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Susan Sarandon
Susan Sarandon原创
2024-11-04 17:42:02786浏览

The Journey of Creating an Auto-Jump Dino Script

我睡不着。也许是因为我之前喝了三杯咖啡,或者也许是因为我的思绪飞速运转。不管怎样,我发现自己焦躁不安,无法入睡。我没有与失眠作斗争,而是决定编码。还有什么比创建一个让 Chrome 离线游戏中的恐龙自行跳跃的脚本更好的方式来花费这些精力呢?




// Auto jump function
function autoJump() {
  const checkObstacle = setInterval(() => {
    const tRex = Runner.instance_.tRex;

    // Check if an obstacle is near
    const obstacles = Runner.instance_.horizon.obstacles;

    if (obstacles.length > 0) {
      const obstacle = obstacles[0];

      // If the obstacle is close and within jumpable range, make the Dino jump
      if (obstacle.xPos < 70 && obstacle.xPos > 20 && !tRex.jumping) {
  }, 10); // Check every 10ms

// Start auto jump





// Create the button to toggle auto-jump
const toggleButton = createToggleButton();

let autoJumpActive = false; // Auto-jump initially inactive
let autoJumpInterval = null; // Store interval ID
let jumpCount = 0; // Count the number of jumps
let obstacleCount = 0; // Count the number of obstacles encountered
let isCrouching = false; // Track crouch state

// Function to create the toggle button
function createToggleButton() {
  const button = document.createElement('button');
  button.innerText = 'Activate Auto-Jump';
  button.addEventListener('click', toggleAutoJump);
  return button;

// Function to style the toggle button
function styleToggleButton(button) {
  button.style.position = 'fixed';
  button.style.top = '10px';
  button.style.left = '10px';
  button.style.padding = '10px';
  button.style.zIndex = '1000';
  button.style.backgroundColor = '#4CAF50';
  button.style.color = '#fff';
  button.style.border = 'none';
  button.style.cursor = 'pointer';

// Function to simulate a key press
function simulateKeyPress(keyCode, key) {
  const event = new KeyboardEvent('keydown', {
    keyCode: keyCode,
    code: key,
    key: key,
    bubbles: true,
    cancelable: true,

// Function to simulate a key release
function simulateKeyRelease(keyCode, key) {
  const event = new KeyboardEvent('keyup', {
    keyCode: keyCode,
    code: key,
    key: key,
    bubbles: true,
    cancelable: true,

// Function to calculate adaptive distances for jumping and crouching based on speed
function calculateAdaptiveDistance(baseDistance) {
  const speed = Runner.instance_.currentSpeed;
  return baseDistance + speed * 3; // Adjust the multiplier as needed for more precision

// Function to start auto-jumping and crouching
function startAutoJump() {
  autoJumpInterval = setInterval(() => {
    const tRex = Runner.instance_.tRex;
    const obstacles = Runner.instance_.horizon.obstacles;
    const speed = Runner.instance_.currentSpeed; // Get the current speed of the game

    if (obstacles.length > 0) {
      const obstacle = obstacles[0];
      const distanceToObstacle = obstacle.xPos - tRex.xPos; // Distance from Dino to the obstacle

      // Dynamically calculate the adaptive jump and crouch distances based on game speed
      const jumpDistance = calculateAdaptiveDistance(100); // Base distance is 100, adjusted by speed
      const crouchDistance = calculateAdaptiveDistance(50); // Base crouch distance is 50
      const safeDistance = 40; // Minimum safe distance to avoid jumping too early

      // Check if the Dino needs to jump or crouch
      if (distanceToObstacle < jumpDistance && distanceToObstacle > safeDistance) {
        if (!tRex.jumping && !isCrouching) { // Ensure Dino is not crouching or jumping
          jumpCount++; // Increment jump count
          simulateKeyPress(32, ' '); // Simulate jump (spacebar)
      } else if (distanceToObstacle <= crouchDistance && distanceToObstacle > safeDistance && !tRex.jumping) {
        // Only crouch if the Dino is not jumping
        simulateKeyPress(40, 'ArrowDown'); // Simulate crouch (down arrow)
        isCrouching = true; // Set crouch state to true
      } else if (obstacle.typeConfig.type === 'PTERODACTYL' && obstacle.yPos < 70) {
        // Crouch if the obstacle is a Pterodactyl flying high
        simulateKeyPress(40, 'ArrowDown'); // Simulate crouch (down arrow)
        isCrouching = true; // Set crouch state to true

      // Release crouch when the obstacle is passed (Dino's xPos is greater than obstacle's xPos)
      if (tRex.xPos > obstacle.xPos && isCrouching) {
        simulateKeyRelease(40, 'ArrowDown'); // Release crouch (down arrow)
        isCrouching = false; // Reset crouch state

    // Update obstacle count
    obstacleCount = Runner.instance_.horizon.obstacles.length;

  }, 50); // Reduced interval time to 50ms for more frequent checks

// Function to stop auto-jumping
function stopAutoJump() {
  autoJumpActive = false; // Reset auto-jump state
  toggleButton.innerText = 'Activate Auto-Jump';
  toggleButton.style.backgroundColor = '#4CAF50';

// Function to toggle auto-jump
function toggleAutoJump() {
  if (autoJumpActive) {
  } else {
    toggleButton.innerText = 'Deactivate Auto-Jump';
    toggleButton.style.backgroundColor = '#f44336';
  autoJumpActive = !autoJumpActive; // Toggle the state

// Detecting game over
const originalGameOver = Runner.prototype.gameOver;
Runner.prototype.gameOver = function() {
  stopAutoJump(); // Stop auto-jumping on game over
  originalGameOver.apply(this, arguments); // Call the original game over function

// Detecting when the game restarts
const originalStartGame = Runner.prototype.startGame;
Runner.prototype.startGame = function() {
  originalStartGame.apply(this, arguments);
  if (autoJumpActive) {
    startAutoJump(); // Restart auto-jump on game restart




