Damnation's Downfall Defeat a Helltide Commander in Helltide. Smaller Favor
Third Eye Open Consume 5 Draught of Whispers. Smaller Favor
Penitential Path Defeat 666 monsters in Penitent or higher. Smaller Favor
Endless Nightmares Complete 10 Nightmare Dungeons. Smaller Favor
Gifts of The Tree Obtain 10 caches from the Tree of Whispers. Smaller Favor
Form And Function Add 5 sockets to your gear at a Jeweler. Smaller Favor
Forged In Blood Craft 5 Blacksmith Caches at the Blacksmith after reaching Level 60. Smaller Favor
Ceremonial Smoke Craft Incense at the Alchemist. Smaller Favor
Strength In Numbers Complete a Legion Event while in a party. Smaller Favor
Born In Torment Defeat 10 Hellborne spawned by reaching Max Threat Level during Helltide. Smaller Favor


Diablo 4: Season Of Witchcraft - Battle Pass Challenges Guide


Challenge Name Challenge Description Reward
Rite Keeper Increase your Coven standing to R15. Favor
A Tortured Gamble Open a Tortured Gift of Mysteries in a Helltide. Favor
Shards Of The Fiends Collect 5 Scattered Prisms. Favor
The Hordes Falter Defeat the Fell Council in the Infernal Hordes on Torment 1 or Higher. Favor
Finder Of Secrets Find a Forgotten Altar. Favor
Headhunter Collect 8 Fugitive Heads during Headhunts. Favor
Cultivate Fear Collect 100 Obducite. Favor
Lucid Nightmare Complete 5 Nightmare Dungeons in Torment 1 or higher. Favor
No Mere Mortal Unlock a Legendary Paragon node after reaching Level 60. Favor
Precious Shards Salvage 100 Ancestral Legendary items. Favor
Transfer Of Power Imprint 8 Aspects onto gear at the Occultist. Favor
Preamble Complete Artificer's T20 or higher in The Pit of the Artificer. Favor
Guilt Defeat Tormented Echo of Varshan. Favor
Shock And Awe Defeat Tormented Echo of Grigoire, the Galvanic Saint. Favor


Diablo 4: Season Of Witchcraft - Battle Pass Challenges Guide


Challenge Name Challenge Description Reward
Unholy Coffers Open a Greater Spoils of Hell chest after defeating The Fell Council. Favor
Warden Of The Swamp Increase your Coven standing to R20. Favor
Warbringer's Wealth Craft 10 Occult Gems learned from Grimoires. Favor
Drink Deep From The Chalice Upgrade 10 Witchcraft powers to R20. Favor
Glyph Expert Improve 5 Paragon Flyphs to R15 by completing The Pit. Favor
Echoes Of The Ancients Unlock 50 Aspects in the Codex of Power. Favor
Champion's Challenge Defeat 666 monsters in Torment 2 or higher. Favor
Forgiveness Defeat Tormented Echo of Lord Zir. Favor
Harbinger Of Ice Defeat Tormentor Echo of the Beast in the Ice. Favor
Horadric Smith Master 5 items to R5 at the Blacksmith. Favor
Preeminence Reach Paragon 100. Favor
Thorn In Hell Defeat 666 monsters while at Max Threat during Helltide on Torment 1 or higher. Favor
Coordinated Kill While in a party, defeat 25 lair bosses. Favor



Challenge Name Challenge Description Reward
Silencer Complete 5 Whispers within 15 minutes during a Headhunt on Torment 4. N/A
Roots Ablaze Open 25 Exposed Roots within 15 minutes during Headhunts on Torment 4. N/A
Root Pulverizer Activate 2 Legendary Ceremony Shrines within a single Roothold on Torment 4. N/A
Lootmaster Open 10 Tormented Gifts during a single Helltide. N/A
Waking Horrors Defeat 50 elite monsters while in Nightmare Dungeon on Torment 4. N/A
Triumph Of The Tormented Defeat 66 monsters on Torment 4 without dying. N/A
Bloodstained Hoard Collect 750 Aether in a single run of the Infernal Hordes on Torment 4. N/A
With Sand To Spare Complete a T75 Pit run with more than 5 minutes remaining. N/A
Assassin's List Defeat 5 lair bosses within 5 minutes on Torment 1 or higher. N/A
Hell's Fury Defeat 250 monsters before the Hellborne's arrival after increasing your threat level to max in Torment 4. N/A

Diablo 4: Season Of Witchcraft - Battle Pass Challenges Guide

以上是暗黑破坏神 4:巫术季节 - 战斗通行证挑战指南的详细内容。更多信息请关注PHP中文网其他相关文章!
