我认为带有运行 ASCII 艺术的块看起来很酷,但我不太明白它是如何实现的,所以我开始查看源代码。
const { floor: ra, abs: KE, min: QE } = Math, O5 = ["reactive.network REACTIVE.NETWORK", "$@B%8&WM#*oahkbdpqwmZO0QLCJUYXzcvunxrjft/|()1{}[]?-_+~i!lI;:,^`'. .:â–‘â–’â–“â–ˆ"], G7 = Date.now() % 3 ? O5[1] : O5[0], V5 = G7.length, JE = { fps: 60 }; function eT(e, t, n, r) { const i = t.time * 8e-5, s = QE(t.cols, t.rows), o = t.metrics.aspect * 0.2, l = { x: ((4 * (e.x - t.cols / 6.25)) / s) * o, y: (5 * (e.y - t.rows / 4)) / s }, u = ra(KE(YE(l) - i) * V5 + (ra(e.x / 1) % 2) * 2) % V5; return G7[u]; } const tT = () => { const e = j.useRef(null), [t, n] = j.useState({ height: null, width: null }); return ( j.useEffect(() => { function r() { n({ height: window.innerHeight, width: window.innerWidth }); } if (typeof window window.removeEventListener("resize", r); }, []), j.useEffect(() => { const r = e.current; if (!r) return; const i = 12, s = ra(t.width / i) * 1.6, o = ra(t.height / i), l = { aspect: s / o }, u = setInterval(() => { let c = ""; for (let d = 0; d clearInterval(u); }, [t]), a.jsx("div", { style: { position: "absolute", top: 0, left: 0, width: "100%", height: "100%" }, children: a.jsx("div", { ref: e, style: { width: "100%", height: "100%", whiteSpace: "pre", overflow: "hidden" } }) }) ); }; function nT(e) { return Math.cos(e.x * e.x - e.y * e.y); } const { floor: ia, abs: rT, min: iT } = Math, D5 = ["reactive.network REACTIVE.NETWORK", "$@B%8&WM#*oahkbdpqwmZO0QLCJUYXzcvunxrjft/|()1{}[]?-_+~i!lI;:,^`'. .:â–‘â–’â–“â–ˆ"], X7 = Date.now() % 3 ? D5[1] : D5[0], F5 = X7.length, sT = { fps: 60 }; function oT(e, t, n, r) { const i = t.time * 8e-5, s = iT(t.cols, t.rows), o = t.metrics.aspect * 0.2, l = { x: ((4 * (e.x - t.cols / 6.25)) / s) * o, y: (5 * (e.y - t.rows / 4)) / s }, u = ia(rT(nT(l) - i) * F5 + (ia(e.x / 1) % 2) * 2) % F5; return X7[u]; } const aT = () => { const e = j.useRef(null), [t, n] = j.useState({ height: null, width: null }); return ( j.useEffect(() => { function r() { n({ height: window.innerHeight, width: window.innerWidth }); } if (typeof window window.removeEventListener("resize", r); }, []), j.useEffect(() => { const r = e.current; if (!r) return; const i = 12, s = ia(t.width / i) * 1.6, o = ia(t.height / i), l = { aspect: s / o }, u = setInterval(() => { let c = ""; for (let d = 0; d clearInterval(u); }, [t]), a.jsx("div", { style: { position: "absolute", top: 0, left: 0, width: "100%", height: "100%" }, children: a.jsx("div", { ref: e, style: { width: "100%", height: "100%", whiteSpace: "pre", overflow: "hidden" } }) }) ); },
通常,我只是通过阅读最小化的代码来了解实现(或者查找 .map 文件来恢复原始代码)。然而,我意识到我从未尝试过要求 ChatGPT 为我做这件事......所以我复制了上述所有代码并要求 ChatGPT “解释代码”。回复如下:
代码使用 JavaScript 定义了多个函数和组件,特别是在 React 应用程序的上下文中。它涉及生成一些动态文本内容,大概是 ASCII 艺术或使用预定义集中的字符的某种视觉效果。此外,它还包括用于事件处理、性能计时和 HTML 内容转换的实用函数。
- 字符集选择:
const { Floor: ra, abs: KE, min: QE } = Math;
const O5 = ["reactive.network REACTIVE.NETWORK", "$@B%8&WM#*oahkbdpqwmZO0QLCJUYXzcvunxrjft/|()1{}[]?-_+~i!lI;:,^'. . :â–'â–'â–“â–ˆ”];
const G7 = Date.now() % 3 ? O5[1] : O5[0];
const V5 = G7.length;- This part of the code imports some common Math functions (`floor`, `abs`, and `min`) and defines two sets of characters, stored in `O5`. - Based on the current time (`Date.now() % 3`), it selects one of these sets (`G7`) to use later. - The length of the selected character set is stored in `V5`. 2. **Dynamic Character Selection Function:** ```javascript function eT(e, t, n, r) { const i = t.time * 8e-5; const s = QE(t.cols, t.rows); const o = t.metrics.aspect * 0.2; const l = { x: ((4 * (e.x - t.cols / 6.25)) / s) * o, y: (5 * (e.y - t.rows / 4)) / s }; const u = ra(KE(YE(l) - i) * V5 + (ra(e.x / 1) % 2) * 2) % V5; return G7[u]; }
- eT 函数根据输入位置 (e.x, e.y) 和当前时间 (t.time) 生成字符。
- 它使用一些长宽比计算来调整位置,并根据位置和时间的组合从 G7 中选择一个角色。
- YE 函数的用途并不能从代码中直接看出,但它似乎是此计算中使用的自定义函数。
- 用于显示动态内容的 React 组件 (tT):
const tT = () =>; {
const e = j.useRef(null);
const [t, n] = j.useState({ height: null, width: null });
j.useEffect(() => {
函数 r() {
n({ 高度: window.innerHeight, 宽度: window.innerWidth });
if (typeof window n({ 高度: window.innerHeight, 宽度: window.innerWidth });
window.addEventListener("resize", r);
返回() => window.removeEventListener("resize", r);
}, []);j.useEffect(() => { const r = e.current; if (!r) return; const i = 12; const s = ra(t.width / i) * 1.6; const o = ra(t.height / i); const l = { aspect: s / o }; const u = setInterval(() => { let c = ""; for (let d = 0; d < o; d++) { for (let f = 0; f < s; f++) c += eT({ x: f, y: d }, { cols: s, rows: o, metrics: l, time: Date.now() }); c += ``;
r.textContent = c;
}, 1e3 / JE.fps);
返回() =>清除间隔(u);
}, [t]);return a.jsx("div", { style: { position: "absolute", top: 0, left: 0, width: "100%", height: "100%" }, children: a.jsx("div", { ref: e, style: { width: "100%", height: "100%", whiteSpace: "pre", overflow: "hidden" } }) });};
- This is a React component that sets up an interval to periodically update the content of a `div` element (`e.current`) with dynamically generated characters. - It calculates the number of columns (`s`) and rows (`o`) based on the window size and then fills the `div` with characters generated by the `eT` function. - The effect runs at a specified frames per second (`JE.fps`).
我随后要求“在 TypeScript 中实现等效代码并使其易于阅读”,并得到了以下答复:
import React, { useEffect, useRef, useState } from 'react'; const selectedCharacterSet = "$@B%8&WM#*oahkbdpqwmZO0QLCJUYXzcvunxrjft/|()1{}[]?-_+~i!lI;:,^`'. .:â–‘â–’â–“â–ˆ"; const characterSetLength = selectedCharacterSet.length; const calculateCharacter = ( x: number, y: number, cols: number, rows: number, aspect: number, time: number, ): string => { const timeFactor = time * 0.000_08; const size = Math.min(cols, rows); const aspectRatio = aspect * 0.2; const position = { x: ((4 * (x - cols / 6.25)) / size) * aspectRatio, y: (5 * (y - rows / 4)) / size, }; const index = Math.floor( Math.abs( Math.cos(position.x * position.x - position.y * position.y) - timeFactor, ) * characterSetLength + (Math.floor(x) % 2) * 2, ) % characterSetLength; return selectedCharacterSet[index]; }; type Size = { height: null | number; width: null | number; }; const AsciiArtGenerator: React.FC = () => { const textRef = useRef<htmldivelement>(null); const [size, setSize] = useState<size>({ height: null, width: null }); useEffect(() => { const handleResize = () => { setSize({ height: window.innerHeight, width: window.innerWidth }); }; // Initial size setting handleResize(); window.addEventListener('resize', handleResize); return () => { window.removeEventListener('resize', handleResize); }; }, []); useEffect(() => { const element = textRef.current; if (!element || !size.width || !size.height) return undefined; const cols = Math.floor(size.width / 12) * 1.6; const rows = Math.floor(size.height / 12); const aspectRatio = cols / rows; const intervalId = setInterval(() => { let content = ''; for (let y = 0; y { clearInterval(intervalId); }; }, [size]); return ( <div ref="{textRef}" style="{{" height: overflow: whitespace: width:></div> ); }; export default () => { return <asciiartgenerator></asciiartgenerator>; }; </size></htmldivelement>
比较输出,看起来 LLM 响应忽略了一些实现细节,但它仍然是一个足够好的实现可供学习。这绝对是一个我以前从未考虑过的巧妙用例!
以上是OpenAI 在简化代码方面出奇地好的详细内容。更多信息请关注PHP中文网其他相关文章!