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2024-08-15 12:30:17706浏览

本文提供了有关在 EasyExcel 中创建动态标题的指南。它解释了如何使用 writeHead 和 addHeader 方法来实现此目的,从而允许自定义各个行和整个文件的标题。文章强调了文件




要在EasyExcel文件中创建动态表头,可以使用writeHead 方法。此方法将字符串列表作为其第一个参数,这些字符串将用作文件的标头。您还可以通过传递 Style 对象作为第二个参数来指定标题的样式。writeHead method. This method takes a list of strings as its first argument, and these strings will be used as the header for the file. You can also specify the style of the header by passing a Style object as the second argument.

Is it possible to customize the header for each row in an EasyExcel file?

Yes, it is possible to customize the header for each row in an EasyExcel file. To do this, you can use the addHeader method. This method takes a list of strings as its first argument, and these strings will be used as the header for the specified row. You can also specify the style of the header by passing a Style object as the second argument.

Can I generate an Excel file with dynamic headers using EasyExcel?

Yes, you can generate an Excel file with dynamic headers using EasyExcel. To do this, you can use the write method. This method takes a list of strings as its first argument, and these strings will be used as the header for the file. You can also specify the style of the header by passing a Style

🎜是否可以为 EasyExcel 文件中的每一行自定义标题?🎜🎜🎜是的,它可以自定义 EasyExcel 文件中每一行的标题。为此,您可以使用 addHeader 方法。此方法将字符串列表作为其第一个参数,这些字符串将用作指定行的标题。您还可以通过传递 Style 对象作为第二个参数来指定标题的样式。🎜🎜🎜我可以使用 EasyExcel 生成带有动态标题的 Excel 文件吗?🎜🎜🎜是的,您可以生成使用 EasyExcel 的具有动态标题的 Excel 文件。为此,您可以使用 write 方法。此方法将字符串列表作为其第一个参数,这些字符串将用作文件的标头。您还可以通过传递 Style 对象作为第二个参数来指定标题的样式。🎜

