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如何为 NestJS 应用程序编写单元测试和 Etest

Mary-Kate Olsen
Mary-Kate Olsen原创
2025-01-13 06:22:43415浏览







另一方面,E2E测试通常会模拟真实的用户场景来测试整个应用程序。例如,前端通常使用浏览器或无头浏览器进行测试,而后端则通过模拟 API 调用来进行测试。

在 NestJS 项目中,单元测试可能会评估特定服务或控制器的方法,例如验证 Users 模块中的更新方法是否正确更新用户。然而,端到端测试可能会检查完整的用户旅程,从创建新用户到更新密码再到最终删除用户,这涉及多个服务和控制器。



async validateUser(
  username: string,
  password: string,
): Promise<UserAccountDto> {
  const entity = await this.usersService.findOne({ username });
  if (!entity) {
    throw new UnauthorizedException('User not found');
  if (entity.lockUntil && entity.lockUntil > Date.now()) {
    const diffInSeconds = Math.round((entity.lockUntil - Date.now()) / 1000);
    let message = `The account is locked. Please try again in ${diffInSeconds} seconds.`;
    if (diffInSeconds > 60) {
      const diffInMinutes = Math.round(diffInSeconds / 60);
      message = `The account is locked. Please try again in ${diffInMinutes} minutes.`;
    throw new UnauthorizedException(message);
  const passwordMatch = bcrypt.compareSync(password, entity.password);
  if (!passwordMatch) {
    // $inc update to increase failedLoginAttempts
    const update = {
      $inc: { failedLoginAttempts: 1 },
    // lock account when the third try is failed
    if (entity.failedLoginAttempts + 1 >= 3) {
      // $set update to lock the account for 5 minutes
      update['$set'] = { lockUntil: Date.now() + 5 * 60 * 1000 };
    await this.usersService.update(entity._id, update);
    throw new UnauthorizedException('Invalid password');
  // if validation is sucessful, then reset failedLoginAttempts and lockUntil
  if (
    entity.failedLoginAttempts > 0 ||
    (entity.lockUntil && entity.lockUntil > Date.now())
  ) {
    await this.usersService.update(entity._id, {
      $set: { failedLoginAttempts: 0, lockUntil: null },
  return { userId: entity._id, username } as UserAccountDto;


  1. 根据用户名检查用户是否存在;如果没有,则抛出401异常(404异常也是可行的)。
  2. 查看用户是否被锁定;如果是这样,则抛出 401 异常并附带相关消息。
  3. 对密码进行加密并与数据库中的密码进行比较;如果不正确,抛出401异常(连续3次登录失败将锁定账户5分钟)。
  4. 如果登录成功,则清除之前失败的登录尝试计数(如果适用),并将用户 ID 和用户名返回到下一阶段。




例如,假设我们注册了一个名为 woai3c 的用户。然后,在登录过程中,可以在 validateUser 方法中通过 constentity = wait this.usersService.findOne({ username }); 检索用户数据。只要这行代码能够返回想要的数据,就没有问题,即使没有数据库交互。我们可以通过模拟数据来实现这一点。现在,我们看一下 validateUser 方法的相关测试代码:

async validateUser(
  username: string,
  password: string,
): Promise<UserAccountDto> {
  const entity = await this.usersService.findOne({ username });
  if (!entity) {
    throw new UnauthorizedException('User not found');
  if (entity.lockUntil && entity.lockUntil > Date.now()) {
    const diffInSeconds = Math.round((entity.lockUntil - Date.now()) / 1000);
    let message = `The account is locked. Please try again in ${diffInSeconds} seconds.`;
    if (diffInSeconds > 60) {
      const diffInMinutes = Math.round(diffInSeconds / 60);
      message = `The account is locked. Please try again in ${diffInMinutes} minutes.`;
    throw new UnauthorizedException(message);
  const passwordMatch = bcrypt.compareSync(password, entity.password);
  if (!passwordMatch) {
    // $inc update to increase failedLoginAttempts
    const update = {
      $inc: { failedLoginAttempts: 1 },
    // lock account when the third try is failed
    if (entity.failedLoginAttempts + 1 >= 3) {
      // $set update to lock the account for 5 minutes
      update['$set'] = { lockUntil: Date.now() + 5 * 60 * 1000 };
    await this.usersService.update(entity._id, update);
    throw new UnauthorizedException('Invalid password');
  // if validation is sucessful, then reset failedLoginAttempts and lockUntil
  if (
    entity.failedLoginAttempts > 0 ||
    (entity.lockUntil && entity.lockUntil > Date.now())
  ) {
    await this.usersService.update(entity._id, {
      $set: { failedLoginAttempts: 0, lockUntil: null },
  return { userId: entity._id, username } as UserAccountDto;


import { Test } from '@nestjs/testing';
import { AuthService } from '@/modules/auth/auth.service';
import { UsersService } from '@/modules/users/users.service';
import { UnauthorizedException } from '@nestjs/common';
import { TEST_USER_NAME, TEST_USER_PASSWORD } from '@tests/constants';
describe('AuthService', () => {
  let authService: AuthService; // Use the actual AuthService type
  let usersService: Partial<Record<keyof UsersService, jest.Mock>>;
  beforeEach(async () => {
    usersService = {
      findOne: jest.fn(),
    const module = await Test.createTestingModule({
      providers: [        AuthService,
          provide: UsersService,
          useValue: usersService,
    authService = module.get<AuthService>(AuthService);
  describe('validateUser', () => {
    it('should throw an UnauthorizedException if user is not found', async () => {
      await expect(
        authService.validateUser(TEST_USER_NAME, TEST_USER_PASSWORD),
    // other tests...

我们使用 jest.fn() 返回一个函数来替换真正的 usersService.findOne()。如果现在调用 usersService.findOne() ,将不会有返回值,因此第一个单元测试用例将通过:

beforeEach(async () => {
    usersService = {
      findOne: jest.fn(), // mock findOne method
    const module = await Test.createTestingModule({
      providers: [        AuthService, // real AuthService, because we are testing its methods
          provide: UsersService, // use mock usersService instead of real usersService
          useValue: usersService,
    authService = module.get<AuthService>(AuthService);

由于 constentity 中的 findOne = wait this.usersService.findOne({ username }); validateUser 方法是一个模拟的假函数,没有返回值,validateUser 方法中的第 2 到第 4 行代码可以执行:

it('should throw an UnauthorizedException if user is not found', async () => {
  await expect(
    authService.validateUser(TEST_USER_NAME, TEST_USER_PASSWORD),

抛出 401 错误,符合预期。



if (!entity) {
  throw new UnauthorizedException('User not found');

可以看到,如果用户数据中有锁定时间lockUntil,并且锁定结束时间大于当前时间,我们就可以判断当前账户被锁定。因此,我们需要使用 lockUntil 字段来模拟用户数据:

async validateUser(
  username: string,
  password: string,
): Promise<UserAccountDto> {
  const entity = await this.usersService.findOne({ username });
  if (!entity) {
    throw new UnauthorizedException('User not found');
  if (entity.lockUntil && entity.lockUntil > Date.now()) {
    const diffInSeconds = Math.round((entity.lockUntil - Date.now()) / 1000);
    let message = `The account is locked. Please try again in ${diffInSeconds} seconds.`;
    if (diffInSeconds > 60) {
      const diffInMinutes = Math.round(diffInSeconds / 60);
      message = `The account is locked. Please try again in ${diffInMinutes} minutes.`;
    throw new UnauthorizedException(message);
  const passwordMatch = bcrypt.compareSync(password, entity.password);
  if (!passwordMatch) {
    // $inc update to increase failedLoginAttempts
    const update = {
      $inc: { failedLoginAttempts: 1 },
    // lock account when the third try is failed
    if (entity.failedLoginAttempts + 1 >= 3) {
      // $set update to lock the account for 5 minutes
      update['$set'] = { lockUntil: Date.now() + 5 * 60 * 1000 };
    await this.usersService.update(entity._id, update);
    throw new UnauthorizedException('Invalid password');
  // if validation is sucessful, then reset failedLoginAttempts and lockUntil
  if (
    entity.failedLoginAttempts > 0 ||
    (entity.lockUntil && entity.lockUntil > Date.now())
  ) {
    await this.usersService.update(entity._id, {
      $set: { failedLoginAttempts: 0, lockUntil: null },
  return { userId: entity._id, username } as UserAccountDto;

上面的测试代码中,首先定义了一个对象lockedUser,其中包含我们需要的lockUntil字段。然后,它被用作findOne的返回值,通过usersService.findOne.mockResolvedValueOnce(lockedUser);实现。这样,当执行 validateUser 方法时,其中的用户数据就是模拟数据,成功地让第二个测试用例通过。




  • 行覆盖率:测试覆盖了多少行代码。
  • 函数覆盖率:测试覆盖了多少个函数或方法。
  • 分支覆盖率:测试覆盖了多少个代码分支(例如 if/else 语句)。
  • 语句覆盖率:测试覆盖了代码中的多少条语句。



How to write unit tests and Etests for NestJS applications


How to write unit tests and Etests for NestJS applications



在单元测试中,我们演示了如何为 validateUser() 函数的每个功能编写单元测试,使用模拟数据来确保每个功能都可以被测试。在端到端测试中,我们需要模拟真实的用户场景,因此连接数据库进行测试是必要的。因此,我们将测试的 auth.service.ts 模块中的方法都与数据库交互。


  • 注册
  • 登录
  • 令牌刷新
  • 读取用户信息
  • 更改密码
  • 删除用户


async validateUser(
  username: string,
  password: string,
): Promise<UserAccountDto> {
  const entity = await this.usersService.findOne({ username });
  if (!entity) {
    throw new UnauthorizedException('User not found');
  if (entity.lockUntil && entity.lockUntil > Date.now()) {
    const diffInSeconds = Math.round((entity.lockUntil - Date.now()) / 1000);
    let message = `The account is locked. Please try again in ${diffInSeconds} seconds.`;
    if (diffInSeconds > 60) {
      const diffInMinutes = Math.round(diffInSeconds / 60);
      message = `The account is locked. Please try again in ${diffInMinutes} minutes.`;
    throw new UnauthorizedException(message);
  const passwordMatch = bcrypt.compareSync(password, entity.password);
  if (!passwordMatch) {
    // $inc update to increase failedLoginAttempts
    const update = {
      $inc: { failedLoginAttempts: 1 },
    // lock account when the third try is failed
    if (entity.failedLoginAttempts + 1 >= 3) {
      // $set update to lock the account for 5 minutes
      update['$set'] = { lockUntil: Date.now() + 5 * 60 * 1000 };
    await this.usersService.update(entity._id, update);
    throw new UnauthorizedException('Invalid password');
  // if validation is sucessful, then reset failedLoginAttempts and lockUntil
  if (
    entity.failedLoginAttempts > 0 ||
    (entity.lockUntil && entity.lockUntil > Date.now())
  ) {
    await this.usersService.update(entity._id, {
      $set: { failedLoginAttempts: 0, lockUntil: null },
  return { userId: entity._id, username } as UserAccountDto;

beforeAll钩子函数在所有测试开始之前运行,因此我们可以在这里注册一个测试帐户TEST_USER_NAME。 afterAll钩子函数在所有测试结束后运行,所以这里适合删除测试账号TEST_USER_NAME,也方便测试注册和删除功能。

在上一节的单元测试中,我们围绕 validateUser 方法编写了相关的单元测试。实际上,该方法是在登录时执行,以验证用户的帐号和密码是否正确。因此,本次e2E测试也将使用登录流程来演示如何编写e2E测试用例。


import { Test } from '@nestjs/testing';
import { AuthService } from '@/modules/auth/auth.service';
import { UsersService } from '@/modules/users/users.service';
import { UnauthorizedException } from '@nestjs/common';
import { TEST_USER_NAME, TEST_USER_PASSWORD } from '@tests/constants';
describe('AuthService', () => {
  let authService: AuthService; // Use the actual AuthService type
  let usersService: Partial<Record<keyof UsersService, jest.Mock>>;
  beforeEach(async () => {
    usersService = {
      findOne: jest.fn(),
    const module = await Test.createTestingModule({
      providers: [        AuthService,
          provide: UsersService,
          useValue: usersService,
    authService = module.get<AuthService>(AuthService);
  describe('validateUser', () => {
    it('should throw an UnauthorizedException if user is not found', async () => {
      await expect(
        authService.validateUser(TEST_USER_NAME, TEST_USER_PASSWORD),
    // other tests...


  1. 登录成功,返回200
  2. 如果用户不存在,则抛出401异常
  3. 如果未提供密码或用户名,则抛出 400 异常
  4. 密码登录错误,抛出401异常
  5. 如果账户被锁定,抛出401异常

现在让我们开始编写 e2E 测试:

beforeEach(async () => {
    usersService = {
      findOne: jest.fn(), // mock findOne method
    const module = await Test.createTestingModule({
      providers: [        AuthService, // real AuthService, because we are testing its methods
          provide: UsersService, // use mock usersService instead of real usersService
          useValue: usersService,
    authService = module.get<AuthService>(AuthService);

编写 e2E 测试代码相对简单:只需调用接口,然后验证结果即可。比如登录测试成功,我们只需要验证返回结果是否为200即可。


async validateUser(
  username: string,
  password: string,
): Promise<UserAccountDto> {
  const entity = await this.usersService.findOne({ username });
  if (!entity) {
    throw new UnauthorizedException('User not found');
  if (entity.lockUntil && entity.lockUntil > Date.now()) {
    const diffInSeconds = Math.round((entity.lockUntil - Date.now()) / 1000);
    let message = `The account is locked. Please try again in ${diffInSeconds} seconds.`;
    if (diffInSeconds > 60) {
      const diffInMinutes = Math.round(diffInSeconds / 60);
      message = `The account is locked. Please try again in ${diffInMinutes} minutes.`;
    throw new UnauthorizedException(message);
  const passwordMatch = bcrypt.compareSync(password, entity.password);
  if (!passwordMatch) {
    // $inc update to increase failedLoginAttempts
    const update = {
      $inc: { failedLoginAttempts: 1 },
    // lock account when the third try is failed
    if (entity.failedLoginAttempts + 1 >= 3) {
      // $set update to lock the account for 5 minutes
      update['$set'] = { lockUntil: Date.now() + 5 * 60 * 1000 };
    await this.usersService.update(entity._id, update);
    throw new UnauthorizedException('Invalid password');
  // if validation is sucessful, then reset failedLoginAttempts and lockUntil
  if (
    entity.failedLoginAttempts > 0 ||
    (entity.lockUntil && entity.lockUntil > Date.now())
  ) {
    await this.usersService.update(entity._id, {
      $set: { failedLoginAttempts: 0, lockUntil: null },
  return { userId: entity._id, username } as UserAccountDto;

当用户连续3次登录失败时,账户将被锁定。因此,在本次测试中,我们不能使用测试帐户TEST_USER_NAME,因为如果测试成功,该帐户将被锁定,无法继续进行后续测试。我们需要注册另一个新用户TEST_USER_NAME2专门用于测试账户锁定,测试成功后删除该用户。所以,正如你所看到的,这个 e2E 测试的代码相当庞大,需要大量的设置和拆卸工作,但实际的测试代码只有这几行:

import { Test } from '@nestjs/testing';
import { AuthService } from '@/modules/auth/auth.service';
import { UsersService } from '@/modules/users/users.service';
import { UnauthorizedException } from '@nestjs/common';
import { TEST_USER_NAME, TEST_USER_PASSWORD } from '@tests/constants';
describe('AuthService', () => {
  let authService: AuthService; // Use the actual AuthService type
  let usersService: Partial<Record<keyof UsersService, jest.Mock>>;
  beforeEach(async () => {
    usersService = {
      findOne: jest.fn(),
    const module = await Test.createTestingModule({
      providers: [        AuthService,
          provide: UsersService,
          useValue: usersService,
    authService = module.get<AuthService>(AuthService);
  describe('validateUser', () => {
    it('should throw an UnauthorizedException if user is not found', async () => {
      await expect(
        authService.validateUser(TEST_USER_NAME, TEST_USER_PASSWORD),
    // other tests...

编写 e2E 测试代码相对简单。您不需要考虑模拟数据或测试覆盖率。只要整个系统进程按预期运行就足够了。














  • NestJS:用于构建高效、可扩展的 Node.js 服务器端应用程序的框架。
  • MongoDB:用于数据存储的 NoSQL 数据库。
  • Jest:JavaScript 和 TypeScript 的测试框架。
  • Supertest:用于测试 HTTP 服务器的库。

以上是如何为 NestJS 应用程序编写单元测试和 Etest的详细内容。更多信息请关注PHP中文网其他相关文章!
