使用 MySQL 触发器将行插入另一个表
在 MySQL 等关系数据库管理系统中,触发器在自动化某些数据库操作方面发挥着关键作用响应特定事件,例如数据插入、删除或修改。在这种情况下,让我们深入研究创建触发器的主题,该触发器在给定表中插入行时将行插入到另一个表中。
The目标是在“comments”表上创建一个 MySQL 触发器来监视每一行插入事件。当插入新的评论行时,触发器应执行以下任务:
CREATE TRIGGER <trigger_name> AFTER INSERT ON <source_table> FOR EACH ROW BEGIN -- Retrieve the ID of the newly inserted row DECLARE last_insert_id INT; SET last_insert_id = LAST_INSERT_ID(); -- Insert data into the "activities" table INSERT INTO <target_table> (column_list) VALUES (new.column1, new.column2, ..., last_insert_id); END
-- Create the "comments" and "activities" tables CREATE TABLE comments ( comment_id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, user_id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL ) ENGINE=INNODB; CREATE TABLE activities ( activity_id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, comment_id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, user_id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL ) ENGINE=INNODB; -- Create the trigger to insert data into the "activities" table CREATE TRIGGER comments_after_ins_trig AFTER INSERT ON comments FOR EACH ROW BEGIN -- Retrieve the ID of the newly inserted comment row DECLARE last_insert_id INT; SET last_insert_id = LAST_INSERT_ID(); -- Insert data into the "activities" table INSERT INTO activities (comment_id, user_id) VALUES (new.comment_id, new.user_id); END; -- Insert some data into the "comments" table INSERT INTO comments (user_id) VALUES (1), (2); -- Query the "comments" and "activities" tables to observe the results SELECT * FROM comments; SELECT * FROM activities;
以上是如何使用 MySQL 触发器将行插入到另一个表中?的详细内容。更多信息请关注PHP中文网其他相关文章!