CSS 中,设置背景图片宽度相等设置页面宽度和高度以保持图像的比例可能会带来挑战,特别是在垂直裁剪和图像方面
CSS3提供了background-size属性,可以控制图像的大小。通过设置background-size: cover,您可以将图像缩放到完全覆盖背景定位区域的最小尺寸,同时保持宽高比。
body { background-image: url(images/background.svg); background-size: cover; /* <------ */ background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: center center; /* optional, center the image */ }
background-size 属性提供两个附加值,contain 和 cover,它们提供不同的缩放行为:
考虑下图显示在边框内。 contains 确保图像在框中完全可见,而 cover 用图像填充框,从而导致底部裁剪:
<div><div class="contain"></div> <p>Note the grey background. The image does not cover the whole region, but it's fully contained.</p> </div> <div><div class="cover"></div> <p>Note the ducks/geese at the bottom of the image. Most of the water is cut, as well as a part of the sky. You don't see the complete image anymore, but neither do you see any background color; the image covers all of the <code><div></code>.</p> </div>
以上是如何使 CSS 背景图像适合宽度并按比例自动缩放高度?的详细内容。更多信息请关注PHP中文网其他相关文章!