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java 中异步的工作


广告 该类别中的热门课程 JAVA 掌握 - 专业化 | 78 课程系列 | 15 次模拟测试



在Java中,有很多编写非阻塞代码的特性,比如使用线程、futures、流等,因为对非阻塞代码有很多需求,需要异步编程来异步执行代码。那么让我们讨论一下jcabi方面、cactoos、guava、completeableFutures、FutureTask、EA Async等几种实现异步编程的方法


completeableFutures 是 JavaScript Promise 的 java 版本,称为completeableFutures,它可以实现两个接口,例如 Future 和 CompletionStage,这两个接口的组合完成了此功能,用于编写或使用异步编程。该功能提供了许多方法,例如supplyAsync、runAsync等。这些方法用于启动代码的异步部分,因为supplyAsync方法是在我们对结果做某事时使用的,如果我们不想要任何东西,我们可以使用runAsync 方法。 CompleteableFutures 中还有其他不同的方法,例如 thenCompose 如果我们想要一个接一个地使用多个completeableFutures,或者简单地当我们想要使用嵌套的completeableFutures并且如果我们想要组合两个completeableFutures的结果,那么有一个名为thenCombine方法的方法。因此,所有这些方法都在一个可完成的未来中处理,而未来又具有保存所有这些方法的完成阶段方法。


CompleteableFuture <String> completeableFuture = new CompleteableFuture <String>();

所以要获取结果,我们必须使用 get() 方法。所以我们可以写成

String result =completeableFuture.get() 其中此 gets() 方法将阻塞直到 Future 完成,但此调用将永远阻塞它,因为 Future 永远不会完成。所以我们必须通过调用下面的方法手动完成。



CompletableFuture<Long> completableFuture = CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(() -> factorial(number));
while (!completableFuture.isDone()) {
System.out.println("CompletableFuture is not finished yet...");
long result = completableFuture.get();

2. EA 异步

这是java中用于顺序编写异步代码的另一个特性,它自然提供了简单的编程和扩展。这是 Electronic Arts,它获得了通过 ea-async 库赋予 java 生态系统的异步等待功能。此功能转换运行时代码并重写对await 方法的调用,其工作方式与completableFuture 类似。因此,我们可以通过调用 Async.init 方法来初始化 Async 运行时,使用 EA-sync 方法(称为 wait 方法)来实现上述completeableFuture 代码。

因此,让我们考虑一个使用completeableFuture 和 EA 同步进行阶乘的示例。

CompletableFuture <Double> completableFuture = CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(() -> factorial(number));
while (!completableFuture.isDone()) {
System.out.println("The completeableFuture is not completed...");
double res = completableFuture.get();


static { Async.init(); }
public func_name(){….. same as above code of completeableFuture…
double res Async.await(completableFuture);

From the above sample code, which is transformed code of completeableFuture code by using static block also for initializing the Async runtime so that the Async can transform the code of completeableFuture code during runtime and then to the await method, it can rewrite the calls which will now EA async will behave similarly to that of using the chain of completeableFuture or Future.join method. So now, when once the asynchronous execution of any method is completed, then the result from the Future method is passed to another method where the method is having the last execution using the CompleteableFuture.runAsync method.

In Java, as discussed above, there are many different ways for writing the asynchronous programming using various other methods.


In this article, we discussed java async where it is defined as a callback method that will continue the execution of the program without blocking by returning the calls to the callback function. This article saw how asynchronous programming is written in java using different features such as CompleteableFutures, EA async, Future Task, Guava, etc. In this article, we have seen two among these features for making the callback functions asynchronous by using various methods provided by the given respective features.


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