
2024-09-14 06:26:061331浏览


Hello, my name is Jean Clenor, and I am currently living in the Netherlands. I am a Haitian-Antillean (someone born in St. Maarten with a family background in Haiti). My goal is to build two successful SaaS businesses, run a six-figure-per-month web design agency, and work as a front-end engineer, ultimately becoming a senior developer for 10 years. Essentially, I plan to progress from an unskilled employee to a skilled employee, then to a freelancer, and finally a business owner.

I recognize the need to move quickly before the tech market starts picking back up, and I want to be ready when it does.

Today's progress: I worked on my TechLabs Rotterdam course and aim to reach 50% completion. I also finished FreeCodeCamp's JavaScript course on building a calorie counter and will keep you updated on tomorrow's progress.

