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jsDoc 布道

Mary-Kate Olsen
Mary-Kate Olsen原创
2024-10-28 06:22:02848浏览


使用遗留代码库 - 我们中的许多人无法一次又一次地躲避 - 让我尝试使用 jsDoc 而不是 Typescript。我必须揭露令人惊讶的真相!

首先让我们清理一下: jsDoc 或 TS 只是意味着在开发人员时间下(包括稍后审查、重用、在任何环境中查看该代码:git 网页、随机编辑器、chrome、firefox、. ..:devtool、vim、cat ... );


只需打开编辑器,写下适当的注释即可测试 jsDoc 是否正常工作。

/** @typedef { 'JS' | 'JQuery' | 'TS' | 'jsDoc' } Phase; */

 * On typing ' editor will popup string list.
 * @type {Phase}
const badCase = 'React'; // !!!! lint alert !!!!

/** @type {Phase} */
const goodCase = 'JQuery';

jsDoc 与 Typescript

根据我的经验,jsDoc 能够替换 TS 代码,此外两者之间存在虫洞。

最大的 jsDoc 功能imho:这是使用标准的 JS 注释系统,所以不要破坏任何 JS 代码,此代码将在 JS 能够运行的任何地方运行。

feature jsDoc Typescript
compiling freedom Do not need compiling the code. mandatory to compile
dependency freedom Can working without any dependency at least TS is your dependency
namespace freedom Don't interfere Types and other imports names. You can use same name of component and component Type in React for example. Typesript names are identical including as any other referenct
rework freedom Don't need to change existing code, just insert a comment. at least some part in your code need to be turn to TS
legacy freedom Can be use even transform to Typescript the project is not option. Many legacy projects affected this situation. need to push management to allow that modification
Maximalism freedom Don't need to use every where. Even you can use on a new commits, and after easy to search which is the new or reworked parts. also enough to turn build system, and just part of code to TS
future freedom Later can easy trasnlate to TS. Under the hood this is use same technic, just different way. need to work if decide to use JS instead TS
mindset freedom Because this is a comment your know well this is don't made any type check at runtime for you as TS also. TS is noising your code

jsDoc 编辑经验



我还创建了一个 npm 模块:jsdoc-duck:一个 jsDoc 编码模块。这强调了如果没有 TypeScript,就不可能创建 jsDoc npm 模块。也许如果我花更多的时间来弄清楚 vite 构建参数,那么就可以找到正确的解决方案。但好消息是,如果不在 npm 中使用该模块,而是借用我们的代码:只需将 index.js 复制到某个位置 - 那么我们就可以将新的依赖项插入到我们的程序中,并且不会发生任何事情如果模块所有者将模块转为其他东西。

jsDoc 之间的虫洞打字稿

好消息是 Typescript 和 jsDoc 相互兼容,只是 jsDoc 使用了一些不同的语法。但是您可以在打字稿中使用 jsDoc 模块类型,也可以在 javascript / js jsDoc 程序中使用打字稿模块类型。所以最终决定权在你手中。


VS 代码示例展示了如何很好地看到 jsDoc 代码中的类型,在我看来,这给您的代码带来的噪音令人惊讶地减少了。

jsDoc Evangelism


:: VS 代码片段

/** @typedef { 'JS' | 'JQuery' | 'TS' | 'jsDoc' } Phase; */

 * On typing ' editor will popup string list.
 * @type {Phase}
const badCase = 'React'; // !!!! lint alert !!!!

/** @type {Phase} */
const goodCase = 'JQuery';

:: jsdoc-duck 代码

(在此视图中语法突出显示无助于理解类型)。但是这个简短的程序是一个很好的例子,jsDoc 也可以使用 TS 的高级功能。

  "@type": {
    "prefix": ["ty"],
    "body": ["/** @type {<pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false">import { useMemo, useReducer } from "react";

 * @template T - Payload Type
 * @typedef {T extends { type: infer U, payload?: infer P } ? { type: U, payload?: P } : never} ActionType

/** @template AM - Actions Map @typedef {{ [K in AM['type']]: K }} Labels */

/** @template AM - Actions Map @typedef {{ [T in AM["type"]]: Extract<AM, { type: T }> extends { payload: infer P } ? (payload: P) => void : () => void }} Quack */

 * @template ST - State
 * @template AM - Actions Map
 * @typedef {(state: ST, action: AM) => ST} Reducer

 * Factory function to create a typed action map.
 * @template AM - Actions Map
 * @param {Labels<AM>} labelsObject - The keys representing action labels.
 * @param {function} dispatch - The dispatch function for actions.
 * @return {Quack<AM>} The resulting typed action map.
export const quackFactory = (labelsObject, dispatch) => Object
     * @arg {Quack<AM>} acc
     * @arg {keyof Labels<AM>} type
     * @return {Quack<AM>}
    (acc, type) => ({
    [type]: (payload) => {dispatch({ type, payload });}
  }), {});

 * A factory hook to create a state and a typed dispatch functions\
 * @exports useDuck
 * @template AM - Actions Map
 * @template ST - State Typer
 * @param {(st: ST, action: AM) => ST} reducer - The reducer function to manage the state.
 * @param {ST} initialState - The initial state value.
 * @return {[ST, Quack<AM>]} The current state and a map of action dispatch functions.
export const useDuck = (reducer, initialState, labels) => {
  const [state, dispatch] = useReducer(reducer, initialState);
  const quack = useMemo(
    () => quackFactory(labels, dispatch),
    [dispatch, labels]
  return ([state, quack]);
} */"], "description": "jsdoc type" }, "@typedef": { "prefix": ["td"], "body": ["/** @typedef {} Foo */"], "description": "jsdoc typedef" },


以上是jsDoc 布道的详细内容。更多信息请关注PHP中文网其他相关文章!
