首页 >后端开发 >php教程 >比框架文档中的示例稍微高级一些的代码。


Patricia Arquette
Patricia Arquette原创
2024-12-27 19:06:12498浏览

Slightly more advanced code than the example in the frameworks documentation.


不幸的是,MVC 框架的文档通常无法警告代码示例主要用于说明功能,并不适合实际应用程序。因此,实际项目通常将所有层集成到处理请求(通常是 HTTP 请求)的控制器或呈现器方法(在 MVP 的情况下)中。如果框架包含组件对象模型(例如 Nette),则组件通常是控制器或演示器的一部分,这会使情况进一步复杂化。



根据我的经验,很少使用标准化设计模式,特别是在较小的项目(5-5万行代码)中,例如寻求简化管理的小型企业的简单 CRUD 应用程序。然而,这些项目可以极大地受益于 CQRS(命令查询职责分离)和 DDD(领域驱动设计)等模式。

  1. HTTP 请求 ->控制者/演示者
  2. 输入验证->转换为请求
  3. 请求 ->命令
  4. 命令 ->渲染/响应

我将使用 Nette 堆栈、Contributte(与 Symfony 事件调度程序集成)和 Nextras ORM 演示此方法的外观。

// Command definition
final class ItemSaveCommand implements Command {
    private ItemSaveRequest $request;

    public function __construct(private Orm $orm) {

    /** @param ItemSaveRequest $request */
    public function setRequest(Request $request): void {
        $this->request = $request;

    public function execute(): void {
        $request = $this->request;

        if ($request->id) {
            $entity = $this->orm->items->getById($request->id);
        } else {
            $entity = new Item();
            $entity->uuid = $request->uuid;

        $entity->data = $request->data;


// Command Factory
interface ItemSaveCommandFactory extends FactoryService {
    public function create(): ItemSaveCommand;

// Request
final class ItemSaveRequest implements Request {
    public int|null $id = null;
    public string $uuid;
    public string $data;

 * Command execution service
 * Supports transactions and request logging
final class CommandExecutionService implements Service {
    private \DateTimeImmutable $requestedAt;

    public function __construct(
        private Orm $orm,
        private Container $container,
        private Connection $connection,
    ) {
        $this->requestedAt = new \DateTimeImmutable();

    /** @throws \Throwable */
    public function execute(AbstractCommandRequest $request, bool $logRequest = true, bool $transaction = true): mixed {
        $factoryClass = RequestHelper::getCommandFactory($request);
        $factory = $this->container->getByType($factoryClass);

        $cmd = $factory->create();
        $clonedRequest = clone $request;

        try {

            if (!$transaction) {

            if (!$logRequest) {

            $logEntity = RequestHelper::createRequestLog(

            if ($transaction) {
            } else {

        } catch (\Throwable $e) {
            if ($transaction) {

            if (!$logRequest) {
                throw $e;

            $logEntity = RequestHelper::createRequestLog(

            if ($transaction) {
            } else {

            throw $e;

// Listener for executing commands via Event Dispatcher
final class RequestExecutionListener implements EventSubscriberInterface {
    public function __construct(
        private CommandExecutionService $commandExecutionService
    ) {

    public static function getSubscribedEvents(): array {
        return [
            RequestExecuteEvent::class => 'onRequest'

    /** @param ExecuteRequestEvent<mixed> $ev */
    public function onRequest(ExecuteRequestEvent $ev): void {
        $this->commandExecutionService->execute($ev->request, $ev->logRequest, $ev->transaction);

// Event definition for command execution
final class ExecuteRequestEvent extends Event {
    public function __construct(
        public Request $request,
        public bool $logRequest = true,
        public bool $transaction = true,
    ) {
        // Constructor

// Event Dispatcher Facade
final class EventDispatcherFacade {
    public static EventDispatcherInterface $dispatcher;

    public static function set(EventDispatcherInterface $dispatcher): void {
        self::$dispatcher = $dispatcher;

// Helper function for simple event dispatching
function dispatch(Event $event): object {
    return EventDispatcherFacade::$dispatcher->dispatch($event);

// Usage in Presenter (e.g., in response to a component event)
final class ItemPresenter extends Presenter {
    public function createComponentItem(): Component {
        $component = new Component();
        $component->onSave[] = function (ItemSaveRequest $request) {
            dispatch(new ExecuteRequestEvent($request));

        return $component;


这种方法的缺点包括命令不应返回任何数据。因此,如果我需要进一步处理新创建的数据(例如,将其传递给模板),我必须使用其 UUID 检索它,这就是请求和实体都包含它的原因。另一个缺点是对数据库架构的任何更改都需要更新所有请求以匹配新架构,这可能非常耗时。

