Flux.1 是市场上最新的文本到图像模型,由 Black Forest Labs 为我们带来。它是一种最先进的模型,可以从文本描述生成高质量图像,处理复杂的描述并生成具有精细细节的高质量图像。
Flux.1 由 Black Forest Labs 开发,该公司由 Stability AI 的一群前员工创建。
与其他扩散模型(例如通过从随机起点逐渐消除噪声来创建图像的稳定扩散)不同,Flux.1 使用一种称为“流匹配”的技术生成图像,该技术采用更直接的方法,学习所需的精确变换将噪声转换为真实的图像。与常见的扩散模型相比,这可以更快地生成高质量图像,并且步骤更少。
此外,通过这种不同的方法,Flux.1 可以处理其中包含文本的图像,如下所示:
Flux.1 的突出特点之一是其用户友好的提示机制。 CLIP(来自 OpenAI)和 T5(来自 GoogleAI)文本编码器的集成使模型能够解释具有高度细微差别的描述。 CLIP 擅长将文本与视觉内容对齐,而 T5 则增强了模型处理结构化文本输入的能力。它们共同使 Flux.1 能够生成与用户提供的详细提示非常匹配的图像。
Flux.1 具有三个不同的版本:Schnell、Dev 和 Pro。
对于那些有兴趣探索 Flux.1 的功能而无需财务承诺的人来说,使用 modal.com 作为资源提供者是一个可行的选择。 Modal.com 每月提供 30 美元的计算能力津贴,可以支持每月生成大量图像。您可以在 Modal.com 定价上了解有关其定价和产品的更多信息。
首先,您需要使用 GitHub 凭据登录,在 modal.com 上创建一个帐户。
接下来,您需要安装 Modal CLI。确保您的计算机上安装了 Python。 Python 设置完成后,打开终端并执行命令 pip install modal。安装完成后,运行 modal setup 将 CLI 与您的 Modal 帐户链接。
继续将此 GitHub 存储库克隆到您的计算机并导航到克隆的目录。
为了安全起见,请在模态仪表板中使用名为 API_KEY 的环境变量创建一个名为 Flux.1-secret 的密钥,并为其分配一个随机字符串。
最后,通过在终端中运行 modal deploy app.py --name Flux1 来部署服务。成功部署后,modal 将提供用于访问 Web 服务的 URL:
✓ Created objects. ├── ? Created mount PythonPackage:app ├── ? Created function Model.build. ├── ? Created function Model.*. ├── ? Created function Model._inference. └── ? Created web function Model.web_inference => <PUBLIC_URL> ✓ App deployed in 3.206s! ?
要使用该服务,请向提供的 PUBLIC URL 发出 GET 请求。在标头中包含您之前设置的 x-api-key,并在查询参数中对提示进行编码。您还可以通过查询参数指定所需的图像尺寸。以下是如何构建请求的示例:
curl -H "x-api-key: <API_KEY>" <PUBLIC_URL>?width=<WIDTH>&height=<HEIGHT>&prompt=<PROMPT>
让我们剖析一下 app.py 文件,这对于使用 modal 平台运行 Flux.1 图像生成服务至关重要。以下是设置和功能的详细说明:
import modal image = modal.Image.debian_slim(python_version="3.10").apt_install( "libglib2.0-0", "libsm6", "libxrender1", "libxext6", "ffmpeg", "libgl1", "git" ).pip_install( "git+https://github.com/huggingface/diffusers.git", "invisible_watermark", "transformers", "accelerate", "safetensors", "sentencepiece", )
此块定义了我们的应用程序的 Docker 映像,指定了操作系统、必要的库和 Python 包。该环境支持 Flux.1 模型和相关实用程序的执行。
app = modal.App('flux1') with image.imports(): import os import io import torch from diffusers import FluxPipeline from fastapi import Response, Header
Here, we initialize our app and import necessary Python libraries within the context of our previously defined Docker image. These imports are essential for image processing and handling web requests.
@app.cls(gpu=modal.gpu.A100(), container_idle_timeout=15, image=image, timeout=120, secrets=[modal.Secret.from_name("flux.1-secret")]) class Model: @modal.build() def build(self): from huggingface_hub import snapshot_download snapshot_download("black-forest-labs/FLUX.1-schnell") @modal.enter() def enter(self): print("Loading model...") self.pipeline = FluxPipeline.from_pretrained("black-forest-labs/FLUX.1-schnell", torch_dtype=torch.bfloat16).to('cuda') print("Model loaded!") def inference(self, prompt: str, width: int = 1440, height: int = 1440): print("Generating image...") image = self.pipeline( prompt, output_type='pil', width=width, height=height, num_inference_steps=8, generator=torch.Generator("cpu").manual_seed( torch.randint(0, 1000000, (1,)).item() ) ).images[0] print("Image generated!") byte_stream = io.BytesIO() image.save(byte_stream, format="PNG") return byte_stream.getvalue() @modal.web_endpoint(docs=True) def web_inference(self, prompt: str, width: int = 1440, height: int = 1440, x_api_key: str = Header(None)): api_key = os.getenv("API_KEY") if x_api_key != api_key: return Response(content="Unauthorized", status_code=401) image = self.inference(prompt, width, height) return Response(content=image, media_type="image/png")
This section defines the main functionality of our service:
If you just want to run it as a local service, you can add @modal.method() and define it as following inside the class.
@modal.method() def _inference(self, prompt: str, width: int = 1440, height: int = 1440): return self.inference(prompt, width, height)
And outside it, define a local entry point
@app.local_entrypoint() def main(prompt: str = "A beautiful sunset over the mountains"): image_bytes = Model()._inference.remote(prompt) with open("output.png", "wb") as f: f.write(image_bytes)
Local entry point will run locally on your machine calling the _inference method remotely, so you still using the modal’s service, without exposing it to the internet.
Flux.1 is not just another tech breakthrough - it's a game-changer for anyone who's ever dreamed of bringing their ideas to life visually. Imagine being able to describe a scene in words and watch as it materializes into a stunning, detailed image right before your eyes. That's the magic of Flux.1. It's like having a super-talented artist at your fingertips, ready to paint your thoughts with incredible precision. Whether you're an artist looking to speed up your creative process, a designer in need of quick visual concepts, or just someone who loves playing with new tech, Flux.1 opens up a world of possibilities. It's not about replacing human creativity - it's about enhancing it, making the journey from imagination to reality smoother and more exciting than ever before.
以上是如何运行 FLUXor Free:分步指南的详细内容。更多信息请关注PHP中文网其他相关文章!