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Favor is incredibly important in Age of Mythology: Retold, as it allows you to use the mighty abilities the Gods bestow upon you. As the abilities get more expensive with each use, you’ll need to keep ahead of the curve.

Every faction generates favor differently in Age of Mythology: Retold, and so you’ll need to know the best strategy for each one of them.

Table of contents

  • Best Greek Favor guide in Age of Mythology Retold
    • All Greek favor buildings in Age of Mythology Retold
  • Best Egyptian Favor guide in Age of Mythology Retold
    • All Egyptian favor buildings in Age of Mythology Retold
    • All Egyptian favor technologies in Age of Mythology Retold
  • Best Norse Favor guide in Age of Mythology Retold
    • All Norse Favor damage values in Age of Mythology Retold
    • All Norse favor units in Age of Mythology Retold
    • All Norse favor technologies in Age of Mythology Retold
  • Best Atlantean Favor guide in Age of Mythology Retold
    • All Atlantean favor units in Age of Mythology Retold
    • All Atlantean favor technologies in Age of Mythology Retold

Best Greek Favor guide in Age of Mythology Retold

Fastest way to get Favor in Age of Mythology Retold

When it comes to gathering Favor in Age of Mythology: Retold, the Greeks are pretty hands-on. They’ll be actively worshipping at the Temple to increase Favor production, but the added task can put a strain on your other resource productions.

Considering that there’s no upper floor for worshippers, the Greeks don’t benefit from any technologies or God Powers that can help increase their Favor yield. However, Zeus starts with 10 Favor and generates Favor 20% faster, making him the best God for Favor production.

All Greek favor buildings in Age of Mythology Retold

When playing as the Greeks in Age of Mythology: Retold, you’ll want to build a Temple as fast as you can.

For a mere 150 Wood and 150 Gold, you can build a Temple, and one’s all you need. On their own, these Temples won’t produce any Favor at all. by selecting a Worker and right-clicking the Temple, however, you’ll begin producing Favor. Each extra worker will lower the generation rate per Worker, but you’ll still be receiving more Favor than before, even if only slightly.

Fastest way to get Favor in Age of Mythology Retold

When it comes to praying at the Temple, I typically assign around 10% of my Workers to the Temple. If you’re in desperate need of Favor, you can always up it to 15% or even 20%, but be very careful of the diminishing returns. Also, you won’t want to sacrifice resource generation by pulling your workers away.

You should build the Temple as soon as possible, then slowly drip-feed Workers to pray till around 10% of your max is always praying at a time.

Best Egyptian Favor guide in Age of Mythology Retold

Fastest way to get Favor in Age of Mythology Retold

To generate favor in Age of Mythology: Retold, the Egyptians erect incredible monuments, but each one needs to be built before you can build a bigger and more expensive one. Some minor Gods also unlock Research that increases Favor generation.

Let’s get into the best strategy for Favor generation as the Egyptians in Age of Mythology: Retold.

All Egyptian favor buildings in Age of Mythology Retold

The Egyptians have a chain of five Monuments that will slowly generate Favor. These Monuments get more expensive as you build more of them, although the final Monument will provide more Favor than the others.

Fastest way to get Favor in Age of Mythology Retold

Some Egyptian major Gods will buff these Monuments, so make sure you’re aware of what bonus you’re receiving from the Gods.


Fastest way to get Favor in Age of Mythology Retold" />

	    <p>埃及人有两位神,这将有利于他们的恩惠生产,但你无法从他们两个中受益,因为<strong>他们都是第二纪神</strong>。</p> <p>阿努比斯(可从 Set 或 Isis 获得)解锁 Necropolis 技术,该技术曾经 r研究了 45 个木材和 135 个金币,<strong>永久增加了纪念碑产生的好感度 </strong>一小部分(前四个纪念碑现在将产生 0.13每秒产生恩惠,最终的纪念碑现在每秒产生 0.25 恩惠)。</p>

	    <p>Bast(可从 Isis 或  Ra 获得)授予您她的神力:日食。日食将夜晚变成白天,持续 80 秒,这提供了各种增益,包括<strong>暂时增加纪念碑的好感产量</strong>(前四个纪念碑现在每秒产生 0.15 好感,最后一个纪念碑现在将产生每秒 0.3 恩惠)。</p> <p>这里<strong>恩恩生产最好的小神是阿努比斯</strong>,虽然它的增幅较小,但它是永久性的。巴斯特的日蚀对于其他爱好者来说仍然是一个很棒的能力,尽管如果你想专注于青睐生产,你可能想要通过。</p>

	    <p>最终,最好的选择是伊希斯,因为她允许你在第二纪元选择阿努比斯或巴斯特,从而具有灵活性。此外,<strong>Empowered Monuments 与 Isis 一起生成恩惠的速度加快了 100%</strong>,如果你正确打牌,会带来一些重大收益 r。</p> <h2>《神话时代》中的最佳挪威恩惠指南 R埃托德</h2> <p>
    <img src="https://img.php.cn/upload/article/000/000/000/172533832788767.jpg" alt="神话时代获得好感的最快方式<img src=《神话时代》中所有挪威人青睐的伤害值 Retold


  • 奇迹
  • 重要和生产建筑
  • 更便宜的建筑、英雄和强大的神话单位
  • 人类单位、小型神话单位、船只和攻城武器
  • 弱小动物和民兵
  • 当你的任何士兵攻击时,你都会获得青睐。这意味着你大部分时间都会在行动中释放出神力,无论如何,这主要是在你使用它们的时候。挪威人并不存储大量的青睐,而是在需要时生成它,所以不要太担心这一点。

    这里值得注意的是,奥丁额外授予了 10当大厅单位攻击时,%恩惠,使他成为神获得恩惠的绝佳选择。


    这确实促进了狩猎作为一种收集食物的方式,因为这也会为你赢得一些恩惠,为你打下良好的基础。我 r建议你派你的工人去打猎,而不是采集浆果。


    All Norse favor units in Age of Mythology Retold

    Fastest way to get Favor in Age of Mythology Retold

    The Hersirs in Age of Mythology: Retold are brutes of warriors produced from the Temple, for 80 Food, 40 Gold, and 3 Population.

    In the early game, this makes them a very costly unit to produce, and even in the late game can really eat into your population, causing you to have to expand and build more houses to accommodate them.

    Despite their costliness, one Hersir only produces 0.01 Favor a second. As your primary income of Favor is through battle, the Hersirs are just the cherry on top. If you have a large army, which is always desirable, then making many Hersirs may be the way to go.

    If I’m playing with Thor, then I’ll typically produce at least ten Hersirs when I start to get my military going to establish a decent production whenever I’m not raiding. As my population limit expands and I build more units, I’ll typically throw in another order of five until I’m no longer concerned with Favor production, which varies from match to match.

    Conveniently being warriors, the Hersirs are great raiding candidates.

    All Norse favor technologies in Age of Mythology Retold

    Fastest way to get Favor in Age of Mythology Retold

    If you’re playing with Thor in Age of Mythology: Retold, you’ll gain access to the Hammer of Thunder technology. With this researched, your Hersirs will be producing double the Favor, at a rate of 0.02 Favor a second.

    This costs 125 Gold and 10 Favor and can be researched from the Great Hall.

    If you’re playing with Thor, make sure to get this technology up as soon as possible. This will halve your need for Hersirs, opening up slots for other units.

    Best Atlantean Favor guide in Age of Mythology Retold

    Fastest way to get Favor in Age of Mythology Retold

    The Atlantean’s way of gaining Favor in Age of Mythology: Retold is a rather strange one. You must send out Oracles into the world, but they can’t be near each other, making them easy targets for your enemies.

    There are a couple of researches you can unlock through Gods to help you out, however, no God has a passive benefit for Favor generation like in the other Pantheons.

    All Atlantean favor units in Age of Mythology Retold

    Fastest way to get Favor in Age of Mythology Retold

    Oracles are who you’ll be using to generate Favor as the Atlanteans in Age of Mythology: Retold. Upon selecting one, you’ll notice that they each have a wide radius around them. This radius is their own area, and if other Oracles’ areas touch or invade each other, their Favor production will suffer.

    When an Oracle’s radius is uninterrupted by another Oracle, they can produce 0.08 Favor a second.

    These Oracles double as scouts, although they’re not very good ones. As an Oracle moves, their Favor generation resets and their line of sight decreases. For both to go back up to max, they’ll have to stay still.

    This means that you must spread your Oracles out, keep them separate, and keep them stationary, making them prime targets for enemy attacks. You’ll ideally want a soldier or two with the more vulnerable Oracles, at least for the early game to secure your Favor production.

    You can ascend Oracles to Heroes for 40 Food, 60 Gold, and one Favor. This will increase all of their stats, including their Favor production up to a maximum of 0.11 Favor a second. It’s worth promoting your initial three Oracles to Heroes right away.

    随着您业务的扩展,您可以从圣殿生产更多的神谕。 尝试将它们分布在地图的最边缘以远离敌人的范围。在某些地图中,只需要大约four 神谕就可以占据地图的整个一侧,因此进入第二时代获得一些军队至关重要。


    我想说,拥有大约五个英雄神谕,每秒产生 0.55 个恩惠是第二纪元亚特兰蒂斯文明的坚实开端。当您扩大 Oracle 的影响力时,请务必发展您的军队以保证他们的安全。不过,这总是会随着地图大小和玩家数量而变化。


    Fastest way to get Favor in Age of Mythology Retold

    你可以解锁两种技术来帮助你生产恩惠,尽管它们都来自第三纪元的诸神,意味着你不能同时拥有(就像埃及人一样) 。

    Theia(可从 Oranos 或 Gaia 获得)将解锁预言之眼,这 会提高神谕者青睐的生产速度,但幅度很小。神谕现在将以每秒 0.9 的速度产生恩惠,而英雄神谕将以每秒 0.12 的速度产生。这算不上是进步,但总比没有好。

    Rheia(可从 Kronos 或 Gaia 获得)将解锁奉献之角,使城镇中心能够产生恩惠。 每个城镇中心和城堡每秒都会产生 0.05 点恩惠,这比预言之眼要好得多,特别是如果你热衷于扩张的话。



