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如何在没有 ORM 的情况下从 SQL Server 表生成 C# 类?

Susan Sarandon
Susan Sarandon原创
2024-12-21 02:46:09532浏览

How to Generate C# Classes from SQL Server Tables Without an ORM?

从 SQL Server 表对象生成类

如何生成表示的简单类SQL Server 表中的实体,而不使用ORM?

以下 SQL 脚本可用于为给定表生成类定义:

declare @TableName sysname = 'TableName';
declare @Result varchar(max) = 'public class ' + @TableName + ' {';

select @Result = @Result + '
    public ' + ColumnType + NullableSign + ' ' + ColumnName + ' { get; set; }
        replace(col.name, ' ', '_') ColumnName,
        column_id ColumnId,
        case typ.name 
            when 'bigint' then 'long'
            when 'binary' then 'byte[]'
            when 'bit' then 'bool'
            when 'char' then 'string'
            when 'date' then 'DateTime'
            when 'datetime' then 'DateTime'
            when 'datetime2' then 'DateTime'
            when 'datetimeoffset' then 'DateTimeOffset'
            when 'decimal' then 'decimal'
            when 'float' then 'double'
            when 'image' then 'byte[]'
            when 'int' then 'int'
            when 'money' then 'decimal'
            when 'nchar' then 'string'
            when 'ntext' then 'string'
            when 'numeric' then 'decimal'
            when 'nvarchar' then 'string'
            when 'real' then 'float'
            when 'smalldatetime' then 'DateTime'
            when 'smallint' then 'short'
            when 'smallmoney' then 'decimal'
            when 'text' then 'string'
            when 'time' then 'TimeSpan'
            when 'timestamp' then 'long'
            when 'tinyint' then 'byte'
            when 'uniqueidentifier' then 'Guid'
            when 'varbinary' then 'byte[]'
            when 'varchar' then 'string'
            else 'UNKNOWN_' + typ.name
        end ColumnType,
            when col.is_nullable = 1 and typ.name in ('bigint', 'bit', 'date', 'datetime', 'datetime2', 'datetimeoffset', 'decimal', 'float', 'int', 'money', 'numeric', 'real', 'smalldatetime', 'smallint', 'smallmoney', 'time', 'tinyint', 'uniqueidentifier') 
            then '?' 
            else '' 
        end NullableSign
    from sys.columns col
        join sys.types typ on
            col.system_type_id = typ.system_type_id AND col.user_type_id = typ.user_type_id
    where object_id = object_id(@TableName)
) t
order by ColumnId;

set @Result = @Result + '

print @Result;


public class Person
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public string Phone { get; set; }

以上是如何在没有 ORM 的情况下从 SQL Server 表生成 C# 类?的详细内容。更多信息请关注PHP中文网其他相关文章!
