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如何为带有通配符的 SQL LIKE 查询正确设置 Python 字符串格式?

Barbara Streisand
Barbara Streisand原创
2024-12-19 21:32:13573浏览

How Can I Correctly Format Python Strings for SQL LIKE Queries with Wildcards?

使用 SQL 通配符和 LIKE 进行 Python 字符串格式化

将带有通配符的 SQL 语句集成到 Python 代码中时遇到困难吗?本文将为涉及 LIKE 关键字和通配符的查询格式化 Python 字符串时面临的常见挑战提供解决方案。


将 LIKE 关键字与通配符结合使用在Python中使用MySQLdb的SQL语句中被证明是有问题的。使用 Python 的格式方法格式化字符串的各种尝试都会导致 Python 的值验证或 MySQLdb 的查询执行错误。


# Attempt 1: Value error due to unsupported escape sequence
"SELECT tag.userId, count(user.id) as totalRows FROM user INNER JOIN\
  tag ON user.id = tag.userId WHERE user.username LIKE '%%s%'" % (query)

# Attempt 2: Returns same error as Attempt 1
"SELECT tag.userId, count(user.id) as totalRows FROM user INNER JOIN\
  tag ON user.id = tag.userId WHERE user.username LIKE '\%%s\%'" % (query)

# Attempt 3: Error from MySQLdb due to insufficient arguments in format string
like = "LIKE '%" + str(query) + "%'"
totalq = "SELECT tag.userId, count(user.id) as totalRows FROM user INNER JOIN\
  tag ON user.id = tag.userId WHERE user.username " + like

# Attempt 4: Returns same error as Attempt 3
like = "LIKE '\%" + str(query) + "\%'"
totalq = "SELECT tag.userId, count(user.id) as totalRows FROM user INNER JOIN\
  tag ON user.id = tag.userId WHERE user.username " + like



curs.execute("""SELECT tag.userId, count(user.id) as totalRows 
                  FROM user 
            INNER JOIN tag ON user.id = tag.userId 
                 WHERE user.username LIKE %s""", ('%' + query + '%',))

在此示例中,两个参数传递给execute() 方法。第一个参数是带有通配符表达式占位符的格式化 SQL 字符串。第二个参数是一个元组,其中包含前缀和后缀为百分号的通配符表达式。这可确保通配符应用于搜索字符串的两端。

通过利用此方法,您可以消除 SQL 注入攻击的风险,并确保查询执行时不出现任何格式错误。

以上是如何为带有通配符的 SQL LIKE 查询正确设置 Python 字符串格式?的详细内容。更多信息请关注PHP中文网其他相关文章!
