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Simplify Facebook Login in React with react-fb-login-btn

2024-09-18 16:56:34581浏览

Simplify Facebook Login in React with react-fb-login-btn

Hello everyone,

I want to share with you a new React component called react-fb-login-btn. It helps you add Facebook login to your React applications easily.


Adding Facebook login to your app can be hard sometimes. With react-fb-login-btn, you can do it in a simple way. This component is built with TypeScript and Tailwind CSS. It allows you to customize the button to fit your app's design.

Why Use react-fb-login-btn?

  • Easy to Use: You don't need to deal with the Facebook SDK directly.
  • Customizable: Change the button's look to match your app.
  • TypeScript Support: It uses TypeScript for better code quality.
  • Handles Events: Easy to handle login success or failure.
  • Supports RTL: Works with languages that are right-to-left.


You can install it using npm:

npm install react-fb-login-btn

Or with yarn:

yarn add react-fb-login-btn

Basic Usage

First, import the component into your project:

import React from 'react';
import { FacebookLoginButton } from 'react-fb-login-btn';

const App = () => {
  const handleSuccess = (response) => {
    console.log('Login successful:', response);
    // Handle successful login here

  const handleFailure = (error) => {
    console.error('Login failed:', error);
    // Handle login failure here

  return (

export default App;

Note: Replace "YOUR_FACEBOOK_APP_ID" with your actual Facebook App ID. You can get it from the Facebook Developers website.

Customization Options

The FacebookLoginButton has several props to customize it:

  • appId (string, required): Your Facebook App ID.
  • onSuccess (function): Called when login is successful.
  • onFail (function): Called when login fails.
  • shape (string): 'rectangular' or 'circle'. Default is 'rectangular'.
  • theme (string): 'blue', 'dark', 'light', or 'custom'. Default is 'blue'.
  • text (string): The text on the button. Default is 'Login with Facebook'.
  • scope (string): Permissions you want to request. Default is 'public_profile,email'.

More Examples

To see more examples and how to customize the button, please visit our Storybook documentation.

I hope you find it useful!

Feedback and Contributions

If you have any questions or suggestions, please visit the GitHub repository. Contributions are welcome!

Thank you for reading!

以上是Simplify Facebook Login in React with react-fb-login-btn的详细内容。更多信息请关注PHP中文网其他相关文章!
