收集完宝箱后,您在 崩坏:星穹铁道 的 Amphoreus 地图周围仍有大量其他秘密有待发现。他们每个人都有很多隐藏的物品和互动,你可以遇到,比如特殊的宁芙,在过去版本的卡斯特鲁姆克雷姆诺斯,浴血战场中,它们呈现出类似甲虫的形态。
该区域总共有20 个宁芙可供找到,它们隐藏在地图的各个角落和地板上。收集完 10 个和 20 个奖励后,与 F1 凿子区的制衣匠交谈即可领取奖励。
这里只能找到几个宁芙。有两个不同的 B1 区域(位于地图的入口处和北部),每个区域都隐藏着一个宁芙。
Nymph # |
Image |
Description |
1 | Head to B1 at the entrance to find it on a wall, next to a regular enemy. | |
2 | Go to the Hall of Strife and use the elevator at the top of the room to enter the hidden B1 zone. Teleport to the other side to find a Nymph waiting for you. |
若虫# |
图片 |
描述 |
1 | 在地图入口处,返回出口即可找到它。 | |
2 | 继续沿着楼梯走正确的路而不是向前。 | |
3 | 离开挖掘场后,乘电梯到左边的墙上找到它。还会触发盗灵者巴索洛斯小游戏。 | |
4 | 就在腐蚀洞穴旁边。 | |
5 | 在平台边缘凿子区东侧。 | |
6 | 在易断桥旁边,经过Garmentmaker。 | |
7 | 在走廊的尽头,经过前任仙女,坐在瓦砾上方。 | |
8 | 采取锻魂门传送并返回即可找到它。 | |
9 | 现在,继续穿过楼梯找到最后一个宁芙在你的左边。 |
Nymph # |
Image |
Description |
1 | At the Hall of Strife, activate the Shrine of Prayers, then use your powers on the ball next to the Base right before the Nymph. Use the base to roll over the Nymph to collect it (and break the boxes in front of it). | |
2 | Right next to a shield, in front of a passage where you can place a Hand of Zagreus. | |
3 | Use the Hand of Zagreus to fly to the statue at the center, where you can find a lone Nymph. | |
4 | Shoot the wall to reveal a hidden Nymph immediately. | |
5 | Behind the Excavation Site teleport, hanging on the wall. |
Nymph # |
Image |
Description |
1 | Available in both Dawn and Evernight. Right next to the Tome of Miracles. | |
2 | Available in Evernight. Head through the passage hidden beneath the boxes to find it at the end of the road. | |
3 | Available in Dawn. Hanging on the wall to the right, just before the elevator. |
Nymph # |
Image |
Description |
1 | Available in Dawn. At the top of the sword in the center. Use the Hand of Zagreus to reach it. |
描述以上是崩坏:星穹铁道 - 安弗勒斯的浴血前线克雷姆诺斯城堡中的所有宁芙地点的详细内容。更多信息请关注PHP中文网其他相关文章!