首页  >  文章  >  数据库  >  以下是一些适合您提供的文章的基于问题的标题: * 如何使用 LEFT JOIN 和子查询将学生主题合并到一条记录中? * 创建统一的学生数据结构

以下是一些适合您提供的文章的基于问题的标题: * 如何使用 LEFT JOIN 和子查询将学生主题合并到一条记录中? * 创建统一的学生数据结构

Susan Sarandon
Susan Sarandon原创
2024-10-26 23:01:31644浏览

Here are a few question-based titles that fit your provided article:

* How to Merge Student Subjects into One Record with a LEFT JOIN and Subqueries?
* Creating a Unified Student Data Structure with Subjects and Semester Scores: A SQL Query Approach
* Ef



<code class="json">[
"userid": "1", - from users table
"username": "joe",  - from users table 
"subjectsid": "1", - first subject id for the student in this case the one for phy
"subjectname": "bio", - current subject name 
"activepts": "652", - points of current month
"totalpts": "717", - total points of all subjects for this student
"sem1": "32", - total points of all subjects for this student of semester 1
"sem2": "0", - total points of all subjects for this student of semester 2
"sem3": "685", - total points of all subjects for this student of semester 3

所以我得到了一个且只有一个答案,但答案没有告诉我该怎么做,只是告诉我为什么我需要使用 LEFT JOIN并向我解释 LEFT JOIN 在我的情况下会做什么,所以我将再次解释我需要做什么,然后我将通过代码和一些示例解释如何做到这一点:


1- 每个学生将有一个响应
2- 每个响应包含他的所有科目,每个科目将是一行
3- 第一行将包含该学生的一些静态数据:

  • userid:users 表中用户的 id
  • username:users 表中用户的名称
  • subjectsid:第一个主题的 id该学生的
  • 科目名称:该行现在的当前科目名称
  • activepts:当前科目的分数
  • totalpts:该学生在所有科目
  • sem1,sem2,sem3:该学生每学期的总分



<code class="php">$sql = 'SELECT 
                users.name AS username,
                    SELECT id 
                    FROM tbsubjects 
                    WHERE userid = subjects.userid 
                    ORDER BY id ASC 
                    LIMIT 1
                ) AS subjectsid,
                    SELECT name 
                    FROM tbsubjects 
                        userid = subjects.userid 
                        ORDER BY time DESC
                        LIMIT 1
                ) AS subjectname,
                    SELECT IFNULL(SUM(points), 0) 
                    FROM tbsubjects 
                        userid = subjects.userid 
                        AND month = DATE_FORMAT(NOW(), "%c")
                ) AS activepts,
                IFNULL(SUM(subjects.points), 0) AS totalpts,
                    SELECT IFNULL(SUM(points), 0) 
                    FROM tbsubjects 
                        userid = subjects.userid 
                        AND semester = 1
                ) AS sem1,
                    SELECT IFNULL(SUM(points), 0) 
                    FROM tbsubjects 
                        userid = subjects.userid 
                        AND semester = 2
                ) AS sem2,
                    SELECT IFNULL(SUM(points), 0) 
                    FROM tbsubjects 
                        userid = subjects.userid 
                        AND semester = 3
                ) AS sem3 
                tbsubjects AS subjects 
                LEFT JOIN tbusers AS users ON users.id = subjects.userid 
            WHERE subjects.userid = :userid';

    $bindings = array(
        ':userid' => $userID,

    $users = $statement->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_OBJ);</code>

1- 字段在 SELECT 语句中,您可以看到它们分为 2 组,顶部的第一个是学生的静态字段,其余的将从表 tbsubjects
2 中获取值 - LEFT JOIN 函数负责获取表 tbsubjects 中的所有 (userid) 并通过它们之间的公共键 userid 合并它们,这意味着现在每个用户将由至少一行表示,其中包含他的第一个主题 ( ORDER BY id ASC ),然后是他的所有其他主题,但是它们已经合并在一行中,将在其余行中重复,作为学生的静态字段


<code class="json">[
"userid": "1", - from users table
"username": "joe",  - from users table 
"subjectsid": "1", - first subject id for the student in this case the one for phy
"subjectname": "bio", - current subject name 
"activepts": "652", - points of current month
"totalpts": "717", - total points of all subjects for this student
"sem1": "32", - total points of all subjects for this student of semester 1
"sem2": "0", - total points of all subjects for this student of semester 2
"sem3": "685", - total points of all subjects for this student of semester 3
"userid": "1", - from users table
"username": "joe",  - from users table 
"subjectsid": "1", - first subject id for the student in this case the one for phy
"subjectname": "phy", - current subject name 
"activepts": "10", - points of current month
"totalpts": "717", - total points of all subjects for this student
"sem1": "32", - total points of all subjects for this student of semester 1
"sem2": "0", - total points of all subjects for this student of semester 2
"sem3": "685", - total points of all subjects for this student of semester 3
"userid": "1", - from users table
"username": "joe",  - from users table 
"subjectsid": "1", - first subject id for the student in this case the one for phy
"subjectname": "math", - current subject name 
"activepts": "33", - points of current month
"totalpts": "717", - total points of all subjects for this student
"sem1": "32", - total points of all subjects for this student of semester 1
"sem2": "0", - total points of all subjects for this student of semester 2
"sem3": "685", - total points of all subjects for this student of semester 3

以上是以下是一些适合您提供的文章的基于问题的标题: * 如何使用 LEFT JOIN 和子查询将学生主题合并到一条记录中? * 创建统一的学生数据结构的详细内容。更多信息请关注PHP中文网其他相关文章!
