让我们考虑一个支付处理系统,它允许用户使用不同的方式付款,例如信用卡、PayPal和加密货币。每种方法的付款处理方式有所不同,但上下文(本例中为 ShoppingCart)需要能够处理付款,而不必担心每种付款方法的具体情况。
public enum PaymentMethod { CREDIT_CARD, PAYPAL, CRYPTOCURRENCY; }
public class PaymentInformation { private PaymentMethod paymentMethod; private String paymentDetails; public PaymentInformation(PaymentMethod paymentMethod, String paymentDetails) { this.paymentMethod = paymentMethod; this.paymentDetails = paymentDetails; } public PaymentMethod getPaymentMethod() { return paymentMethod; } public String getPaymentDetails() { return paymentDetails; } }
这将是所有支付策略的基本界面。它定义了通用方法 pay(),所有具体策略都会实现该方法。
public abstract class PaymentStrategy { protected PaymentInformation paymentInformation; public PaymentStrategy(PaymentInformation paymentInformation) { this.paymentInformation = paymentInformation; } public abstract void pay(double amount); protected boolean validatePaymentDetails() { return paymentInformation != null && paymentInformation.getPaymentDetails() != null && !paymentInformation.getPaymentDetails().isEmpty(); } }
Here, we implement the concrete strategies for CreditCardPayment, PayPalPayment, and CryptoPayment. Each of these classes implements the pay() method according to the payment type.
public class CreditCardPayment extends PaymentStrategy { public CreditCardPayment(PaymentInformation paymentInformation) { super(paymentInformation); } @Override public void pay(double amount) { if (validatePaymentDetails()) { System.out.println("Paid " + amount + " using Credit Card: " + paymentInformation.getPaymentDetails()); } else { System.out.println("Invalid Credit Card details."); } } }
public class PayPalPayment extends PaymentStrategy { public PayPalPayment(PaymentInformation paymentInformation) { super(paymentInformation); } @Override public void pay(double amount) { if (validatePaymentDetails()) { System.out.println("Paid " + amount + " using PayPal: " + paymentInformation.getPaymentDetails()); } else { System.out.println("Invalid PayPal details."); } } }
public class CryptoPayment extends PaymentStrategy { public CryptoPayment(PaymentInformation paymentInformation) { super(paymentInformation); } @Override public void pay(double amount) { if (validatePaymentDetails()) { System.out.println("Paid " + amount + " using Cryptocurrency to address: " + paymentInformation.getPaymentDetails()); } else { System.out.println("Invalid cryptocurrency address."); } } }
We will use the Factory Pattern to instantiate the appropriate payment strategy based on the payment method. This makes the system more flexible and allows the client to select a payment method at runtime.
public class PaymentStrategyFactory { public static PaymentStrategy createPaymentStrategy(PaymentInformation paymentInformation) { switch (paymentInformation.getPaymentMethod()) { case CREDIT_CARD: return new CreditCardPayment(paymentInformation); case PAYPAL: return new PayPalPayment(paymentInformation); case CRYPTOCURRENCY: return new CryptoPayment(paymentInformation); default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported payment method: " + paymentInformation.getPaymentMethod()); } } }
The ShoppingCart class is the context where the payment strategy is used. It delegates the payment responsibility to the strategy selected by the factory.
public class ShoppingCart { private PaymentStrategy paymentStrategy; public ShoppingCart(PaymentInformation paymentInformation) { this.paymentStrategy = PaymentStrategyFactory.createPaymentStrategy(paymentInformation); } public void checkout(double amount) { paymentStrategy.pay(amount); } public void setPaymentInformation(PaymentInformation paymentInformation) { this.paymentStrategy = PaymentStrategyFactory.createPaymentStrategy(paymentInformation); } }
public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { PaymentInformation cardInfo = new PaymentInformation(PaymentMethod.CREDIT_CARD, "1234-5678-9876"); ShoppingCart cart = new ShoppingCart(cardInfo); cart.checkout(250.0); PaymentInformation paypalInfo = new PaymentInformation(PaymentMethod.PAYPAL, "john.doe@example.com"); cart.setPaymentInformation(paypalInfo); cart.checkout(150.0); PaymentInformation cryptoInfo = new PaymentInformation(PaymentMethod.CRYPTOCURRENCY, "1A2B3C4D5E6F"); cart.setPaymentInformation(cryptoInfo); cart.checkout(500.0); } }
Paid 250.0 using Credit Card: 1234-5678-9876 Paid 150.0 using PayPal: john.doe@example.com Paid 500.0 using Cryptocurrency to address: 1A2B3C4D5E6F
behavior changes without modifying the core logic.
Das Strategiemuster ist ein wesentliches Entwurfsmuster, um Flexibilität und Modularität in Ihrem System zu erreichen. Es bietet eine elegante Möglichkeit, Algorithmen zu kapseln und ermöglicht Laufzeitflexibilität, ohne vorhandenen Code zu ändern. Egal, ob Sie ein Zahlungsverarbeitungssystem, eine Sortieralgorithmus-Bibliothek oder sogar eine Gaming-KI-Engine erstellen, das Strategiemuster kann dazu beitragen, dass Ihr Code wartbarer, erweiterbarer und einfacher zu ändern ist, wenn sich die Anforderungen ändern.
Durch die Nutzung von Abstraktion, Aufzählungen und dem Factory-Muster können Sie noch robustere Systeme erstellen, die sowohl typsicher als auch flexibel sind.