尝试使用 python 和 kivymd 开发 Android 应用程序..
从 kivy.animation 导入动画
从 kivy.clock 导入时钟
从 kivymd.app 导入 MDApp
从 kivy.uix.image 导入图像
从 kivymd.uix.screenmanager 导入 ScreenManager
从 kivy.uix.screenmanager 导入 Screen
类 SplashScreen(屏幕):
def on_enter(self): self.animate_logo() Clock.schedule_once(self.transition_to_main_screen, 3) # Adjust transition time as needed def animate_logo(self): logo_image = self.logo_image if logo_image: anim = Animation(size_hint_x=1.2, duration=0.5) anim.bind(on_complete=self.animate_logo_back) anim.start(logo_image) def animate_logo_back(self, *args): logo_image = self.logo_image if logo_image: anim = Animation(size_hint_x=1, duration=0.5) anim.start(logo_image) def transition_to_main_screen(self, dt): self.manager.current = 'main_screen' # Replace 'main_screen' with your main screen name
# ...(其他屏幕逻辑)
def login(self): # Implement your login logic here username = self.ids.username_field.text password = self.ids.password_field.text # ... (Check credentials, navigate to appropriate screen) def show_signup_screen(self): self.manager.current = 'signup_screen' # Replace with your signup screen name
# ...(其他应用逻辑)
def build(self): sm = ScreenManager() sm.add_widget(SplashScreen(name='splash_screen')) sm.add_widget(MainScreen(name='main_screen')) # Add your main screen sm.current = 'splash_screen' return sm
if 名称 == 'main':
MainApp().run() # 确保应用程序仅在作为脚本执行时运行
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