广播是 WebSocket 最强大的功能之一,它允许服务器同时向多个连接的客户端发送消息。与在单个客户端和服务器之间交换消息的点对点通信不同,广播使单个消息能够到达一组客户端。这使得它对于实时、协作和交互式应用程序不可或缺。
这两种方法都有特定的用例,并且可以使用 Bun 等工具轻松实现,从而使开发人员能够用最少的代码高效地处理广播。
本文深入探讨了如何使用 Bun 设置 WebSocket 广播,并演示了两种广播方法,帮助您构建强大的实时应用程序。
在本系列的第一篇文章《使用 JavaScript 和 Bun 的 WebSocket》中,我们探讨了响应客户端发送的消息的 WebSocket 服务器的结构。
console.log("? Hello via Bun! ?"); const server = Bun.serve({ port: 8080, // defaults to $BUN_PORT, $PORT, $NODE_PORT otherwise 3000 fetch(req, server) { const url = new URL(req.url); if (url.pathname === "/") return new Response(Bun.file("./index.html")); if (url.pathname === "/surprise") return new Response("?"); if (url.pathname === "/chat") { if (server.upgrade(req)) { return; // do not return a Response } return new Response("Upgrade failed", { status: 400 }); } return new Response("404!"); }, websocket: { message(ws, message) { console.log("✉️ A new Websocket Message is received: " + message); ws.send("✉️ I received a message from you: " + message); ws.publish( "the-group-chat", `? Message from ${ws.remoteAddress}: ${message}`, ); }, // a message is received open(ws) { console.log("? A new Websocket Connection"); ws.subscribe("the-group-chat"); ws.send("? Welcome baby"); ws.publish("the-group-chat", "? A new friend is joining the Party"); }, // a socket is opened close(ws, code, message) { console.log("⏹️ A Websocket Connection is CLOSED"); const msg = `A Friend has left the chat`; ws.unsubscribe("the-group-chat"); ws.publish("the-group-chat", msg); }, // a socket is closed drain(ws) { console.log("DRAIN EVENT"); }, // the socket is ready to receive more data }, }); console.log(`? Server (HTTP and WebSocket) is launched ${server.url.origin}`); setInterval(() => { const msg = "Hello from the Server, this is a periodic message!"; server.publish("the-group-chat", msg); console.log(`Message sent to "the-group-chat": ${msg}`); }, 5000); // 5000 ms = 5 seconds
bun run broadcast.ts
const server = Bun.serve({ port: 8080, ... });
服务器侦听端口 8080,与前面的示例类似,它处理 HTTP 请求并升级 /chat 的 WebSocket 连接。
open(ws) { console.log("? A new Websocket Connection"); ws.subscribe("the-group-chat"); ws.send("? Welcome baby"); ws.publish("the-group-chat", "? A new friend is joining the Party"); }
message(ws, message) { console.log("✉️ A new Websocket Message is received: " + message); ws.send("✉️ I received a message from you: " + message); ws.publish("the-group-chat", `? Message from ${ws.remoteAddress}: ${message}`); }
注意:发送者没有收到广播消息,因为我们调用了 ws 对象的publish 方法。您应该使用服务器对象来包含发件人。
close(ws, code, message) { console.log("⏹️ A Websocket Connection is CLOSED"); const msg = `A Friend has left the chat`; ws.unsubscribe("the-group-chat"); ws.publish("the-group-chat", msg); }
console.log("? Hello via Bun! ?"); const server = Bun.serve({ port: 8080, // defaults to $BUN_PORT, $PORT, $NODE_PORT otherwise 3000 fetch(req, server) { const url = new URL(req.url); if (url.pathname === "/") return new Response(Bun.file("./index.html")); if (url.pathname === "/surprise") return new Response("?"); if (url.pathname === "/chat") { if (server.upgrade(req)) { return; // do not return a Response } return new Response("Upgrade failed", { status: 400 }); } return new Response("404!"); }, websocket: { message(ws, message) { console.log("✉️ A new Websocket Message is received: " + message); ws.send("✉️ I received a message from you: " + message); ws.publish( "the-group-chat", `? Message from ${ws.remoteAddress}: ${message}`, ); }, // a message is received open(ws) { console.log("? A new Websocket Connection"); ws.subscribe("the-group-chat"); ws.send("? Welcome baby"); ws.publish("the-group-chat", "? A new friend is joining the Party"); }, // a socket is opened close(ws, code, message) { console.log("⏹️ A Websocket Connection is CLOSED"); const msg = `A Friend has left the chat`; ws.unsubscribe("the-group-chat"); ws.publish("the-group-chat", msg); }, // a socket is closed drain(ws) { console.log("DRAIN EVENT"); }, // the socket is ready to receive more data }, }); console.log(`? Server (HTTP and WebSocket) is launched ${server.url.origin}`); setInterval(() => { const msg = "Hello from the Server, this is a periodic message!"; server.publish("the-group-chat", msg); console.log(`Message sent to "the-group-chat": ${msg}`); }, 5000); // 5000 ms = 5 seconds
每 5 秒,服务器使用 server.publish(...) 向“the-group-chat”频道中的所有客户端广播一条消息。这里我们使用服务器对象。
WebSockets 是构建实时、交互式 Web 应用程序的强大工具。与传统的 HTTP 通信不同,WebSocket 提供持久的双向通道,支持服务器和连接的客户端之间的即时消息交换。这使得它们非常适合实时聊天、协作工具、游戏或任何低延迟通信至关重要的应用程序。
在本文(以及本系列)中,我们探索了使用 Bun 设置 WebSocket 服务器、处理客户端连接以及向订阅客户端广播消息的基础知识。我们还演示了如何实现一个简单的群聊系统,客户端可以加入频道、发送消息以及从其他客户端和服务器本身接收更新。
通过利用 Bun 内置的 WebSocket 支持和订阅、发布和取消订阅等功能,管理实时通信变得非常容易。无论您是发送定期更新、向所有客户端广播还是管理特定通道,WebSocket 都提供了一种高效且可扩展的方式来处理此类需求。
以上是使用 JavaScript 和 Bun 进行 WebSocket 广播的详细内容。更多信息请关注PHP中文网其他相关文章!