使用 MySQL 将多个表中的数据组合到一个新表中
在使用关系数据库时,经常需要组合多个表中的数据到一个新表中。本问题演示了如何在 MySQL 中使用 3 路 JOIN 来实现此目的。
目标: 创建一个新表,其中包含三个现有表(人员、分类法和详情)。
people id last_name first_name email 1 Smith Fred Fred@.. 2 Jones Tom Tom@.. 3 Doe Jane Jane@.. taxonomy id taxonomy 1 age 2 gender 3 height details id person_id detail_id content 1 1 1 36 2 1 2 M 3 1 3 5'10" 4 2 1 29 5 2 2 M 6 2 3 6'3" 7 3 1 27 8 3 2 F 9 3 3 5'8"
id last_name first_name email age 1 Smith Fred Fred@.. 36 2 Jones Tom Tom@.. 29 3 Doe Jane Jane@.. 27
使用 3 向 JOIN 的解决方案:
CREATE TABLE new_table AS SELECT p.*, d.content AS age FROM people AS p JOIN details AS d ON d.person_id = p.id JOIN taxonomy AS t ON t.id = d.detail_id WHERE t.taxonomy = 'age';
要包含详细信息表中的多个属性(例如年龄、性别和身高),您需要为每个属性执行单独的 JOIN:
CREATE TABLE new_table AS SELECT p.*, d1.content AS age, d2.content AS gender, d3.content AS height FROM people AS p JOIN details AS d1 ON d1.person_id = p.id JOIN taxonomy AS t1 ON t1.id = d1.detail_id JOIN details AS d2 ON d2.person_id = p.id JOIN taxonomy AS t2 ON t2.id = d2.detail_id JOIN details AS d3 ON d3.person_id = p.id JOIN taxonomy AS t3 ON t3.id = d3.detail_id WHERE t1.taxonomy = 'age' AND t2.taxonomy = 'gender' AND t3.taxonomy = 'height';
以上是如何使用 JOIN 将三个 MySQL 表中的数据合并到一个新表中?的详细内容。更多信息请关注PHP中文网其他相关文章!