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面向 Express 开发人员的 Hono:边缘计算的现代替代方案

2024-09-12 10:33:17631浏览

Hono for Express Developers: A Modern Alternative for Edge Computing

Express.js 长期以来一直是许多开发人员构建 Web 服务器时的首选。 Express 每周安装量超过 3000 万,显然已经巩固了自己作为行业标准的地位。但随着时间的推移,现代 Web 应用程序的要求也在不断变化。开发人员现在正在寻找不仅简单而且更健壮类型安全并且更适合边缘计算和无服务器环境的框架。

多年来,NestJSNext.jsNuxt.js 等框架一直在尝试发展和改善开发者体验。虽然这些框架功能强大,但它们通常非常复杂或繁重的设置过程,这可能会让人感到不知所措,尤其是对于更简单的用例。有时,开发人员需要像 Express 一样简单、轻量级但具有现代功能的东西。


Hono 提供了 Express 的简单性,并具有以下优势:更高的性能现代 Web 标准以及更好的 TypeScript 支持。在本文中,我们将比较它们的核心概念,突出差异,并展示 Hono 如何提升您的开发体验,尤其是边缘和无服务器部署。

1. 设置:简单是核心

使用 Express 设置基本服务器非常简单,Hono 也具有这种简单性。以下是初始化两个框架的快速浏览:


const express = require('express');
const app = express();

app.get('/', (req, res) => {
  res.send('Hello from Express!');

app.listen(3000, () => {
  console.log('Server is running on http://localhost:3000');

霍诺 -

import { serve } from '@hono/node-server'
import { Hono } from 'hono';
const app = new Hono();

app.get('/', (c) => c.text('Hello from Hono!'));


正如你所看到的,代码结构是相似的。这里的主要区别是 -

  • 额外的包@hono/node-server,用于为Hono应用程序提供服务。在 Node.js 环境中运行 Hono 应用程序需要此包。这也是 Hono 与 Express 的不同之处,因为您可以为所有环境使用相同的代码库。

Hono 支持 Node.js、Deno 甚至浏览器等多种环境。这使得它成为想要构建可在多个平台上运行的应用程序的开发人员的绝佳选择。您可以在 Hono 文档上查看所有支持的运行时的完整列表

  • Hono 使用单个上下文对象 c 来代替 req 和 res,其中包含有关请求和响应的所有信息。这使得使用请求和响应对象变得更加容易。这就是为什么我们有 c.text 而不是 res.send。

2. 路由:可链式且高效

就像 Express 一样,Hono 也拥有出色的路由系统。以下是在两个框架中定义路由的方法:


app.get('/user', (req, res) => {
  res.send('User page');

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app.get('/user', (c) => c.text('User page'));

除了使用单个变量 c(上下文)而不是 req 和 res 之外,Hono 中的路由系统与 Express 类似。您可以使用app.get、app.post、app.put、app.delete等定义路由

此外,由于 Hono 针对性能进行了优化,因此与 Express 相比,您可以期待更快的请求处理速度。

3. 中间件:灵活性与极简主义的结合

Express 以其中间件系统而闻名,Hono 也提供类似的功能。以下是在两个框架中使用中间件的方法:


app.use((req, res, next) => {
  console.log('Middleware in Express');

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app.use((c, next) => {
  console.log('Middleware in Hono');

4. 请求和响应处理:核心的 Web 标准

Express 使用 Node 特定的 API,例如 req 和 res,大多数开发人员都熟悉这些 API:


app.get('/data', (req, res) => {
  res.json({ message: 'Express response' });

相比之下,Hono 构建在 Fetch API 等 Web API 之上,使其更加面向未来,并且更容易适应边缘环境。

霍诺 -

app.get('/data', (c) => c.json({ message: 'Hono response' }));

这种差异可能看起来很小,但它突显了 Hono 对利用现代 Web 标准的承诺,这可以产生更易于维护和移植的代码。

5. 错误处理:一个简单、高效的系统

这两个框架都提供了处理错误的简单方法。在 Express 中,您通常定义一个错误处理中间件:


app.use((err, req, res, next) => {
  res.status(500).send('Something went wrong');

Hono 提供了类似的方法,保持事物干净且轻量:

霍诺 -

app.onError((err, c) => {
  return c.text('Something went wrong', 500);

在 Hono 中,错误处理同样简单,但还具有更清晰的语法和更好的性能的额外好处。

6. 性能比较:优势优势

性能是 Hono 真正超越 Express 的地方。 Hono 的轻量级框架在构建时考虑了速度和边缘部署,在大多数基准测试中都优于 Express。原因如下:

  • Hono uses modern Web APIs and doesn’t rely on Node.js specifics.
  • Its minimalist design makes it faster, with fewer dependencies to manage.
  • Hono can easily take advantage of edge computing environments, like Cloudflare's workers and pages or Deno.

In performance-critical applications, this makes Hono a compelling choice.

7. Deployments: Edge and Serverless First

Hono is designed from the ground up for edge and serverless environments. It seamlessly integrates with platforms like Cloudflare Workers, Vercel, and Deno Deploy. While Express is more traditional and often paired with Node.js servers, Hono thrives in modern, distributed environments.

If you’re building applications that need to run closer to the user, Hono APIs can easily run on the edge and will offer significant benefits over Express.

8. Ecosystem and Community: Growing Rapidly

Express boasts one of the largest ecosystems in the Node.js world. With thousands of middleware packages and a huge community, it's a familiar and reliable option. However, Hono’s ecosystem is growing fast. Its middleware collection is expanding, and with its focus on performance and modern web standards, more developers are adopting it for edge-first applications.

While you might miss some Express packages, the Hono community is active and building new tools every day.

You can find more about the Hono community and ecosystem on the Hono website.

9. Learning Curve: Express Devs Will Feel Right at Home

Hono’s API is designed to be intuitive, especially for developers coming from Express. With a similar routing and middleware pattern, the learning curve is minimal. Moreover, Hono builds on top of Web APIs like Fetch, which means that the skills you gain are portable beyond just server-side development, making it easier to work with modern platforms and environments.

Conclusion: Why You Should Try Hono

Hono brings a fresh approach to web development with its performance-first mindset and focus on edge computing. While Express has been a reliable framework for years, the web is changing, and tools like Hono are leading the way for the next generation of applications.

If you're an Express developer looking to explore edge computing and serverless architectures, or want a faster, more modern framework, try Hono. You’ll find that many concepts are familiar, but the performance gains and deployment flexibility will leave you impressed.

Ready to Get Started?

Try building your next project with Hono and experience the difference for yourself. You can find resources and starter templates to help you easily switch from Express.

npm create hono@latest my-app

That's it! You're ready to go. Happy coding with Hono! Do share with me your experience with Hono in the comments below, on Twitter or Github. I'd be glad to hear your thoughts!

以上是面向 Express 开发人员的 Hono:边缘计算的现代替代方案的详细内容。更多信息请关注PHP中文网其他相关文章!
