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2024-08-16 15:13:15838浏览

本文提供了有关如何从 Visual Studio Code 编辑器或系统中完全禁用或删除 Copilot(人工智能驱动的编程助手)的说明。用户可以禁用 Copilot 建议或使用键盘将其从编辑器中删除


如何完全禁用 Copilot?

#🎜🎜 #Copilot 可以在设置中禁用。为此,请打开 Visual Studio Code 菜单栏中的设置选项卡,然后选择扩展。在已安装的扩展列表中,找到 Copilot 并单击禁用 按钮。您还可以按Ctrl + , 打开设置选项卡并搜索copilot将其禁用。

Settings tab in the Visual Studio Code menu bar and select Extensions. In the list of installed extensions, find Copilot and click the Disable button. You can also pressCtrl + , to open the settings tab and search for copilot to disable it.

How to remove Copilot from the editor?

To remove Copilot from the editor, you can press the Esc key or click the X button in the Copilot suggestion box. You can also disable Copilot suggestions by pressing Ctrl + / or by clicking the Disable suggestions button in the Copilot suggestion box.

Can I uninstall Copilot from the system?

Copilot can be uninstalled from the system by going to the Extensions tab in the Visual Studio Code menu bar and selecting Uninstall如何从编辑器中删除Copilot?

#🎜🎜#要从编辑器中删除 Copilot,您可以按 Esc 键或单击 Copilot 建议框中的 X 按钮。您还可以通过按 Ctrl + / 或单击 Copilot 建议框中的禁用建议按钮来禁用 Copilot 建议。#🎜🎜##🎜🎜#我可以卸载 Copilot #🎜🎜##🎜🎜#可以通过转到 Visual Studio Code 菜单栏中的扩展选项卡并选择卸载来从系统卸载Copilot。您还可以通过运行以下命令从命令行卸载 Copilot:#🎜🎜#
<code>code --uninstall-extension ms-vscode.copilot</code>

