下面是演示这一想法的示例 Java 代码片段:
import java.awt.*; import java.awt.geom.*; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; class ShapeCollision { private BufferedImage img; private Area obstacle; int x; int y; int xDelta = 3; int yDelta = 2; public boolean doAreasCollide(Area area1, Area area2) { // Implementation omitted for brevity } ShapeCollision(BufferedImage srcImage) { img = srcImage; // Get the outline of the red pixels obstacle = getOutline(Color.RED, img); // Initialize the player's position x = img.getWidth() / 2; y = img.getHeight() / 2; } private Area getOutline(Color target, BufferedImage bi) { // Implementation omitted for brevity } public void animate() { Graphics2D g = img.createGraphics(); ... // Collision detection logic omitted for brevity ... g.dispose(); } public static void main(String[] args) { // Load the source image BufferedImage srcImage = ... // Create the ShapeCollision instance ShapeCollision shapeCollision = new ShapeCollision(srcImage); ... } }
在这段代码中,障碍物变量代表碰撞边界,它是由初始化时 srcImage 中红色像素的轮廓得出的ShapeCollision。