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在发送给法学硕士之前删除 PII 的简单方法

Barbara Streisand
Barbara Streisand原创
2024-11-25 20:20:18384浏览

An easy way to remove PII before sending to LLMs

并非所有场景都需要完美的匿名化。在不太严重的情况下,轻量级匿名化管道就足够了。在这里,我分享了一种基于 Python 的方法,利用 GLiNER、Faker 和 Rapidfuzz,通过用真实的占位符替换敏感实体来匿名化文本。

代码首先使用 GLiNER 识别敏感实体(例如姓名、国家/地区和职业)。然后,它用 Faker 生成的虚假实体替换这些实体。近似字符串匹配 (rapidfuzz) 确保即使文本中的变化也是匿名的。经过LLM处理后,原始实体被恢复。


from gliner import GLiNER
from faker import Faker
from faker.providers import job
import google.generativeai as genai
import re
import warnings
from rapidfuzz import process, utils

model_llm = genai.GenerativeModel("gemini-1.5-flash-002")
fake = Faker()
model_gliner = GLiNER.from_pretrained("urchade/gliner_small-v2.1")

# let's say we have this prompt along with context that we want to anonymize before sending to LLM
prompt= f"""Given the context, answer the question. \n context: Hi, I am Mayank Laddha.  I lives in India. I love my country. But I would like to go to Singapore once. I am a software developer.\n question: Where does Mayank Laddha want to go?"
# Perform entity prediction
labels = ["Person", "Country", "Profession"]
entities = model_gliner.predict_entities(prompt, labels, threshold=0.4)

# create a replacement dictionary
replacement = {}
for entity in entities: 
    if "Person" in entity["label"] and entity["text"] not in replacement:
        fake_set = {fake.name() for _ in range(3)}
        new_name = fake_set.pop()
        replacement[entity["text"]] = new_name
    elif "Country" in entity["label"] and entity["text"] not in replacement:
        name_set = {fake.country() for _ in range(10)}
        new_name = name_set.pop()
        replacement[entity["text"]] = new_name
    elif "Profession" in entity["label"] and entity["text"] not in replacement:
        name_set = {fake.job() for _ in range(20)}
        name_set = {k for k in name_set if len(k.split())==1}
        new_name = name_set.pop()
        replacement[entity["text"]] = new_name

#also create a reverse dictionary
replacement_reversed = {v: k for k, v in replacement.items()}

#perform replacement
for k, v in replacement.items():
    # Split text into a list of words
    words = prompt.split()  
    n = len(k.split()) 
    # so the key appears fully in choices
    choices = [' '.join(words[i:i+n]) for i in range(len(words) - n + 1)] 
    matches = process.extract(k, choices, limit=1, processor=utils.default_process)
    for match in matches:
        if match[1]>80:
            prompt = re.sub(match[0], v, prompt, flags=re.IGNORECASE)

response = model_llm.generate_content(prompt)
content = response.text
print("llm response",content)

#perform replacement again
for k, v in replacement_reversed.items():
    words = content.split()  
    n = len(k.split())
    choices = [' '.join(words[i:i+n]) for i in range(len(words) - n + 1)]
    matches = process.extract(k, choices, limit=1, processor=utils.default_process)
    for match in matches:
        if match[1]>80:
            content = re.sub(match[0], v, content, flags=re.IGNORECASE)

print("final result", content)

以上是在发送给法学硕士之前删除 PII 的简单方法的详细内容。更多信息请关注PHP中文网其他相关文章!
