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检测 Angular 的变化对于反应性至关重要。 Angular 中的 Watcheffect 挂钩允许您监视特定值或属性并对更改做出反应。本文介绍了 Watcheffect 的语法、用法和性能影响。它是


Angular 的 Watcheffect 语法和用法

Angular 中的 Watcheffect 是一个钩子,允许您监视特定值或对象属性的变化。它的基本语法如下:Watcheffect in Angular is a hook that allows you to monitor changes in specific values or object properties. Its basic syntax is as follows:

<code class="typescript">@Watcheffect(propertyName or parameterName)
effectCallback(changes: ObservableValue<any>) {}</code>

Detecting Changes in a Reactive Object

To detect changes in a reactive object using Watcheffect, you can use the ngOnChanges lifecycle hook. This hook provides an ngOnChanges property that contains an object with key-value pairs representing the previous and current values of the changed properties. For instance:

<code class="typescript">@Component(...)
class MyComponent {
  ngOnChanges(changes: SimpleChanges) {
    if (changes["myProperty"]) {
      // Do something when the property changes

Performance Implications

Watcheffect uses zone.js to intercept property accesses and track changes. While it's an effective way to monitor changes, excessive use can lead to performance issues, especially with large objects or frequent property accesses. Consider using @Input and @Output properties or reactivity helpers like BehaviorSubject or ReplaySubject for better performance in most cases.

Custom Detectors in Watcheffect

Watcheffect also allows you to create custom detectors for specific values or expressions. This can be useful when you need more granular control over what triggers a change detection. To create a custom detector, use the @DetectionStrategy property in the @Watcheffect decorator:

<code class="typescript">@Watcheffect('myExpression', { detectionStrategy: customDetection })
effectCallback(changes: ObservableValue<any>) {}</code>

In the example above, customDetectionrrreee

检测响应式对象中的更改🎜🎜要使用 Watcheffect 检测响应式对象中的更改,您可以使用 ngOnChanges 生命周期钩子。此挂钩提供了一个 ngOnChanges 属性,该属性包含一个对象,该对象具有表示已更改属性的先前值和当前值的键值对。例如:🎜rrreee🎜性能影响🎜🎜Watcheffect 使用 zone.js 拦截属性访问并跟踪更改。虽然它是监视更改的有效方法,但过度使用可能会导致性能问题,尤其是对于大型对象或频繁的属性访问。在大多数情况下,请考虑使用 @Input 和 @Output 属性或反应性助手(例如 BehaviorSubject 或 ReplaySubject)以获得更好的性能。 🎜🎜Watcheffect 中的自定义检测器🎜🎜Watcheffect 还允许您为特定值或表达式创建自定义检测器。当您需要更精细地控制触发更改检测的内容时,这会很有用。要创建自定义检测器,请使用 @Watcheffect 装饰器中的 @DetectionStrategy 属性:🎜rrreee🎜在上面的示例中,customDetection 是一个函数它接受输入值并返回代表先前和当前状态的值的元组。🎜

