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Patricia Arquette
Patricia Arquette原创
2024-10-18 06:08:21218浏览

Billy Markus and Jackson Palmer launched Dogecoin in 2013 as a lighthearted jab at the seriousness of the crypto industry. Over the years, Dogecoin has built a reputation


Billy Markus and Jackson Palmer created Dogecoin (CRYPTO: DOGE) in 2013 as a lighthearted jab at the seriousness of the crypto industry.

Over the years, Dogecoin has built a reputation as a positive force in the often murky world of cryptocurrency, a sentiment that remains alive today through the Dogecoin Manifesto.

As the original memecoin, Dogecoin established a unique niche that countless imitators have tried to replicate.

Yet even now, Markus is astonished by how his creation has grown into the phenomenon it is today.

Markus Blown Away By Dogecoin’s Success

In a recent post, Markus expressed astonishment at Dogecoin’s evolution from a joke into a multibillion-dollar project, saying, “It’s still wild to me.”

Many people assume that such success stems from careful planning and strategic decision-making. However, Markus revealed that the entire creation process took just two hours, and he “didn’t consider anything” at all.

Memecoins are known for their high-risk, high-reward potential, and they have been credited with turning everyday investors into overnight millionaires.



在 2021 年 Reddit 帖子中,Markus 透露,他在失业后于 2015 年出售了整个加密货币投资组合并离开了狗狗币。他用部分收益购买了一辆二手本田思域。

当时,狗狗币正在改写投资规则,市值飙升至令人难以置信的 845 亿美元,与斯里兰卡当时的经济总产值持平,并可与 IBM(纽约证券交易所股票代码:)等传统蓝筹股的估值相媲美。 IBM)和美国运通(纽约证券交易所代码:AXP)。

在这篇文章中,马库斯强调,真正的价值在于快乐、善良、同理心和乐趣,而不是对财富的不懈追求,这种情绪与早期 DOGE 投资​​者新发现的财富所带来的眩晕感形成鲜明对比。

快进到今天,Markus 透露,他在 2015 年清算的加密货币投资组合包括“50 个比特币、440 个莱特币和 600 万个狗狗币。”

按照目前的价格,该投资组合现在的价值约为 410 万美元,这为他的故事增添了苦乐参半的转折。




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