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Black Myth: Wukong Trophy Guide & Roadmap

Black Myth: Wukong Trophy Roadmap

  • Estimated trophy difficulty: 5/10
  • Approximate amount of time to platinum: 35-60 hours
  • Offline Trophies: 36 (1Black Myth: Wukong Trophy Guide & Roadmap, 4Black Myth: Wukong Trophy Guide & Roadmap, 9Black Myth: Wukong Trophy Guide & Roadmap, 22Black Myth: Wukong Trophy Guide & Roadmap)
  • Online Trophies: 0
  • Number of missable trophies: Pending. None of the known trophies are missable. There’s still free-roam after the story, you can go back everywhere. After the Endboss in Chapter 6 you are put back in the Title Screen, then you can select to continue instead of starting New Game+, it puts you back before the endboss. You can still free-roam and revisit all places from this point. Some trophies are still unknown so it’s not yet 100% confirmed if any of those unknown trophies are missable or not (if there are missables they could be done quickly in New Game+).
  • Glitched trophies: Nothing Yet
  • Does difficulty affect trophies?: No, there are no difficulty settings. It’s one and the same difficulty for everyone.
  • Hardest TrophyBlack Myth: Wukong Trophy Guide & Roadmap Portraits Perfected – requires 100% completion and beating all bosses
  • Minimum Playthroughs: 1 & starting New Game+ (*currently unknown if a full second playthrough in New Game+ is required, potentially could be needed to craft all weapons/armor)
  • PS4/PS5 Autopop & Save Transfer: Game doesn’t have a PS4 version.
  • Free-Roam / Level Select after Story?: Yes, after the Endboss in Chapter 6 you are put in the Title Screen. Choose Continue and it will put you back before the endboss. You can fast travel back everywhere to all Chapters via the Shrines. Everything is still accessible. NPCs, bosses, secret areas, collectibles etc. are still there after the story.
  • Supports Manual Saves?: No, only 1 Autosave
  • Release Date: August 20, 2024


Welcome to the Black Myth: Wukong Trophy Guide! This game is an Action Hack and Slash similar to God of War. The difficulty settings can’t be adjusted but it’s comparable to God of War on normal difficulty. If you thoroughly explore all areas you’ll have an easier time as you discover more equipment and level up. Attributes can be increased to a limited extent from the skill tree, and also by trading Mind Cores to Xu Dog in Chapter 2 at the Cellar Shrine. The game consists of 6 chapters, which are mostly linear. Each chapter takes place on a different map and lasts around 3-5 hours depending on how thoroughly you explore. There are checkpoints called Keeper’s Shrines, they are used to recover health & mana. You can fast travel between the chapters at any time using the Keeper Shrines. Most of the game consists of boss fights but there are also NPCs with little side quests. After the endboss you are put back into the Title Screen and can choose to continue playing, then it puts you back before the endboss. You can still free-roam to all areas from this point. However, if you go into New Game+ it will overwrite your save and you can’t go back, so clean up everything first before you do this! For Platinum you will need 100% completion. The easiest way to keep track of completion is through the game’s “Journal” menu. Bosses are divided into “Chiefs” for minibosses and “Kings” for main bosses. Most trophies come from bosses or side quests. The best approach is to go for 100% completion, then you’ll get most trophies along the way. Do everything you can during the story to level up. Then clean up any remaining trophies after the story, but before starting New Game+.

Step 1: Finish Story

Focus on finishing the story. The story consists of 6 linear Chapters. There are no difficulty settings, it’s one and the same difficulty for everyone.

Explore all areas thoroughly. If you try to rush the game you will make it harder for yourself, you’d be underleveled and underequipped. If you explore thoroughly it will be much easier. You need 100% completion for Platinum anyway which includes all Bosses, NPC Quests, and Equipment. So do as much side content as you can, it will save you time later.

After the final boss at the end of Chapter 6 you will be put back into the Title Screen. Then you can choose to “Continue Journey” or “Enter a New Cycle”. Choose “Continue Journey“. This puts you back before the final boss and you can keep exploring. All areas of all chapters can be revisited from this point. You can fast travel to previous chapters by using the Keeper’s Shrines (checkpoints where you recharge health). Don’t choose “Enter a New Cycle”, this would start New Game+ and overwrites your existing save, then there’s no way back and you’d have to replay the story!

If you want to do all optional bosses as you go, refer to the Boss Guide. It has strategies for all bosses and also their locations. But you can still clean them up after the story too. If you need any specific upgrades to get stronger, refer to the Collectibles linked in Step 2.

Step 2: 100% Completion Cleanup (Bosses, Equipment, Side Quests)

After the endboss in Chapter 6, choose “Continue Journey” from the Title Screen. You respawn before the endboss and can still go back to all areas/chapters to collect anything you have left. Bosses, NPCs and Side Quests are still accessible.

You need 100% Game Completion for platinum. This includes all Bosses, Equipment, Side Quests. The bosses often drop equipment that you need for other trophies. Many of the hidden bosses have a trophy tied to them. The Side Quests give trophies as well as hidden bosses.

Refer to the below guides for everything you need:

Bosses & Enemies:

  • All Bosses
  • All Journal Portraits (100% Completion – All Yaoguai Enemies Checklist)

Side Quests:

  • Side Quests

Secret Areas:

  • Secret Areas


  • Meditation Spots
  • Luojia Fragrant Vines (Gourd Usage Upgrades) – must upgrade Gourd to 9 Healing Charges as a prerequisite for Always Accompanied
  • Awaken Wine Worms (Gourd Healing Upgrades)


  • Drinks
  • Soaks
  • Gourds
  • Spells
  • Spirits
  • Curios
  • Vessels

Step 3: New Game+

Some trophies require going into New Game+. This can be started after the story from the Title Screen by choosing “Enter a New Cycle”.

WARNING: Starting New Game+ (“A New Cycle”) will overwrite your existing save file! Make sure you cleaned up any remaining content before doing this, or back up your save to the PS+ Cloud and copy it back after. Once you start New Game+ there’s no way back, you’d have to replay the entire game.

The following trophies require starting New Game+:

  • Six Senses Secured – for having collected all 6 Relics during the main story. However, the trophy only unlocks when starting New Game+, after the first two cutscenes as soon as you start fighting the tutorial boss.
  • Master of Magic – unlocks at start of New Game+, after the first two cutscenes as soon as soon as you start fighting the tutorial boss. You may need to have obtained All 10 Spells during the first playthrough for this to unlock (needs further confirmation). So make sure you have all 10 Spells before starting New Game+, refer to Spell Locations.

Useful Tips, Tricks and Guides:

  • Black Myth Wukong Wiki & Strategy Guide
  • Boss Guide – All Bosses
  • Journal Portraits (All Enemies)
  • Side Quests
  • Secret Areas
  • Meditation Spots
  • Luojia Fragrant Vines (Gourd Usage Upgrades)
  • Awaken Wine Worms (Gourd Healing Upgrades)
  • Mind Cores (Attribute Upgrades)
  • Gourds
  • Drinks
  • Soaks
  • Spells
  • Spirits
  • Curios
  • Vessels
  • Shrines

Black Myth: Wukong Trophy Guide

Work-in-Progress: Some trophies haven’t been solved yet, they will be added soon.

Black Myth: Wukong Trophy Guide & Roadmap Final Fulfillment
Each ordeal paves your path to what you are meant to be.
Black Myth: Wukong Trophy Guide & Roadmap
Earn all other trophies in Black Myth: Wukong to unlock Platinum.
Black Myth: Wukong Trophy Guide & Roadmap Home is Behind
The old monkey has told his tale. Onward you must go.
Black Myth: Wukong Trophy Guide & Roadmap
Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed. This is the 1st story trophy, it unlocks after the very first boss “Erlang, the Sacred Divinity” at the start of the game (during the cutscenes following the boss fight).

Black Myth: Wukong Trophy Guide & Roadmap

Black Myth: Wukong Trophy Guide & Roadmap A Spark of Thought
Nothing sparks your talents more than a spark of thought.
Black Myth: Wukong Trophy Guide & Roadmap
Unlocked by buying your first skill in the skill tree. You earn one skill point for each level-up.
Black Myth: Wukong Trophy Guide & Roadmap Brew of Bravery
Fresh brew in an old cask. May it stir a great task!
Black Myth: Wukong Trophy Guide & Roadmap
Unlocked by using the brew menu at the Shen Monkey to add a Soak effect to a drink.

In Chapter 1 from the shrine at Bamboo Grove > Marsh of White Mist, defeat the next snake enemy and you’ll get a cutscene where you save a friendly NPC called “Shen Monkey”. After the cutscene follow the monkey into his cave and talk to him. He lets you upgrade your Gourd and customize it with new effects. Select “Brew” > “Soaks” > “Gall Gem”. This will immediately unlock the trophy. You get the Gall Gem automatically from the Shen Monkey. You can fast travel back here at any time during later chapters from any Keeper’s Shrine.

Black Myth: Wukong Trophy Guide & Roadmap Creative Concoction
Tonics are well and good, but not to be wolfed like food!
Black Myth: Wukong Trophy Guide & Roadmap
Unlocked by crafting one Medicine. To craft Medicine, you must first defeat the boss “Lang-Li-Guhh-Baw“. He is a big frog located in Chapter 2 > Sandgate Village > Village Entrance. To the left of this shrine drop down the ravine and go down the path. At the end of the path you will find a flooded area with this frog miniboss. He will drop the Formula “Evil Repelling Medicament”. You can give it to the Wolf NPC who stands at the top of the staircase before the boss, he will craft you some potions.

前往任何守护者神殿,您将无法w 访问“制作药物”菜单。制作任何药水来解锁奖杯。成分是开放世界中随处可见的植物。

Black Myth: Wukong Trophy Guide & Roadmap 丰收快乐
Black Myth: Wukong Trophy Guide & Roadmap
Black Myth: Wukong Trophy Guide & Roadmap 英镑和完美
Black Myth: Wukong Trophy Guide & Roadmap
Black Myth: Wukong Trophy Guide & Roadmap 炽黑之风
Black Myth: Wukong Trophy Guide & Roadmap
自动剧情相关奖杯,不容错过。 这是第四个剧情奖杯,在第四个主boss“黑熊怪”之后解锁。第一章也到此结束。


Black Myth: Wukong Trophy Guide & Roadmap 污染神殿
不w 最后是长辈对旅人的漫长等待。
Black Myth: Wukong Trophy Guide & Roadmap
击败秘密第一章Boss“金池长老”即可解锁。要联系他,您必须按响第 1 章中的全部 3 个铃。请参阅铃位置。 然后你就会自动传送到这个boss处。

Black Myth: Wukong Trophy Guide & Roadmap 一阵大风
Black Myth: Wukong Trophy Guide & Roadmap
自动剧情相关奖杯,不容错过。通过击败第 2 章最终头目“Yellow Wind Sage“来解锁。他是一个不可忽视的故事大佬,击败他也会结束第二章。


Black Myth: Wukong Trophy Guide & Roadmap Shifting Sands
The beetle came with drumbeats’ call, and left with waves’ gentle fall.
Black Myth: Wukong Trophy Guide & Roadmap
Unlocked in Chapter 2 by beating the secret boss “Fuban“. To reach the secret boss you must finish the Drunken Boar Questline:
  1. Fright Cliff > Rockrest Flat: from this shrine go straight and talk to the drunken boar, he sits in the big round meadow area.
  2. Yellow Wind Formation > Windrest Bridge: from this shrine go straight across the bridge, then go left where houses are, then turn right into a courtyard. In a house in the left corner is a golden glowing keg, destroy it to get “Sobering Stone” key item.
  3. Fright Cliff > Rockrest Flat: Return to the boar where you first met him, deliver the Sobering Stone, exhaust all dialogue until he repeats the same line.
  4. Crouching Tiger Temple > Temple Entrance: from this shrine go up the stairs and enter second path on the right, talk to boar there, give him 1 Jade Lotus (you can buy it from the shrine store). Exhaust all dialogues with the boar until he repeats the same line.
  5. Fright Cliff > Rockrest Flat: Return to where you first met the boar, his brother “Yellow-Robed Squire” will spawn in that area, defeat him. After the fight, follow the boar to the big gate on the side of the area. You can now interact with it to reach the secret area “Kingdom of Sahi”.
  6. After the fight, follow the boar to the big gate on the side of the area. You can now interact with it to reach the secret area “Kingdom of Sahi”. The next boss is the secret version of “Tiger Vanguard“.
  7. After this you will enter a huge desert area. On top of the cliff stands an NPC, talk to him. It will trigger a cutscene in which he summons the Fuban boss. Defeat Fuban to earn Black Myth: Wukong Trophy Guide & Roadmap Shifting Sands.

Black Myth: Wukong Trophy Guide & Roadmap Nifty Nonsense
The fat monk failed, for he spoke too much.
Black Myth: Wukong Trophy Guide & Roadmap
Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed. Unlocks after the Chapter 3 Endboss “Yellowbrow” (after the second encounter with him, not after the first encounter).

Boss Location: New Thunderclap Temple > Mahavira Hall: Directly after this shrine in next building.

Black Myth: Wukong Trophy Guide & Roadmap Behold the Betrayal
More eyes do not see more than the mortal trifles.
Black Myth: Wukong Trophy Guide & Roadmap
Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed. Unlocks by beating the Chapter 4 Endboss “Hundred-Eyed Daoist Master“. This also ends Chapter 4. He is an unmissable story boss.

Boss Location: Temple of the Yellow Flower > Court of Illumination: to the right of this shrine.

Black Myth: Wukong Trophy Guide & Roadmap The Cockerel Crowed
Long and short, far and near, each span has its year.
Black Myth: Wukong Trophy Guide & Roadmap
Unlocked by defeating the boss “Duskveil” in the Secret Area of Chapter 4. Reaching this area requires finding the Venom Daoist in two locations, then he opens the path to the secret area where you find the Duskveil boss.
  1. Chapter 4 > Webbed Hollow > Pool of Shattered Jade: To the right of the shrine go up the path to find a big hanging cocoon. Attack it until the Venom Daoist pops out of it, defeat him. Afterward he will run away. You must find him again later in the chapter.
  2. Chapter 4 > Temple of the Yellow Flower > Court of Illumination: From this shrine turn around and take the path directly across. When there’s a split in the path go left. Then you get a cutscene with the Venom Daoist spawning. Must have defeated him at the first location. Defeat him again, he has two phases, each with a full healthbar. After the fight interact with the wall in front of you to enter the secret area “Purple Cloud Mountain”.
  3. Chapter 4 > Secret: Purple Cloud Mountain > Cloudnest Peak: At the end of the Purple Cloud Mountain area, you encounter the Duskveil boss. He has two health bars (transforms after beating his first form). After defeating him you unlock Black Myth: Wukong Trophy Guide & Roadmap The Cockerel Crowed.

Black Myth: Wukong Trophy Guide & Roadmap Flaming Fury
The golden child brought fire and smoke; when they cleared, the family broke.
Black Myth: Wukong Trophy Guide & Roadmap
Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed. Unlocks after the Chapter 5 main boss “Yaksha King“- This is also the end of Chapter 5.

Location: Chapter 5 > Field of Fire > Fallen Furnace Crater: After beating Red Boy boss.

Black Myth: Wukong Trophy Guide & Roadmap Frost and Flame
The merging of ice and fire, swift and severe.
Black Myth: Wukong Trophy Guide & Roadmap
Black Myth: Wukong Trophy Guide & Roadmap Meet the Match
“Let go of him, and you let go of all.”
Black Myth: Wukong Trophy Guide & Roadmap
Black Myth: Wukong Trophy Guide & Roadmap A Duel of Destiny
Two minds’ long fray leaves but one to stay.
Black Myth: Wukong Trophy Guide & Roadmap
Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed. Reward for completing the main story. Unlocks after the final boss in Chapter 6. After this the story will be over but you can choose to continue from the Title Screen and it will put you back before the final boss. You can still go back to all areas and mop up any remaining side content.
Black Myth: Wukong Trophy Guide & Roadmap The Clamor of Frogs
Six frogs, six skills—how intriguing!
Black Myth: Wukong Trophy Guide & Roadmap
(*Unconfirmed – believed to be for killing 6 “Baw” frog bosses found throughout the game)
  1. Baw-Li-Guhh-Lang: Chapter 1 > Bamboo Grove > Snake Trail: when facing this fast travel point, jump over the cliffs on the left to get to the lower area where a river is. Turn left, follow the river to the end to find this boss.
  2. Lang-Li-Guhh-Baw: Chapter 2 > Sandgate Village > Village Entrance: To the left of this shrine drop down the ravine and go down the path. At the end of the path you will find a flooded area with this frog miniboss.
  3. Lang-Li-Guhh-Lang: Chapter 3 > Valley of Ecstasy > Forest of Felicity: From this shrine turn around 180°, then enter the cave to your right. Behind it is this frog boss.
  4. Baw-Li-Guhh-Baw: Chapter 4 > Webbed Hollow > Lower Hollow: From this shrine turn left and enter the tunnel. On the left there’s a crack in the wall, squeeze through it with Black Myth: Wukong Trophy Guide & Roadmap / Black Myth: Wukong Trophy Guide & Roadmap to find a meditation spot. To the left of it go through the corridor to find this frog boss.
  5. (One in Chapter 5? Currently missing)
  6. Lang-Baw-Baw: Chapter 6 > Foothills > Verdant Path: After you unlock the spell to fly on a cloud, fly down to the big lake in the lower area. Then fly to the back right corner (the corner closest to the cliff where you started, not the corner at other end of lake). This frog boss will spawn there. Looks like a brown area in corner of the lake. Dismount from the cloud to see the boss.
Black Myth: Wukong Trophy Guide & Roadmap The Sire and Sons
“For what deed, must the four waters they governed roam free?”
Black Myth: Wukong Trophy Guide & Roadmap
Black Myth: Wukong Trophy Guide & Roadmap Always Accompanied
How odd to encounter this old man at every corner!
Black Myth: Wukong Trophy Guide & Roadmap
Unlocked by talking to the “Old Man” NPC in every location and upgrading your gourd to the maximum of 10 healing charges. Be sure to exhaust all dialogues with him in every location until he repeats the same line.
  1. Old Man Location 1: Chapter 1 > Bamboo Grove > Snake Trail: From this shrine go up the stairs, he will stand on the right and gives you the Blessed Gourd.
  2. Old Man Location 2: Chapter 2 > Crouching Tiger Temple > Cellar: From this shrine go down the sandy path, then turn right and go to the end of the path to find him. He’s looking at the rocks there. A meditation spot is in the same place. Alternatively, you can get here from Yellow Wind Formation > Windseal Gate: Go through the gate and then take the left path to the end.
  3. Old Man Location 3: Chapter 3 > Pagoda Realm > Warding Temple: From this shrine go up the stairs into the temple courtyard to trigger a boss fight against the Macaque Chief. The Old Man is there and unlocks the Ring of Fire spell for you. This is unmissable from story progression so you can’t miss him here.
  4. Old Man Location 4: Chapter 4 > Temple of the Yellow Flower > Temple Entrance: From this shrine go straight ahead into the temple, then slightly to the right through the gate. In this area you find a meditation spot and lots of enemies. In the back of the area go up the stairs to find the NPC, exhaust all dialogue.
  5. Old Man Location 5 + Supreme Gourd Upgrade: Chapter 5 > Furnace Valley > Rakshasa Palace: From this shrine go upstairs and over the bridge. Then take the left path to reach a room with the Old Man NPC. Exhaust all dialogue with him, then interact with the fire in the middle of the same room to upgrade your gourd to the “Supreme Gourd”. It’s the best gourd in the game, Mythical grade (orange color in inventory), and has 10 healing charges. You must have upgraded your regular Gourd to 9 healing charges at the Shen Monkey (Chapter 1 > Bamboo Forest > Marsh of White Mist). For the required upgrade materials refer to Luojia Fragrant Vine locations.
Black Myth: Wukong Trophy Guide & Roadmap Urge Unfulfilled
“With my life I’ll repay the title he gave me!”
Black Myth: Wukong Trophy Guide & Roadmap
Unlocked by rescuing the horse NPC from the cart in Chapter 5.
  1. First, you must beat Chapter 5.
  2. After reaching Chapter 6, fast travel back to Chapter 5 > Furnace Valley > Valley Entrance: From this shrine walk down the path, then enter the lava pool on the right. Go to the corner of the lava to find a stuck Element Cart surrounded by a bunch of enemies (the cart won’t attack you). Interact with the cart to pull a string. After pulling out the string you unlock this character entry. You can’t pull the string during Chapter 5. You have to beat Chapter 5 first, then come back here. Doing so will unlock this trophy as well as the “Dark Thunder” spell.

Note: it’s currently unconfirmed if you need to talk to the horse NPC at each of his locations throughout the game or if he spawns at the end even if you missed him earlier. I did talk to him at every spot throughout the game which is 100% confirmed to spawn him in Chapter 5. He can be found in every Chapter from Chapter 1 – 5 but when you start a new chapter he disappears from the previous chapter (could be a missable trophy if it’s required).

Horse NPC Locations:

  1. Chapter 1 > Bamboo Grove > Back Hills: From this shrine go down the stairs and then take the path left to find a cave entrance. Inside you find the horse NPC sitting on the side of the cave. Exhaust all dialogues with him. (A meditation spot is also here in the middle of the cave)
  2. Chapter 2 > Sandgate Village > Village Entrance: From this shrine go forward and then to the right to enter the village area. Keep going forward through the village (past rat archers on the cliffs), then take the road left to get to a meadow where the Earth Wolf boss awaits. This is the opposite side of the gate you saw from Village Entrance shrine. After defeating the Earth Wolf, check the pagoda on the side to find the horse NPC. He’s tied-up there. Exhaust all dialogue.
  3. Chapter 3 > New Thunderclap Temple > Temple Entrance > From this shrine go forward, through a temple building, then up the stairs in front of you. Then go down the stairs on the left side and straight ahead into the next building. Inside this building go up the stairs to reach the upper balcony. From here you can go over a wooden bridge on the side of the balcony, the horse NPC stands at the end of it. Exhaust all dialogue.
  4. Chapter 4 > Webbed Hollow > Middle Hollow / Bonevault: On your way to the next shrine called “Cliff of Oblivion” you will automatically run into the horse NPC again. You can’t miss him here, he’s on the main story path and will talk to you automatically. He pops out of a spider cocoon.
  5. Chapter 5 > Furnace Valley > Valley Entrance: Go down the path and enter the lava lake on the right side, in the corner of the lava lake interact with the Element Cart to pull a string from it. The Horse NPC is stuck inside the cart.
Black Myth: Wukong Trophy Guide & Roadmap Six Senses Secured
After all that strife and struggle, what’s truly been gained?
Black Myth: Wukong Trophy Guide & Roadmap
Unlocked by starting New Game+. After the story, which ends after beating the Chapter 6 Endboss, you will be put back into the Title Screen. Choose the option “Enter a New Cycle”. After the first two cutscenes, as soon as you start fighting the Prologue Boss “Erlang, the Sacred Divinity“, this trophy will unlock. In each chapter of the story you have obtained a Relic for clearing the chapter. However, the trophy doesn’t unlock immediately when finishing the game, nor will it unlock when continuing on the old save. It only pops after starting New Game+.

Warning: Starting New Game+ (“A New Cycle”) will overwrite your existing save file! Make sure you cleaned up any remaining content before doing this, or back up your save to the PS+ Cloud and copy it back after.

Black Myth: Wukong Trophy Guide & Roadmap Portraits Perfected
Humans, beasts, yaoguais, and the Bodhisattvas. All recorded and noted.
Black Myth: Wukong Trophy Guide & Roadmap
For completing all Journal Entries of all Lesser Yaoguai, Chiefs, Kings, Characters. This is effectively for 100% completion.

» All Journal Portraits Entries: Yaoguai Enemy Locations.

Black Myth: Wukong Trophy Guide & Roadmap Treasure Trove
“All the four vessels now belong to me!”
Black Myth: Wukong Trophy Guide & Roadmap
Unlocked by collecting all 4 Vessels.

» All Vessel Locations.

Black Myth: Wukong Trophy Guide & Roadmap Master of Magic
All spells we know are derived from the same source.
Black Myth: Wukong Trophy Guide & Roadmap
Unlocked for me at the start of New Game+, after the first two cutscenes, as soon as you start fighting the prologue boss “Erlang, the Sacred Divinity“. Possibly must have obtained all Spells in the first playthrough (needs confirmation). See All Spell Locations. After the story, which ends after beating the Chapter 6 Endboss, you will be put back into the Title Screen. Choose the option “Enter a New Cycle”. After the first two cutscenes, as soon as you start fighting the Prologue Boss “Erlang, the Sacred Divinity“, this trophy will unlock.

Warning: Starting New Game+ (“A New Cycle”) will overwrite your existing save file! Make sure you cleaned up any remaining content before doing this, or back up your save to the PS+ Cloud and copy it back after.

Black Myth: Wukong Trophy Guide & Roadmap Guardian of Gear
You are fully fitted. Now, swing that staff and fight!
Black Myth: Wukong Trophy Guide & Roadmap
Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed. Unlocks in Chapter 6, after obtaining the story weapon “Jingubang”.

In Chapter 6 you have to recollect the 4 armor pieces and the weapon you had during the prologue fight against the tutorial boss. You need to do the following steps in Chapter 4 to advance the story:

  1. Collect the 4 Mythical Armor pieces from the 4 main bosses in the area: Gold Armored Rhino on the right on the upper plateau before lake, Cloudtreading Deer where the red trees are in the right corner past the big lake, Feng-Tail General by landing on the big grasshoper and holding onto his feelers (have high health and burn resistance to keep holding onto him in one go until he dies), Emerald-Armed Mantis in the yellow tree in the left corner at the edge of the big lake, if he doesn’t spawn beat the other 3 bosses first.
  2. After collecting the 4 armor pieces, equip them and go to the cave at the end of the map on the upper plateau (behind the Son of Stones boss sitting on cliff). Inside the cave is a golden statue, it will trigger a cutscene. After the cutscene you automatically get the Mythical Weapon “Jingubang”, which unlocks this trophy. All of this is mandatory to advance the story, the only thing that remains after this is the endboss.
Black Myth: Wukong Trophy Guide & Roadmap A Curious Collection
Every rare wonder the world can offer, collected and kept.
Black Myth: Wukong Trophy Guide & Roadmap
(*Unconfirmed – believed to be for finding all Curios (Accessories). See All Curios Locations.
Black Myth: Wukong Trophy Guide & Roadmap Medicine Meal
“Here, have it, have it all.”
Black Myth: Wukong Trophy Guide & Roadmap
(*Unconfirmed – believed to be for finding all Gourds and/or Soaks, or upgrading the Gourd’s healing percentage to the maximum using Awaken Wine Worms)
Black Myth: Wukong Trophy Guide & Roadmap Staffs and Spears
A walking vault of arms you have become!
Black Myth: Wukong Trophy Guide & Roadmap
(*Unconfirmed – believed to be for crafting all Weapons at Keeper’s Shrine)
Black Myth: Wukong Trophy Guide & Roadmap Mantled with Might
Shoes on feet, hat on head, embroidered shirt, Daoist robe—free as can be, doing as you please!
Black Myth: Wukong Trophy Guide & Roadmap
(*Unconfirmed – believed to be for crafting all Armor at Keeper’s Shrine)
Black Myth: Wukong Trophy Guide & Roadmap Fickle Forms
Transformations and Spirit Skills, you have mastered them all!
Black Myth: Wukong Trophy Guide & Roadmap
For unlocking all Transformations and Spirit Skills.

» All Spirit Locations

Black Myth: Wukong Trophy Guide & Roadmap Brewer’s Bounty
What to drink, how to drink, and above all, who to drink with.
Black Myth: Wukong Trophy Guide & Roadmap
(*Unconfirmed – believed to be for collecting all Soaks or Gourds. See All Soak Locations & All Gourd Locations).
Black Myth: Wukong Trophy Guide & Roadmap Page Preserver
“All the tattered pages can now be compiled in full.”
Black Myth: Wukong Trophy Guide & Roadmap
Black Myth: Wukong Trophy Guide & Roadmap Seeds to Sow
Take more as fruit as your plants take root.
Black Myth: Wukong Trophy Guide & Roadmap
Black Myth: Wukong Trophy Guide & Roadmap Scenic Seeker
The most marvelous places for meditation have all met your gaze.
Black Myth: Wukong Trophy Guide & Roadmap
For finding all 24 Meditation Spots.

» All Meditation Spot Locations


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