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剑与远征启程赛特斯怎么样 剑与远征启程赛特斯技能属性图鉴

2024-08-13 11:32:47512浏览

How about Sword and Expedition Departure Sethus? Sword and Expedition Departure Sethus is very powerful in terms of single target output and endurance. Many friends still don’t know what Sword and Expedition Begins Sethus is like. Here we have compiled an illustration of the skills and attributes of Sword and Expedition Begins Sethus. Let’s take a look at it together.

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How about Sword and Expedition Departure Sethus

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Hunting Wind Shadow/ Sethus




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剑与远征启程赛特斯怎么样 剑与远征启程赛特斯技能属性图鉴Barbarian Blood Tribe

Attack Type

剑与远征启程赛特斯怎么样 剑与远征启程赛特斯技能属性图鉴Physical Attack



Data Information

HP: 1.6 million

Attack: 140,000

Armor: 38,269

Magic Resistance :34,298

Character Skills

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Shadow Strike

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Flash to an enemy, first causing 100% damage to the target 3 times, then briefly freezing the target and jumping Then it will cause 150% damage to the target. During this period, it will be in an invincible state. Then it will recover additional ultimate skills, causing 25% of the total damage and health during this period. Target the weakest enemy units first.

Level 2: The damage caused to the self-target when jumping is increased to 160%.

Level 3: Each layer of bloodlust increases the extra health recovered to 15% of the total damage.

Level 4: The damage caused to the target when jumping increases to 170%.

Level 5: The damage caused to the target when jumping is increased to 180%

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The weak eats the strong

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fly to the weakest enemy within the range and cause damage to it 150% damage, plus additional damage of 25% of the target's lost health. The maximum additional damage does not exceed 400% of Sethus' attack power.

Level 2: The damage is increased to 160%

Level 3: The damage is increased to 170%

Level 4: The damage is increased to 180%

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Hunter Instinct

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Summoned on the spot When the enemy's health percentage other than objects falls below 33% for the first time, Seth gains a layer of "Bloodthirst", permanently increasing 10 points of haste and 7 points of life drain, with a maximum of 3 stacks. When Seth gains bloodthirst for the first time Si will also increase his own armor and magic resistance by an additional 25%.

Level 2: When the HP percentage of enemies other than summons on the field falls below 50% for the first time, he will gain a layer of "Bloodlust"

3. Level: Each level of "Bloodthirst" permanently increases 12 points of haste and 10 points of life drain.

Level 4: Obtaining "Bloodthirst" for the first time will also gain an additional 25 points of critical hit.

Hero specialization. Fine剑与远征启程赛特斯怎么样 剑与远征启程赛特斯技能属性图鉴

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