首页 >后端开发 >C++ >如何用C语言实现跨平台高分辨率定时器?


Barbara Streisand
Barbara Streisand原创
2024-12-13 02:39:10544浏览

How to Implement a Cross-Platform High-Resolution Timer in C  ?

C 语言的跨平台高分辨率定时器

用 C 语言实现一个简单的定时器机制,可在 Windows 和 Linux 上运行,精度为毫秒是一项常见任务。为了解决这个问题,C 11 引入了 ,它为高分辨率计时器提供跨平台支持。以下是实现此目标的方法:

使用 :

#include <iostream>
#include <chrono>
#include "chrono_io"  // For ease of I/O

int main() {
  typedef std::chrono::high_resolution_clock Clock;
  auto t1 = Clock::now();
  auto t2 = Clock::now();
  std::cout << t2 - t1 << '\n';


但是,如果您在后续调用中遇到高延迟std::chrono::high_resolution_clock(如在 VS11 上观察到的),存在一种解决方法,它利用内联汇编并硬连线机器的时钟速度。

自定义 ;实现(特定于英特尔):

#include <chrono>

struct clock {
  typedef unsigned long long rep;
  typedef std::ratio<1, 2800000000> period;  // Machine-specific clock speed
  typedef std::chrono::duration<rep, period> duration;
  typedef std::chrono::time_point<clock> time_point;
  static const bool is_steady = true;

  static time_point now() noexcept {
    unsigned lo, hi;
    asm volatile("rdtsc" : "=a"(lo), "=d"(hi));
    return time_point(duration(static_cast<rep>(hi) << 32 | lo));

  static bool check_invariants() {
    static_assert(1 == period::num, "period must be 1/freq");
    static_assert(std::is_same<rep, duration::rep>::value,
                  "rep and duration::rep must be the same type");
    static_assert(std::is_same<period, duration::period>::value,
                  "period and duration::period must be the same type");
    static_assert(std::is_same<duration, time_point::duration>::value,
                  "duration and time_point::duration must be the same type");
    return true;

  static const bool invariants = check_invariants();


using std::chrono::nanoseconds;
using std::chrono::duration_cast;
auto t0 = clock::now();
auto t1 = clock::now();
nanoseconds ns = duration_cast<nanoseconds>(t1 - t0);

