Angular 中的新 @defer 功能是框架增强性能的一部分,特别是在延迟加载和渲染优化方面。以下是 @defer 功能以及 @placeholder 和 @loading 块的快速概述。
@defer { <large-component /> }
在底层,@defer 使用 IntersectionObserver API。此 API 允许您观察目标元素与祖先元素或顶级文档视口的交集的变化。通过推迟组件的加载,直到它们即将进入视口,您可以避免加载用户可能永远不会看到的资源,从而节省带宽和处理能力。
改进的初始加载时间:将组件推迟到需要时确保最初只加载应用程序的最关键部分。这减少了初始加载时间并提高了应用程序的感知性能,使其感觉更快、响应更灵敏。 Angular 将为延迟的组件创建单独的包,从而减少主包的大小。
这是一个演示如何在 Angular 应用程序中使用 @defer 的示例。首先,创建一个加载图像的组件。使用独立组件是 @defer 的要求。
import { Component } from "@angular/core"; @Component({ selector: "app-images", standalone: true, template: `<div style="display: flex; flex-direction: column;"> @for(image of list; track image) { <img [src]="image" width="600" height="400" /> } </div> `, }) export class ImagesComponent { list = Array(5).fill(""); }
<h1>Angular Defer Sample Application</h1> @defer () { <app-images></app-images> }
By default, the defer block will render the content when it is visible in the viewport. However, there can be delays, for example, when the components are making HTTP requests. In those scenarios, we can use the @placeholder option. The content used for the placeholder is not lazy loaded. The content in the @placeholder is shown first until the @defer block's contents are ready to render. The placeholder itself comes with an optional argument called minimum. This allows you to set the time to display the content.
Here is how this would look:
<h1>Angular Defer Sample Application</h1> @defer () { <app-images></app-images> } @placeholder (minimum 500ms) { <p>Loading Images</p> }
And here is how this looks:
The @loading block is used to display some content while the content defined in the @defer block is still loading or has started to load. This is different from the @placeholder block, which will appear before the loading starts. This block comes with two optional arguments, after and minimum. Similar to the @placeholder argument, the minimum argument is used to set the time to display the content. The second argument, after, is used to define the waiting time before showing the @loading content.
Here is how this would look:
<h1>Angular Defer Sample Application</h1> @defer () { <app-images></app-images> } @loading (after 1s; minimum 500ms) { <p>Loading Images</p> }
While you may not see this properly in the animated GIF, we are telling the block to wait at least 1 second before displaying the @loading content and show it for at least 500 ms.
The @defer feature in Angular is a powerful tool for enhancing performance and user experience by delaying the loading of components until they are needed. By integrating this feature with options like @placeholder and @loading, developers can create more efficient and responsive applications. As Angular continues to evolve, features like @defer will play a crucial role in optimizing resource management and improving application performance across various devices and network conditions.
以上是使用 @defer 和延迟加载提升角度性能的详细内容。更多信息请关注PHP中文网其他相关文章!