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2024-08-15 13:43:19641浏览

如何针对不同的视口单位使用 postcss-px-to-viewport?

要为不同的视口单位配置 postcss-px-to-viewport,可以使用 viewportUnit 选项。此选项允许您指定要用于基于视口的计算的单位。默认单位是 vw,但您也可以使用 vhvminvmaxviewportUnit option. This option allows you to specify the unit that you want to use for viewport-based calculations. The default unit is vw, but you can also use vh, vmin, or vmax.

For example, to use vh as the viewport unit, you would add the following configuration to your postcss config file:

<code>postcss-px-to-viewport: {
  viewportUnit: 'vh',

What are the advanced options available in postcss-px-to-viewport?

In addition to the viewportUnit option, postcss-px-to-viewport also provides several other advanced options that you can use to customize its behavior. These options include:

  • viewportWidth: This option allows you to specify the viewport width that you want to use for calculations. The default value is 375px.
  • minPixelValue: This option allows you to specify the minimum pixel value that should be converted to viewport units. The default value is 1px.
  • exclude: This option allows you to exclude certain CSS files or selectors from being processed by postcss-px-to-viewport. This can be useful if you have styles that should not be scaled based on the viewport size.

How can I exclude certain CSS files or selectors from postcss-px-to-viewport processing?

To exclude certain CSS files or selectors from being processed by postcss-px-to-viewport, you can use the exclude option. This option allows you to specify a list of file paths or selectors that should be ignored by the plugin.

For example, to exclude all CSS files in the vendor

例如,要使用 vh 作为视口单位,您需要将以下配置添加到您的 postcss 配置文件中:

<code>postcss-px-to-viewport: {
  exclude: ['/vendor/*.css']
postcss-px-to-viewport 中有哪些可用的高级选项?🎜🎜此外对于 viewportUnit 选项,postcss-px-to-viewport 还提供了其他几个高级选项,您可以使用它们来自定义其行为。这些选项包括:🎜
  • viewportWidth:此选项允许您指定要用于计算的视口宽度。默认值为 375px。
  • minPixelValue:此选项允许您指定应转换为视口单位的最小像素值。默认值为 1px。
  • 排除:此选项允许您排除某些 CSS 文件或选择器,使其不被 postcss-px-to-viewport 处理。如果您的样式不应根据视口大小进行缩放,这会很有用。
🎜如何从 postcss-px-to-viewport 处理中排除某些 CSS 文件或选择器?🎜🎜To排除某些 CSS 文件或选择器不被 postcss-px-to-viewport 处理,您可以使用 exclude 选项。此选项允许您指定插件应忽略的文件路径或选择器列表。🎜🎜例如,排除 vendor 目录中的所有 CSS 文件不被 postcss-px 处理- to-viewport,您可以将以下配置添加到您的 postcss 配置文件中:🎜
<code>postcss-px-to-viewport: {
  exclude: ['.no-scale']
🎜要排除 postcss-px-to-viewport 处理的特定选择器,您可以将以下配置添加到您的 postcss 配置文件中:🎜rrreee

