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如何在 Go 中使用泛型安全地创建泛型类型的类型化对象?

Barbara Streisand
Barbara Streisand原创
2024-12-08 06:55:10878浏览

How Can I Safely Create Typed Objects of a Generic Type in Go Using Generics?

使用 Go 泛型创建类型化对象

在 Go 1.18 中,泛型提供了动态操作类型的强大方法。一项常见任务是创建指定类型的新对象。考虑以下示例:

type FruitFactory[T any] struct{}

func (f FruitFactory[T]) Create() *T {
    // How to create a non-nil fruit here?
    return nil

type Apple struct {
    color string

func example() {
    appleFactory := FruitFactory[Apple]{}
    apple := appleFactory.Create()
    // Panics because nil pointer access
    apple.color = "red"

FruitFactory 尝试创建泛型类型 T 的新实例。但是,返回 nil 会使程序崩溃。让我们探讨一下在这种情况下如何创建新对象:


如果类型 T 不是指针类型,则可以创建一个变量并返回其地址:

func (f FruitFactory[T]) Create() *T {
    var a T
    return &a


func (f FruitFactory[T]) Create() *T {
    return new(T)



// Constraining a type to its pointer type
type Ptr[T any] interface {

// The first type param will match pointer types and infer U
type FruitFactory[T Ptr[U], U any] struct{}

func (f FruitFactory[T,U]) Create() T {
    // Declare var of non-pointer type. This is not nil!
    var a U
    // Address it and convert to pointer type (still not nil)
    return T(&a)

type Apple struct {
    color string

func main() {
    // Instantiating with pointer type
    appleFactory := FruitFactory[*Apple, Apple]{}
    apple := appleFactory.Create()

    // All good
    apple.color = "red"

    fmt.Println(apple) // &{red}

以上是如何在 Go 中使用泛型安全地创建泛型类型的类型化对象?的详细内容。更多信息请关注PHP中文网其他相关文章!
