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最大化性能:深入探讨 PixiJS 优化

2024-09-04 18:33:00453浏览

利用先进的策略和技术将您的 PixiJS 应用程序提升到一个新的水平


这篇文章介绍了在 CPU / 内存方面可以最好地优化 pixiJS 中多个元素的渲染的不同方法。例如,考虑在没有任何缓存的情况下重新渲染每一帧(在 CPU 使用率方面表现良好)或将渲染的图形缓存在内存中之间的区别。这将根据场景中的图形数量按比例增加内存使用量。


其他主要方法包括:例如,剔除和利用更加结构化的格式 - C# 中的 NativeArrays 和 TypeScript 中的 TypedArrays。这些将允许更好地管理内存缓冲区,这可能会限制缓存未命中,但这也需要大量的工程经验和/或定制。

在这篇文章中,我将重点介绍一种使用 PixiJS 优化 WebGL 环境的工作方法:面向对象的方法,包括最佳实践。这将为您提供一种组织良好的方法来提高 PixiJS 应用程序的速度和效率。

在我的下一篇文章中,我将讨论另一种强大的优化方法:实体组件系统方法。 ECS 方法非常以数据为导向,并且在高性能环境中优化 PixiJS 时提供了全新的外观。在 Medium 上继续阅读本文,我将深入探讨 ECS 方法的本质。

永远记住,为了优化和进一步增强 Pixi 应用程序的性能,总有一些事情可以做得更好。更好并不意味着最优化或最快。最佳解决方案是在优化投入的时间和投资回报之间进行权衡的问题,以确保您能够满足项目期限,但有足够的优化来满足任何潜在用户的需求,而不会过度扩展您的资源。


在本节中,我将指导您了解优化 PixiJS 应用程序的最佳方法。


我们的其余讨论将围绕 Pixi 图形、精灵、网格以及何时使用粒子容器而不是默认的 Pixi 容器。本章应该让您清楚地了解如何在面向对象的上下文中最佳地使用所有内容,以便您的 PixiJS 项目正常运行并以最高效率进行渲染。

了解 Pixi 图形的内部工作原理

为了有效地使用 Pixi 图形,我们需要了解它们的内部功能。让我们首先展示一个在 Pixi 中创建图形对象的非常基本的示例:

const graphics = new PIXI.Graphics();
graphics.drawRect(0, 0, 200, 100);

然而,在这个简单的实现中重要的是“幕后”发生的事情。在创建这种图形时,Pixi 创建了一个称为 GraphicsGeometry 对象的东西。该对象的形状和大小取决于您为正在绘制的形状指定的尺寸和属性。然后,最终的 Geometry 对象存储在 Graphics 对象内的 GeometryList 内。

请注意,每次您在 PIXI.Graphics 的帮助下绘制某些内容时,GeometryList 都会更新。有时,您只想清除此列表,但同时保持 Graphics 对象处于活动状态 - 这就是 .clear() 方法发挥作用的地方。了解此过程的工作原理将对您使用 Pixi 时有很大帮助,因为它直接影响 Pixi 如何处理和渲染应用程序中的图形。

Pixi 图形优化技术

让我们通过在 PixiJS 中创建 100 个 Graphics 对象的用例来探索优化策略。

function createGraphics(x, y) {
    const graphic = new PIXI.Graphics();
    graphic.drawCircle(x, y, 10);
    return graphic;

for (let i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
    const x = Math.random() * app.screen.width;
    const y = Math.random() * app.screen.height;
    const graphics = createGraphics(x, y);

在这种情况下,如果所有 100 个 Graphics 对象共享相同的宽度和高度,我们可以通过重用几何体进行优化。

Maximising Performance: A Deep Dive into PixiJS Optimization

传递 GraphicsGeometry 作为参考


// Create a single geometry for a circle
const circleGeometry = new PIXI.Graphics();
circleGeometry.drawCircle(0, 0, 10); // Draw a circle at the origin
// Function to create a graphic using the circle geometry
function createCircle(x, y) {
    const circle = new PIXI.Graphics(circleGeometry.geometry);
    circle.x = x;
    circle.y = y;
    return circle;
// Create 100 circles using the same geometry
for (let i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
    const x = Math.random() * app.screen.width;
    const y = Math.random() * app.screen.height;
    const circle = createCircle(x, y);


Maximising Performance: A Deep Dive into PixiJS Optimization

Draw All in One Graphics Object

For static graphics or complex structures, drawing all elements in a single Graphics object is another optimization technique:

const graphics = new PIXI.Graphics();
// Draw 100 circles using the same PIXI.Graphics instance
for (let i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
    const x = Math.random() * app.screen.width;
    const y = Math.random() * app.screen.height;
    graphics.drawCircle(x, y, 10);
// Add the graphics to the stage

In this approach, instead of creating new Graphics objects, we add new geometries to the GeometryList of a single Graphics instance. This method is particularly efficient for more complex graphic structures.

Maximising Performance: A Deep Dive into PixiJS Optimization

Leveraging the Power of CacheAsBitmap in PixiJS

One of the most powerful features within PixiJS is CacheAsBitmap. Essentially, it lets the engine treat graphics like sprites. This can bring performance up substantially in certain cases.

  • Only use CacheAsBitmap if the object is not updated too often.

  • Big batch of Graphics can be cached as bitmap in container. Instead having 100 Graphics re-rendered, pixi will take a snapshot and pre-render it as a bitmap.

  • Always consider the memory usage, cached bitmaps are using a lot of memory.

When to Use CacheAsBitmap

One should use cacheAsBitmap judiciously. It will be most effective when applied to objects that need to update seldom. For instance, if one happens to have thousands of volume of Graphics that are static or have only a rare change, caching them as a bitmap radically reduces rendering overhead.

Instead of re-rendering 100 individual Graphics, PixiJS can take a 'snapshot' of these and render them as single bitmap. This is how you can implement:

const graphicsContainer = new PIXI.Container();
// Add your graphics to the container
// ...
// Cache the entire container as a bitmap
graphicsContainer.cacheAsBitmap = true;

Memory Usage Consideration

However, it's important to be mindful of memory usage. Cached bitmaps can consume a significant amount of memory. Therefore, while cacheAsBitmap can drastically reduce the rendering load, it trades off by using more memory. This trade-off should be carefully considered based on the specific needs and constraints of your application.

In summary, cacheAsBitmap is an effective tool for optimizing performance in PixiJS, particularly for static or seldom-updated graphics. It simplifies rendering by treating complex graphics as single bitmaps, but it's essential to balance this with the memory footprint implications.

Why Sprites Are Often More Efficient than Graphics in PixiJS

When it comes to memory efficiency in PixiJS, sprites generally have the upper hand over graphics. This is particularly evident when dealing with multiple objects that share the same shape or texture. Let's revisit the example of creating 100 circle graphics, but this time using sprites.

Creating Sprites from a Single Texture

First, we create a texture from the geometry of a single circle graphic:

const circleGraphic = new PIXI.Graphics();
circleGraphic.drawCircle(0, 0, 10);
// Generate a texture from the graphic
const circleTexture = app.renderer.generateTexture(circleGraphic);
Next, we use this texture to create sprites:
// Function to create a sprite using the circle texture
function createCircleSprite(x, y) {
    const sprite = new PIXI.Sprite(circleTexture);
    sprite.x = x;
    sprite.y = y;
    return sprite;

// Create and add 100 circle sprites to the stage
for (let i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
    const x = Math.random() * app.screen.width;
    const y = Math.random() * app.screen.height;
    const circleSprite = createCircleSprite(x, y);

In this approach, instead of re-rendering graphics and managing a growing geometry list for each object, we create one texture and reuse it across multiple sprites. This significantly reduces the rendering load and memory usage.

Limitations and Creative Solutions

One limitation of this method is that you're constrained by the textures you've created. However, this is where creativity becomes key. You can generate various shaped textures using PIXI.Graphics and apply them to Sprites. An especially efficient approach is to create a baseTexture, like a 1x1 pixel bitmap, and reuse it for all rectangular sprites. By resizing the sprite to different dimensions, you can leverage the same baseTexture across multiple sprites without redundancy.
For instance:

// This creates a 16x16 white texture
const baseTexture = PIXI.Texture.WHITE;

// Use this baseTexture for all rectangular shapes
const sprite= new PIXI.Sprite(baseTexture);
sprite.tint = 0xDE3249; // Set the sprite color
sprite.position.set(x, y);
sprite.width = width;
sprite.height = height;

Maximising Performance: A Deep Dive into PixiJS Optimization

With this method, .tint() allows you to color the sprite without triggering a full re-render, as the tint is applied as an additional shader effect directly on the GPU.

Using 100k Sprites in Particle Container

To illustrate the power of this technique, imagine running 100,000 individual sprites with random tints, each transforming on every frame, all while maintaining a smooth 60 FPS.

Maximising Performance: A Deep Dive into PixiJS Optimization

Maximising Performance: A Deep Dive into PixiJS Optimization

For further reading on optimizing PixiJS, I highly recommend an insightful article by one of the original creators of PixiJS, which delves deeply into the renderTexture technique. 

You can find it here

哇! 如果您已经完成了这一步,我真诚地感谢您在 PixiJS 优化的深入研究中与我同行。我希望您发现这里分享的见解和技术对您的项目有价值。请继续关注我的下一篇文章,我将更详细地探讨实体组件系统 (ECS) 方法和 NativeArrays 的强大功能。这些方法将使您的 PixiJS 应用程序的性能和效率达到新的高度。感谢您的阅读,我们下一篇再见!

以上是最大化性能:深入探讨 PixiJS 优化的详细内容。更多信息请关注PHP中文网其他相关文章!
