Dans la partie précédente de cet article, nous avons implémenté le design général du projet Full Stack. Nous avons également conçu et implémenté la partie web du projet à l'aide de tests fonctionnels. Je recommande de revoir la partie précédente pour une compréhension plus claire du matériel abordé jusqu'à présent.
Dans cette partie, nous appliquerons la même approche — conception via des définitions de tests fonctionnels — à la partie API du projet et à sa sortie.
Pour implémenter la partie API, nous utiliserons Python (bien que n'importe quel autre langage puisse également être utilisé).
Comment le composant WebPart a-t-il aidé ?
Le composant WebPart implémenté fournit :
Comme démontré, le webpart peut s'exécuter sans connexion à la partie API, grâce à l'utilisation de mocks.
Ces simulations peuvent nous aider à définir les objectifs détaillés de la partie API.
Les mocks définis dans la partie Web part (mocks.ts) sont :
const mockAuthRequest = async (page: Page, url: string) => { await page.route(url, async (route) => { if (route.request().method() === 'GET') { if (await route.request().headerValue('Authorization')) { await route.fulfill({status: StatusCodes.OK}) } } }) } export const mockUserExistance = async (page: Page, url: string) => { await mockAuthRequest(page, url) } export const mockUserInfo = async (page: Page, url: string, expectedApiResponse: object) => { await mockRequest(page, url, expectedApiResponse) } export const mockUserNotFound = async (page: Page, url: string) => { await mockRequest(page, url, {}, StatusCodes.NOT_FOUND) } export const mockServerError = async (page: Page, url: string) => { await mockRequest(page, url, {}, StatusCodes.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR) } export const mockUserAdd = async (page: Page, userInfo: UserInfo, url: string) => { await mockRequest(page, url, {}, StatusCodes.CREATED, 'POST') } export const mockUserAddFail = async (page: Page, expectedApiResponse: object, url: string) => { await mockRequest(page, url, expectedApiResponse, StatusCodes.BAD_REQUEST, 'POST') } export const mockExistingUserAddFail = async (page: Page, userInfo: UserInfo, url: string) => { await mockRequest(page, url, {}, StatusCodes.CONFLICT, 'POST') } export const mockServerErrorUserAddFail = async (page: Page, url: string) => { await mockRequest(page, url, {}, StatusCodes.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, 'POST') }
Définir les objectifs et la conception de l'API
Sur la base du WebPart développé, décrivons les principaux objectifs (cas d'utilisation) de l'API :
À partir des tests fonctionnels du composant WebPart, nous avons dérivé les définitions de point de terminaison suivantes pour l'API :
Pour obtenir toutes les fonctionnalités, nous devons ajouter une méthode DELETE au point de terminaison /user, même si elle n'a pas été utilisée dans la partie Web.
Voici la conception générale de la partie API :
Outils que nous utiliserons (bien que des alternatives similaires puissent être remplacées) :
Définition du test
Nous implémenterons la conception de la partie API en suivant la même approche que dans la partie précédente :
Les tests fonctionnels de l’API sont plus simples que ceux de la partie Web. Vous pouvez trouver le code du test ici. A titre d'exemple, regardons les tests de suppression d'un utilisateur et du point de terminaison correspondant.
Voici les tests de suppression d'un utilisateur (delete_user.py) :
from hamcrest import assert_that, equal_to from requests import request, codes, Response from src.storage.UserInfoType import UserInfoType from tests.constants import BASE_URL, USR_URL, USR_INFO_URL from tests.functional.utils.user import add_user class TestDeleteUser: @staticmethod def _deleting(user_name: str) -> Response: url = f"{BASE_URL}/{USR_URL}/{user_name}" return request("DELETE", url) def test_delete_user(self, user_info: UserInfoType): add_user(user_info) response = self._deleting(user_info.name) assert_that( response.status_code, equal_to(codes.ok), "Invalid response status code", ) url = f"{BASE_URL}/{USR_INFO_URL}/{user_info.name}" response = request("GET", url) assert_that( response.status_code, equal_to(codes.not_found), "User is not deleted", ) def test_delete_nonexistent_user(self, user_info: UserInfoType): response = self._deleting(user_info.name) assert_that( response.status_code, equal_to(codes.not_found), "Invalid response status code", ) def test_get_info_deleted_user(self, user_info: UserInfoType): add_user(user_info) self._deleting(user_info.name) url = f"{BASE_URL}/{USR_INFO_URL}/{user_info.name}" response = request("GET", url) assert_that( response.status_code, equal_to(codes.not_found), "User is not deleted", )
Implémentation du serveur API
La définition des points de terminaison dans Falcon (app.py)
import falcon.asgi from src.resources.UserInfo import UserInfo from src.resources.UserOperations import UserOperations from .resources.Health import Health from .storage.UsersInfoStorage import UsersInfoStorage from .storage.UsersInfoStorageInMemory import UsersInfoStorageInMemory def create_app(storage: UsersInfoStorage = UsersInfoStorageInMemory()): app = falcon.asgi.App(cors_enable=True) usr_ops = UserOperations(storage) usr_info = UserInfo(storage) app.add_route("/user", usr_ops) app.add_route("/user_info/{name}", usr_info) app.add_route("/user/{name}", usr_ops) app.add_route("/health", Health()) return app
Il est maintenant temps de supprimer les points de terminaison. Cela nous permet d'exécuter le serveur API, même si tous les tests échoueront initialement. Pour notre stub, nous utiliserons un code qui renvoie une réponse avec le code d'état 501 (Non implémenté).
Voici un exemple de stubs dans l'un des fichiers de ressources de notre application Falcon :
class UserOperations: def __init__(self, storage: UsersInfoStorage): self._storage: UsersInfoStorage = storage async def on_get(self, req: Request, resp: Response): resp.status = HTTP_501 async def on_post(self, req: Request, resp: Response): resp.status = HTTP_501 async def on_delete(self, _req: Request, resp: Response, name): resp.status = HTTP_501
Remplacons chaque stub par le code requis, comme démontré dans le composant WebPart, jusqu'à ce que tous les tests soient réussis. (Le code final des points de terminaison peut être trouvé ici.)
Le processus s'appelle Red-Green-Refactor :
Voici un exemple de remplacement d'un stub par du vrai code dans le point de terminaison pour supprimer un utilisateur :
class UserOperations: def __init__(self, storage: UsersInfoStorage): self._storage: UsersInfoStorage = storage async def on_get(self, req: Request, resp: Response): resp.status = HTTP_501 async def on_post(self, req: Request, resp: Response): resp.status = HTTP_501 async def on_delete(self, _req: Request, resp: Response, name): try: self._storage.delete(name) resp.status = HTTP_200 except ValueError as e: update_error_response(e, HTTP_404, resp)
Un test E2E doit être ajouté pour vérifier le processus complet de ajout d'un utilisateur → authentification → suppression de l'utilisateur (e2e.py) :
from hamcrest import assert_that, equal_to from requests import request, codes from src.storage.UserInfoType import UserInfoType from tests.constants import BASE_URL, USR_URL, USR_INFO_URL from tests.functional.utils.user import add_user from tests.utils.auth import create_auth_headers class TestE2E: def test_e2e(self, user_info: UserInfoType): add_user(user_info) url = f"{BASE_URL}/{USR_URL}" response = request("GET", url, headers=create_auth_headers(user_info)) assert_that(response.status_code, equal_to(codes.ok), "User is not authorized") url = f"{BASE_URL}/{USR_INFO_URL}/{user_info.name}" response = request("GET", url) assert_that( response.json(), equal_to(dict(user_info)), "Invalid user info", ) url = f"{BASE_URL}/{USR_URL}/{user_info.name}" request("DELETE", url) url = f"{BASE_URL}/{USR_INFO_URL}/{user_info.name}" response = request("GET", url) assert_that( response.status_code, equal_to(codes.not_found), "User should not be found", )
Résumé du processus de développement de pièces API
Dans l'ensemble, le processus reflète celui du composant WebPart mais est plus rationalisé. En effet, nous avons déjà défini les objectifs généraux lors de la phase de développement Web. Notre objectif ici est principalement de définir les tests fonctionnels pour l'API.
Les parties Web et API du projet étant désormais terminées et testées indépendamment, nous passons à l'étape finale.
The last step is to integrate the Web and API components. We’ll use End-to-End (E2E) testing in the Web part to facilitate this integration. As we defined earlier, the main purpose of the project is to enable user registration and sign-in. Therefore, our E2E test should verify the entire process of user registration and subsequent sign-in in one comprehensive test sequence.
It’s worth noting that E2E tests don’t use mocks. Instead, they interact directly with the Web app connected to the API server, simulating real-world usage. (e2e.spec.ts)
import {expect, test} from "@playwright/test"; import axios from 'axios'; import {fail} from 'assert' import {faker} from "@faker-js/faker"; import {buildUserInfo, UserInfo} from "./helpers/user_info"; import {RegistrationPage} from "../infra/page-objects/RegisterationPage"; import {RegistrationSucceededPage} from "../infra/page-objects/RegistrationSucceededPage"; import {LoginPage} from "../infra/page-objects/LoginPage"; import {WelcomePage} from "../infra/page-objects/WelcomePage"; const apiUrl = process.env.API_URL; const apiUserUrl = `${apiUrl}/user` async function createUser(): Promise<UserInfo> { const userInfo = { name: faker.internet.userName(), password: faker.internet.password(), last_name: faker.person.lastName(), first_name: faker.person.firstName(), } try { const response = await axios.post(apiUserUrl, userInfo) expect(response.status, "Invalid status of creating user").toBe(axios.HttpStatusCode.Created) } catch (e) { fail(`Error while creating user info: ${e}`) } return userInfo } test.describe('E2E', {tag: '@e2e'}, () => { let userInfo = null test.describe.configure({mode: 'serial'}); test.beforeAll(() => { expect(apiUrl, 'The API address is invalid').toBeDefined() userInfo = buildUserInfo() }) test.beforeEach(async ({baseURL}) => { try { const response = await axios.get(`${apiUrl}/health`) expect(response.status, 'Incorrect health status of the API service').toBe(axios.HttpStatusCode.Ok) } catch (error) { fail('API service is unreachable') } try { const response = await axios.get(`${baseURL}/health`) expect(response.status, 'The Web App service is not reachable').toBe(axios.HttpStatusCode.Ok) } catch (error) { fail('Web App service is unreachable') } }) test("user should pass registration", async ({page}) => { const registerPage = await new RegistrationPage(page).open() await registerPage.registerUser(userInfo) const successPage = new RegistrationSucceededPage(page) expect(await successPage.isOpen(), `The page ${successPage.name} is not open`).toBeTruthy() }) test("user should login", async ({page}) => { const loginPage = await new LoginPage(page).open() await loginPage.login({username: userInfo.name, password: userInfo.password}) const welcomePage = new WelcomePage(userInfo.name, page) expect(await welcomePage.isOpen(), `User is not on the ${welcomePage.name}`).toBeTruthy() }) });
As you can see, this is a sequence of tests. All the previously described tests in the Web and API parts are independent and can be run in parallel.
The Web and API components can be run separately as independent services via Docker containers.
Here’s the Dockerfile for the API server:
FROM python:3.11-alpine ENV POETRY_VERSION=1.8.1 ENV PORT=8000 WORKDIR /app COPY . . RUN apk --no-cache add curl && pip install "poetry==$POETRY_VERSION" && poetry install --no-root --only=dev EXPOSE $PORT CMD ["sh", "-c", "poetry run uvicorn src.asgi:app --log-level trace --host --port $PORT"]
Here’s the Dockerfile of the Web app:
FROM node:22.7.0-alpine WORKDIR /app COPY . . ENV API_URL="http://localhost:8000" ENV WEB_APP_PORT="3000" RUN apk --no-cache add curl && npm install --production && npm run build EXPOSE $WEB_APP_PORT CMD ["npm", "start"]
The Docker composition of the both parts:
services: web: image: web container_name: web-app ports: - "3000:3000" environment: - API_URL=http://api:8000 depends_on: api: condition: service_healthy healthcheck: test: [ "CMD", "curl", "-f", "http://localhost:3000/health" ] interval: 5s timeout: 5s retries: 3 api: image: api container_name: api-service ports: - "8000:8000" healthcheck: test: [ "CMD", "curl", "-f", "http://localhost:8000/health" ] interval: 5s timeout: 5s retries: 3 networks: default: name: my-network
There is a script for a more convenient way of running E2E tests with the services.
It's worth noting that the ability to run the entire project or its parts separately locally demonstrates the project's testability and ease of development.
Testing should be an integral part of the CI/CD process. Therefore, workflows for CI/CD have been added to the project's repository on GitHub.
The following workflows run for each commit to the repository:
These two parts have demonstrated how to design a Full Stack project through functional test definition. Both the Web and API parts have been designed and developed independently.
This approach allows for progression from general purpose definition to more detailed specifications without losing control of the project's quality and integrity.
While this project serves as a simple example, real-world projects are often more complex. Therefore, this method is particularly useful for designing separate features.
As mentioned earlier, one of the drawbacks of this approach is the time required for development.
Another drawback is the disconnection between project parts during development. This means there's no automatic synchronization of changes between parts. For example, if there's a code change in an endpoint definition in the API part, the Web part won't be automatically aware of it.
This issue can be addressed through human inter-team synchronization (in cases of small teams or low code change frequency) or by implementing Design by Contract methodology.