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Avalanche (AVAX) 鲸鱼活动激增,价格能否反弹?

Susan Sarandon
Susan Sarandon原创
2024-10-05 13:12:19665浏览

Avalanche [AVAX] has seen a significant rise in whale activity, according to data from IntoTheBlock. As of this writing, its large transactions have surged by an impressive 98%.

Avalanche (AVAX) 鲸鱼活动激增,价格能否反弹?

cryptanalytic-outputAccording to IntoTheBlock,汇整资料显示,过去 24 小时内,笔大笔交易金额就达 2.26 亿美元。尽管 AVAX 代币价格下跌,但市场大户似乎对它愈来愈感兴趣。

cryptanalytic-outputAccording to IntoTheBlock, compiled data shows that in the past 24 hours, the amount of large transactions reached US$226 million. Despite the decline in AVAX token prices, market players appear to be increasingly interested in it.


However, this surge has not had a significant impact on trading activity, but the token price is currently accumulating bullish momentum.

有趣的是,这波鲸鱼活动激增并未转化为活跃地址增加。 IntoTheBlock 的数据显示,活跃地址数量有所下降,这表明大投资者正在进行大动作,但小型交易者或散户投资者仍然持怀疑态度。

Interestingly, this surge in whale activity did not translate into an increase in active addresses. Data from IntoTheBlock shows a decline in the number of active addresses, suggesting big investors are making big moves, but smaller traders or retail investors remain skeptical.


Market participants may simply be waiting for a clear market signal to reinvest capital.

来自 Coinglass 的数据显示,AVAX 的清算数据呈现出看涨偏好,目前价值约 2,300 万美元的代币面临清算风险,只要资产价格触及 31 美元。

Data from Coinglass shows that AVAX's liquidation data shows a bullish bias, with approximately $23 million worth of tokens currently at risk of liquidation as long as the asset price touches $31.

这表明交易员们看好在 AVAX 短期内价格上涨,并持有看涨头寸。

This shows that traders are bullish on price growth in AVAX in the short term and are holding bullish positions.

另一项证明市场将在 AVAX 最近下跌后迎来一波价格回升的证据,可以从清算池中看出。

Another piece of evidence that the market is set for a price recovery after AVAX's recent decline can be seen in the liquidation pool.

目前 AVAX 的价格正在测试 25.13 美元的关键支撑位。在过去一周下跌 22% 后,这枚代币正累积看涨动能。

AVAX price is currently testing the key support level at $25.13. The coin is accumulating bullish momentum after falling 22% over the past week.

未来几天对 AVAX 至关重要,因为它的价格必须维持在这个支撑位,否则可能会进一步下跌。然而,如果支撑位守住,一切就还有希望,因为价格逆转上涨的机率将会提高。

The next few days will be crucial for AVAX as its price must hold at this support level or it could fall further. However, if the support holds, there is hope as the odds of a price reversal higher will increase.

尽管鲸鱼活动激增,但 AVAX 的价格走势在过去 24 小时内相对平淡。

Despite the surge in whale activity, AVAX's price action has been relatively flat over the past 24 hours.

以上是Avalanche (AVAX) 鲸鱼活动激增,价格能否反弹?的详细内容。更多信息请关注PHP中文网其他相关文章!
