您有一个 HTML 结构,其中一个容器保持方形纵横比作为浏览器窗口已调整大小。在此容器内,您想要添加图像,但需要确保它保持垂直对齐。挑战的出现是因为图像的高度是可变的,并且容器的高度无法固定。
使用 CSS 内联元素
<div class="container"> <div>
.container { height: 300px; text-align: center; /* align the inline(-block) elements horizontally */ font: 0/0 a; /* remove the gap between inline(-block) elements */ } .container:before { /* create a full-height inline block pseudo=element */ content: ' '; display: inline-block; vertical-align: middle; /* vertical alignment of the inline element */ height: 100%; } #element { display: inline-block; vertical-align: middle; /* vertical alignment of the inline element */ font: 16px/1 Arial sans-serif; /* <-- reset the font property */ }
.responsive-container { width: 60%; padding-top: 60%; /* 1:1 Height is the same as the width */ padding-top: 100%; /* width:height = 60:100 or 3:5 */ padding-top: 45%; /* = 60% * 3/4 , width:height = 4:3 */ padding-top: 33.75%; /* = 60% * 9/16, width:height = 16:9 */ }
.responsive-container { width: 60%; position: relative; } .responsive-container .wrapper { position: absolute; top: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; left: 0; }
<div class="responsive-container"> <div class="dummy"></div> <div class="img-container"> <img src="http://placehold.it/150x150" alt=""> </div> </div>
.img-container { text-align: center; /* Align center inline elements */ font: 0/0 a; /* Hide the characters like spaces */ } .img-container:before { content: ' '; display: inline-block; vertical-align: middle; height: 100%; } .img-container img { vertical-align: middle; display: inline-block; }
为了更好地跨浏览器兼容性,您可以使用 div 元素作为图像容器的第一个子元素而不是伪元素:
<div class="img-container"> <div class="centerer"></div> <img src="http://placehold.it/150x150" alt=""> </div>
.img-container .centerer { display: inline-block; vertical-align: middle; height: 100%; }
保留图像当容器内宽度较小时,可以使用 max-height 和 max-width 属性图片:
.img-container img { max-height: 100%; /* Set maximum height to 100% of its parent */ max-width: 100%; /* Set maximum width to 100% of its parent */ }