SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 't m e a n i t ’ s a n y l e s s d i f f i c u l t . ( you xi de ku' at line 1
<ol start="376"><li class="line-376"><code> $this->PDOStatement->execute();
</code></li><li class="line-377"><code> // 调试结束
</code></li><li class="line-378"><code> $this->debug(false, '', $master);
</code></li><li class="line-379"><code> // 返回结果集
</code></li><li class="line-380"><code> return $this->getResult($pdo, $procedure);
</code></li><li class="line-381"><code> } catch (\PDOException $e) {
</code></li><li class="line-382"><code> if ($this->isBreak($e)) {
</code></li><li class="line-383"><code> return $this->close()->query($sql, $bind, $master, $pdo);
</code></li><li class="line-384"><code> }
</code></li><li class="line-385"><code> throw new PDOException($e, $this->config, $this->getLastsql());
</code></li><li class="line-386"><code> } catch (\Throwable $e) {
</code></li><li class="line-387"><code> if ($this->isBreak($e)) {
</code></li><li class="line-388"><code> return $this->close()->query($sql, $bind, $master, $pdo);
</code></li><li class="line-389"><code> }
</code></li><li class="line-390"><code> throw $e;
</code></li><li class="line-391"><code> } catch (\Exception $e) {
</code></li><li class="line-392"><code> if ($this->isBreak($e)) {
</code></li><li class="line-393"><code> return $this->close()->query($sql, $bind, $master, $pdo);
</code></li><li class="line-394"><code> }
Exception Datas
PDO Error Info
42000 |
Driver Error Code |
1064 |
Driver Error Message |
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 't m e a n i t ’ s a n y l e s s d i f f i c u l t . ( you xi de ku' at line 1 |
Database Status
Error Code |
10501 |
Error Message |
SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 't m e a n i t ’ s a n y l e s s d i f f i c u l t . ( you xi de ku' at line 1 |
Error SQL |
SELECT name, MATCH(pinyin) AGAINST('zuo wei you xi ke xue gong si de shou kuan dong zuo you xi , hei shen hua wu kong zai I G N huo de 8 / 1 0 de da fen , zong ti shang qu de le ju da de cheng gong 。 jin guan zai fa bu shi cun zai yi xie zhong da de ji shu que xian he ben di hua wen ti , ke neng hui zao cheng yi xie cuo bai gan , dan hei shen hua wu kong yi ran dai chu you yi de biao xian 。 zhan dou fei chang jing cai , zhe yao gui gong yu jing xin de zi yuan guan li he shan dian ban kuai su 、 fan ying ling min de you xi wan fa zhi jian de liang hao ping heng , jin guan ta bi F r o m S o f t w a r e de feng ge geng chuan tong , dan ta kao yan le wo de ji neng , jiu xiang ai er deng fa huan yi yang 。 bu jin ru ci , you xi zhong hai you da liang ji dong ren xin de B o s s zhan 、 ge zhong ge yang de di ren , ta men suo ju zhu de shi jie jue dui shi yi chang shi jiao he ting jiao de sheng yan 。 ta de gu shi you ta de liang dian , dan you dian guo yu yi lai yu dui xi you ji shi jian de shi xian le jie , ta zhen de ke yi shi yong di tu lai shi qi you yi de tan suo yu qi zhan dou shi li xiang pi pei 。 hua sui ru ci , ta de you shi yuan yuan chao guo le ta , shi hei shen hua wu kong cheng wei yi kuan chu se de dong zuo you xi , ru guo you xi ke xue gong si neng gou xiao chu cuo wu , ta ke neng hui bian de geng hao 。 yi xia shi bu fen lao wai wan jia you wan le hei shen hua wu kong hou de gan xiang : 1 . A g r e a t a c t i o n g a m e w i t h f a n t a s t i c c o m b a t , e x c i t i n g b o s s e s , a n d a f e w t o o m a n y b u g s . ( zhe shi yi kuan chu se de dong zuo you xi , zhan dou jing cai , B O S S ci ji , dan lou dong you dian duo 。 ) 2 . I t ’ s m o r e f o r g i v i n g , b u t t h a t d o e s n ' t m e a n i t ’ s a n y l e s s d i f f i c u l t . ( you xi de kuan rong du geng gao , dan zhe bing bu yi wei zhe nan du hui jiang di 。 ) 3 . T h e r e i s a n e x c e l l e n t b l e n d o f d i f f e r e n t c o m b a t o p t i o n s . ( bu tong zhan dou xuan xiang de wan mei rong he 。 ) 4 . W u k o n g i s o n e o f t h e m o s t g o r g e o u s g a m e s I ’ v e e v e r p l a y e d . ( wu kong shi wo wan guo de zui hua li de you xi zhi yi 。 ) 5 . I w o u l d l o v e t o b e a b l e t o r e c o m m e n d i t w i t h o u t t h e t e c h n i c a l c a v e a t s . ( wo hen le yi tui jian zhe kuan you xi , wu xu dan xin ji shu wen ti 。 )' IN NATURAL LANGUAGE MODE) AS similarity FROM ad_download_lang WHERE MATCH(pinyin) AGAINST('zuo wei you xi ke xue gong si de shou kuan dong zuo you xi , hei shen hua wu kong zai I G N huo de 8 / 1 0 de da fen , zong ti shang qu de le ju da de cheng gong 。 jin guan zai fa bu shi cun zai yi xie zhong da de ji shu que xian he ben di hua wen ti , ke neng hui zao cheng yi xie cuo bai gan , dan hei shen hua wu kong yi ran dai chu you yi de biao xian 。 zhan dou fei chang jing cai , zhe yao gui gong yu jing xin de zi yuan guan li he shan dian ban kuai su 、 fan ying ling min de you xi wan fa zhi jian de liang hao ping heng , jin guan ta bi F r o m S o f t w a r e de feng ge geng chuan tong , dan ta kao yan le wo de ji neng , jiu xiang ai er deng fa huan yi yang 。 bu jin ru ci , you xi zhong hai you da liang ji dong ren xin de B o s s zhan 、 ge zhong ge yang de di ren , ta men suo ju zhu de shi jie jue dui shi yi chang shi jiao he ting jiao de sheng yan 。 ta de gu shi you ta de liang dian , dan you dian guo yu yi lai yu dui xi you ji shi jian de shi xian le jie , ta zhen de ke yi shi yong di tu lai shi qi you yi de tan suo yu qi zhan dou shi li xiang pi pei 。 hua sui ru ci , ta de you shi yuan yuan chao guo le ta , shi hei shen hua wu kong cheng wei yi kuan chu se de dong zuo you xi , ru guo you xi ke xue gong si neng gou xiao chu cuo wu , ta ke neng hui bian de geng hao 。 yi xia shi bu fen lao wai wan jia you wan le hei shen hua wu kong hou de gan xiang : 1 . A g r e a t a c t i o n g a m e w i t h f a n t a s t i c c o m b a t , e x c i t i n g b o s s e s , a n d a f e w t o o m a n y b u g s . ( zhe shi yi kuan chu se de dong zuo you xi , zhan dou jing cai , B O S S ci ji , dan lou dong you dian duo 。 ) 2 . I t ’ s m o r e f o r g i v i n g , b u t t h a t d o e s n ' t m e a n i t ’ s a n y l e s s d i f f i c u l t . ( you xi de kuan rong du geng gao , dan zhe bing bu yi wei zhe nan du hui jiang di 。 ) 3 . T h e r e i s a n e x c e l l e n t b l e n d o f d i f f e r e n t c o m b a t o p t i o n s . ( bu tong zhan dou xuan xiang de wan mei rong he 。 ) 4 . W u k o n g i s o n e o f t h e m o s t g o r g e o u s g a m e s I ’ v e e v e r p l a y e d . ( wu kong shi wo wan guo de zui hua li de you xi zhi yi 。 ) 5 . I w o u l d l o v e t o b e a b l e t o r e c o m m e n d i t w i t h o u t t h e t e c h n i c a l c a v e a t s . ( wo hen le yi tui jian zhe kuan you xi , wu xu dan xin ji shu wen ti 。 )' IN NATURAL LANGUAGE MODE) ORDER BY similarity DESC limit 200 |
Database Config
type |
mysql |
hostname |
localhost |
database |
td.880772.xyz |
hostport |
dsn |
params |
[] |
charset |
utf8mb4 |
prefix |
ad_ |
debug |
false |
deploy |
0 |
rw_separate |
false |
master_num |
1 |
slave_no |
read_master |
false |
fields_strict |
true |
result_type |
2 |
resultset_type |
array |
auto_timestamp |
false |
datetime_format |
false |
sql_explain |
false |
builder |
query |
\think\db\Query |
break_reconnect |
false |
Environment Variables
Server/Request Data
Environment Variables
ThinkPHP Constants
{ 十年磨一剑-为API开发设计的高性能框架 }
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