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在 Ubuntu 15.04 服务器上设置 LEMP Linux、Nginx、MySQL/MariaDB、PHP) 和 PhpMyAdmin

2024-08-28 13:02:321105浏览

Setting Up LEMP Linux, Nginx, MySQL/MariaDB, PHP) and PhpMyAdmin on Ubuntu 15.04 Server

LEMP 堆栈是用于 Web 开发和托管的开源技术的强大组合。 LEMP包括Linux,它是操作系统的组合,Nginx(发音为engine x)是一个Web服务器软件,用于处理来自服务器的HTTP请求,它有助于静态和动态内容的传递。 MySQL或MariaDB用于高效的数据存储和检索,PHP用于构建动态Web应用程序,使开发人员能够与数据库通信并将动态信息集成到HTML页面中。

安装和配置 LEMP 的每个组件,需要一次一个在 Ubuntu 15.04 服务器上手动设置 LEMP 堆栈和 PhpMyAdmin。


  • 手动安装

  • 预构建的 LEMP 堆栈包


在 Ubuntu 15.04 Server 上,可以通过单独安装和配置每个组件来手动安装 LEMP 堆栈(Linux、Nginx、MySQL/MariaDB、PHP)和 PhpMyAdmin。


  • 使用 15.04 服务器安装或更新 Ubuntu,这是此组合的操作系统。

  • 在给定代码的帮助下安装 nginx,即 nginx。

  • 安装 MySQL 或 MariaDB 作为此组合的数据库管理系统。

  • 安装 PHP 和 Web 服务器的模块。

  • 配置 Web 服务器,以访问和使用 PHP。

  • 添加位置,保存文件并重启nginx

  • 安装并配置数据库管理工具PhpMyAdmin。

  • 访问您的网络服务器中的工具。


基于 Web 的系统管理程序 Webmin 提供图形用户界面 (GUI),用于控制类 Unix 系统。通过网络浏览器界面,系统管理员可以轻松控制服务器的多个组件,包括系统设置、用户帐户、文件系统、软件包等。

Webmin 的好处

  • 远程管理  借助 Webmin 基于浏览器的界面,系统管理员可以使用网络浏览器从任何计算机远程管理其服务器。这使得它对于不同技能水平的管理员来说都很友好,因为它消除了直接连接到服务器或命令行专业知识的要求。

  • 多平台支持− Linux、FreeBSD、OpenBSD,甚至某些 Windows 计算机都可能使用 Webmin,因为它是为在各种类 Unix 操作系统上运行而构建的。这使其成为管理许多平台上的服务器的灵活工具。

  • 用户管理  管理员可以使用 Webmin 快速创建、更改和删除用户帐户和基于服务器的组。他们可以定义密码规则、管理用户权限并规范谁有权访问哪些系统资源。

  • 文件系统管理 - 管理员可以使用 Webmin 提供的文件管理器查看、修改、上传和下载服务器上的文件。支持典型的文件操作,包括维护符号链接、建立目录和更改文件权限。

  • 软件包管理  管理员可以使用 Webmin 界面从其服务器安装、更新和删除软件包。它支持许多包管理程序,包括基于 Red Hat 的系统的 YUM (Yellowdog Updater, Modified) 和基于 Debian 的系统的 APT (Advanced Package Tool)。

  • System Monitoring  Real-time monitoring of system resources including CPU, memory, disk utilization, and network activities is made possible by Webmin. Additionally, it enables administrators to manage scheduled activities, keep track of active processes, and check system logs.

  • Security − Security technologies like SSL/TLS encryption are included in Webmin to provide secure connection between the browser and server. Additionally, it enables administrators to handle SSL certificates, set up firewall rules, and define access controls.

  • Extensibility  Webmin provides a significant selection of external modules that increase its capability. These community-developed modules offer extra functionality and support for numerous programs and services. These modules can be customized to satisfy our requirements.

Webmin provides a simple and user-friendly web-based interface which directs a server administration process. It gives system administrators the ability to effectively manage and monitor their servers, which makes it a crucial tool for administering Unix-like systems.


  • Update Ubuntu to 15.04 server.

  • Install Webmin, Version 15.04 of Ubuntu's default repositories do not contain Webmin. However, you may manually install Webmin by downloading the.deb package from the program's official website.

  • After it’s downloaded, navigate to the directory and install with the help of the given command.

sudo dpkg -i webmin_*.deb
  • Access Webmin using your server’s IP address. Then you can log in with your system details.

  • Install the LEMP components.

  • Install, configure and access PhpMyAdmin, With the help of its user-friendly web-based interface, Webmin makes it easier to install and operate server software. The installation of LEMP stack and PhpMyAdmin also are turned easy with this. It offers a better approach towards setting up and configuration of the server, without relying on the command line.


In conclusion, installing an LEMP stack on an Ubuntu 15.04 Server, which consists of Linux, Nginx, MySQL/MariaDB, PHP, and PhpMyAdmin, creates a strong basis for web development and hosting. The detailed methods provided in this article can help you set up a sophisticated web server environment that can support dynamic websites and apps.

In conclusion, installing an LEMP stack on an Ubuntu 15.04 Server, which consists of Linux, Nginx, MySQL/MariaDB, PHP, and PhpMyAdmin, creates a strong basis for web development and hosting. The detailed methods provided in this article can help you set up a sophisticated web server environment that can support dynamic websites and apps.

You have successfully developed a strong web server environment ready to host and build dynamic websites and apps by successfully configuring LEMP and PhpMyAdmin on Ubuntu 15.04 Server. The Linux, Nginx, MySQL/MariaDB, and PHP components of the LEMP stack offer a strong basis for the development of dependable and scalable online applications.

Last but not least, installing LEMP and PhpMyAdmin on Ubuntu 15.04 Server prepares the ground for productive web design and hosting. Unlock your potential by utilizing the strength of the LEMP stack with PhpMyAdmin, then set off on a quest to create dynamic and captivating online apps.

以上是在 Ubuntu 15.04 服务器上设置 LEMP Linux、Nginx、MySQL/MariaDB、PHP) 和 PhpMyAdmin的详细内容。更多信息请关注PHP中文网其他相关文章!
