在CakePHP中,我们为开发人员提供了不同的功能,如果我们想尝试开发一个灵活且用户友好的Web应用程序,那么我们可以在框架中包含分页概念。每页显示合理数量的记录一直是每个应用程序的基本部分,并且常常给设计人员带来许多脑痛。 CakePHP 通过提供快速、简单的信息分页方法来减轻设计人员的负担。制作适应性强且易于使用的 Web 应用程序的主要障碍之一是规划自然的 UI。
易于使用的连接点的改进是 Web 应用程序设计者的主要问题之一,因为当客户编写源代码时,代码的长度和复杂性就会增加。同样,在一个页面上管理数百或数千条记录也很困难。此外,它还投入了一些机会将微妙之处带到一个单独的页面上,从而使 Web 应用程序体验到其稳定的质量和客户满意度。沿着这些思路,CakePHP 设计者提供了分页功能,可以在单个页面中处理许多记录。许多应用程序通常会迅速填满大小和复杂性,架构师和软件工程师发现他们无法适应显示数百或数千条记录。
它会减少 Web 应用程序的执行。
基于这些情况,CakePHP 提出了一种理想的分页策略。
CakePHP 的分页策略:它将所有记录隔离为等效部分,并根据应用程序的需要向客户端显示单个记录。
模型:假设我们每页有 200 条记录,我们只需要显示 20 条记录。就像获得完整表格的基本数学一样,它是 200/20 = 10。因此,我们真的想让客户在多功能或工作区小工具等小屏幕中看到每个页面上的微妙之处。
现在让我们看看如何在 CakePHP 中配置分页,如下所示。
有时我们真的想利用传统的 SQL 查询在 CakePHP 中进行分页;随后,CakePHP 预定义的分页功能就会丢失。 CakePHP 中的自定义分页
为了利用我们自己的策略/原理来取代模型中的 CakePHP 分页,我们确实想添加两个功能: paginate () 和 paginateCount()。
为了显示大量海量信息,我们可以使用分页,并且可以通过 cake PHP 4 访问该组件,使用起来非常简单。
<?php use Cake\Http\Middleware\CsrfProtectionMiddleware; use Cake\Routing\Route\DashedRoute; use Cake\Routing\RouteBuilder; $routes->setRouteClass(DashedRoute::class); $routes->scope('/', function (RouteBuilder $builder) { $builder->registerMiddleware('csrf', new CsrfProtectionMiddleware([ 'httpOnly' => true, ])); $builder->applyMiddleware('csrf'); //$builder->connect('/pages',['controller'=>'Pages','action'=>'display', 'home']); $builder->connect('posts',['controller'=>'Posts','action'=>'index']); $builder->fallbacks(); });
<?php namespace App\Controller; use App\Controller\AppController; class PostsController extends AppController { public function index(){ $this->loadModel('rounds); $articles = $this->rounds->find('all')->order(['rounds.id ASC']); $this->set('rounds', $this->paginate($rounds, ['limit'=> '4'])); } } ?>
<div> <?php foreach ($rounds as $key=>$rounds) {?> <a href="#"> <div> <p><?= $rounds->title ?> </p> <p><?= $rounds->details ?></p> </div> </a> <br/> <?php } ?> <ul class="pagination"> <?= $this->Paginator->prev("<<") ?> <?= $this->Paginator->numbers() ?> <?= $this->Paginator->next(">>") ?> </ul> </div>
In the regulator, we start by characterizing the default question conditions pagination will use in the $paginate regulator variable. These circumstances serve as the reason for your pagination questions. They are increased by the sort, direction, limit, and page boundaries passed in from the URL. It is critical to note that the request key should be characterized in an exhibit structure like beneath:
class RoundController extends AppController { public $paginate = [ 'limit' => 20, 'order' => [ 'Round.title' => 'Desc' ] ]; public function initialize() { parent::initialize(); $this->loadComponent('Paginator'); } }
In this code, we can include different options that are supported by the find () method as per our requirements.
class RoundController extends AppController { public $paginate = [ 'fields' => ['Rounds.id', 'Rounds.created'], 'limit' => 20, 'order' => [ 'Rounds.title' => 'Desc' ] ]; public function initialize() { parent::initialize(); $this->loadComponent('Paginator'); } }
While you can pass the vast majority of the question choices from the paginate property it is often cleaner and more straightforward to wrap up your pagination choices into a Custom Finder Method. You can characterize the locater pagination utilizing finder choice.
From the above article, we have taken in the essential idea of the CakePHP pagination and we also see the representation and examples. From this article, we learned how and when we use the CakePHP pagination.
以上是CakePHP 分页的详细内容。更多信息请关注PHP中文网其他相关文章!