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PHP 代表超文本处理器,被设计为用于开发 Web 应用程序的服务器端脚本语言。 PHP 代码主要与 HTML 语法结合或嵌入,但它可以用于 Web 应用程序的任何模板系统或可用的 Web 框架。

基本 PHP 命令

有很多 PHP 命令可用于各种环境,特别是用于准备一个 Web 应用程序或使用 HTML 语法嵌入整个服务器端代码库,并且对于普通开发人员来说非常容易学习。下面提到了一些基本的 PHP 命令:

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1. PHP 变量

  • 变量类型:变量在任何一种编程语言中始终扮演着重要的角色。 PHP 还使用变量声明来赋值。 PHP变量的主要特点之一是不需要声明变量的类型。由于 PHP 是一种每周类型的语言,因此根据分配的值来考虑类型来声明变量。 PHP 通常接受任何变量的各种类型,如字符串、整数、浮点数、布尔值、对象、资源、数组或 NULL。
  • 变量名称:PHP 中的变量名称始终以 $ 开头,后跟任何文本或特定字母和 _。 PHP 变量名区分大小写,因此任何同名的大写字母变量都应被视为新变量。
  • 变量的范围:最大变量位于局部范围内。函数内部声明的变量在函数外不可用,同样,函数外部声明的变量在函数内部不可用。在 PHP 中可以声明一个全局变量,在这种情况下,需要专门将该变量声明为全局变量,或者通过全局数组访问该变量。

2. PHP 运算符

  • 赋值运算符:PHP 通常使用一个常见的赋值运算符,它等于(‘=’)。等号左边是变量名,右边是赋值。
  • 算术运算运算符:以下运算符用于在 PHP 中执行算术运算。运算符有‘+’、‘-’、‘*’、‘/’、‘%’、‘++’、‘–’。
  • 组合运算符:它基本上是算术运算符和赋值运算符的组合。组合运算符有‘+=’、‘-=’、‘*=’、‘/=’、‘%=’。
  • 比较运算符:比较运算符有 '=='、'!='、'>'、'>='、'
  • 逻辑表达式的运算符:PHP 中的逻辑运算符有‘||’、‘&&’、‘and’、‘or’、‘xor’、‘!’。

3. PHP 如果否则

  • 条件判断:对于编程逻辑中的任何类型的条件要求,PHP 像任何其他编程语言一样使用“if else”功能。 PHP 的“IF ELSE”语句的基本语法是:

4。 PHP 开关

PHP 也使用 switch case,就像其他编程语言一样,以避免多个“IF ELSE”的嵌套定义。考虑多种情​​况的切换情况,定义默认值是可选的。定义 switch case 的代码结构如下:

CASE 'val 1'
CASE 'val 2'
CASE 'val 3'

5. PHP 循环

  • While Loop:在 PHP 中,可以执行 while 循环,直到提及表达式被视为 true。
WHILE [condition or expression]{
  • FOR 循环:For 循环用于执行相同的代码指定次数。
For(exp 1, exp 2, exp 3){
  • Do While Loop:与 while 循环类似,代码会一直执行,直到 while 表达式中得到 true 值。与 while 的主要区别是,do 里面提到的代码无论表达式为真与否都至少执行一次,但 while 不保证相同。
DO {
}WHILE (condition)
  • FOREACH 循环:此循环接受数组作为变量,并考虑执行代码直到数组的最后一个元素。
FOREACH ($arr_var as $val){

中级 PHP 命令

还有其他几个流行的 PHP 命令,它们也被 PHP 开发人员使用,它们不是非常基本的命令,但更多地与 PHP 配合使用。下面列出了一些中间 PHP 命令类型:

1. PHP Include

In PHP, INCLUDE is mainly using for appending define code in an external file with the current working file.

INCLUDE ('name of the external file')

2. PHP Functions

Maximum business logic can be defined within this PHP function.

Function "name of the function" (argument1, argument2 …){
Return "expected result";

3. PHP Array

Array is mainly holding multiple related information in a single variable. Three kinds of arrays PHP normally supported.

  •  Indexed Array: $student = array(“A”, “B”, “C”);
  • Associative Array: $score = array(“A”=>80, “B”=>90, “C”=>85);
  • Multidimensional Array: $stu_score = array($student, $score);


It is similar to the HTML form.

<form action="" name="" type="post">

Advanced Commands

However, some of the critical tasks often need to be performed by the users of the PHP command. These tasks also have some advanced commands to execute, such as storing the cookie value, redirecting the page to some relevant pages or connecting to the database. Those advance kind of PHP commands are below:

1. PHP Cookies

A cookie is mainly using storing some of the user type value in their own system so that it can come automatically for the same website.

setCiookie(ckname, ckvalue, ckexpire, ckpath, ckdomain, cksecure) >>> creating Cookie
$_COOKIE['cookie name'] >>> get cookies value

2. PHP Redirect

Redirecting to a new page by below command:

Header("Location:'URL to redirect'");

Tips and Tricks to Use PHP Commands

Some common users who are very frequently using PHP commands, they normally use some of the tips and tricks for utilizing PHP commands output in a proper way. Those kinds of tricks normally solving some user-specific queries and display execution output for understanding the same properly. Some of the very commonly used key tricks are:

1. Avoiding multiple ‘IF-ELSE’ statements

For little critical complexity of business logic, sometimes developer using huge ‘IF-ELSE’ condition which creates a real problem of understanding the logic and final review. So one of the popular operators in PHP for avoiding the same is the Ternary operator. It is something like if conditions are true then doing something, else fetching some default value.

$value = (!empty($_GET['val'])? $_GET['val']: 'ABC');

2. Autoloading of class

Somehow requirement of using some common files in multiple pages, In that case rather than mention those common files in every page, a developer can make one common header and mention those common classes on that header page.


PHP is now a very popular programming language which used by the maximum common web application. If an organization are not a big concern with the site security or code vulnerability then PHP will be always a good option. The population of a page in PHP is very fast rather than any programming language.


上一篇:Comments in PHP下一篇:PHP Frameworks