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JavaScript - 函数式编程有什么大不了的?

2024-08-05 22:57:22903浏览

JavaScript 是一种支持多种编程范例的通用语言。了解这些范例可以帮助开发人员选择解决不同问题的最佳方法。主要的编程范例包括:

  1. 命令式:专注于如何执行任务(一步一步)。
  2. 过程式:类似于命令式,但具有可重用的过程。
  3. 面向对象:将代码组织成可重用的对象。
  4. 声明式:重点关注程序应该完成的任务。
  5. 函数式:将计算视为数学函数(我们今天的明星!)。

在本文中,我们将探索 JavaScript 中的函数式编程,这是一种强调纯函数、高阶函数和不变性的强大范例。

1. 纯函数




// Pure function
function add(a, b) {
  return a + b;

// Impure function
let count = 0;
function increment() {
  count += 1;
  return count;

在上面的示例中,add 是一个纯函数,因为它对于相同的输入始终返回相同的结果,并且不会修改任何外部状态。相反,increment是一个不纯函数,因为它修改了外部变量count。

2. 高阶函数




// Higher-order function
function applyOperation(a, b, operation) {
  return operation(a, b);

// Function to be used as an argument
function multiply(x, y) {
  return x * y;

// Using the higher-order function
const result = applyOperation(5, 3, multiply); // Output: 15

在此示例中,applyOperation 是一个高阶函数,因为它采用函数(操作)作为参数。

3. 不变性




// Mutable object
let user = { name: 'Alice', age: 25 };
user.age = 26; // Mutation

// Immutable object using Object.assign
const newUser = Object.assign({}, user, { age: 26 });
console.log(newUser); // Output: { name: 'Alice', age: 26 }

在此示例中,我们没有直接修改用户对象,而是使用更新后的年龄创建了一个新对象 newUser。


JavaScript - What


是否曾经感觉你的代码是一团混乱的 for 循环和 if 语句?好吧,系好安全带,因为我们即将踏上 JavaScript 函数式编程 (FP) 世界的神奇之旅。这就像将您的意大利面条代码变成一顿美食! ➡️?





const veggies = ['carrot', 'broccoli', 'cauliflower'];
const cookedVeggies = [];
for (let i = 0; i < veggies.length; i++) {
    cookedVeggies.push(`cooked ${veggies[i]}`);


const veggies = ['carrot', 'broccoli', 'cauliflower'];
const cookedVeggies = veggies.map(veggie => `cooked ${veggie}`);

看看我们如何将笨重的 for 循环变成流畅的单行代码?这就是 FP 的美妙之处——就像有一个副主厨(地图)为你做所有重复的工作!




function flipPancakeStack(stack) {
    let flippedStack = '';
    for (let i = stack.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        flippedStack += stack[i];
    return flippedStack;

const originalStack = "PANCAKE";
const flippedStack = flipPancakeStack(originalStack);
console.log(flippedStack); // "EKACNAP"



const flipPancakeStack = str => 
    str.split('').reduce((reversed, char) => char + reversed, '');

const originalStack = "PANCAKE";
const flippedStack = flipPancakeStack(originalStack);
console.log(flippedStack); // "EKACNAP"

Wow! Look at that smooth operator! ? We've turned our string into an array of characters, then used the reduce function to flip our pancake in one sweeping motion. Here's what's happening:

  1. split('') turns our string into an array of characters.
  2. reduce goes through each character, adding it to the front of our accumulating result.
  3. We start with an empty string '' and build it up, character by character.

It's like having a fancy pancake-flipping robot that assembles the pancake in reverse as it goes along. No manual flipping required!

The Beauty of Functional Flipping

Notice how our functional approach doesn't use any loops or temporary variables. It's a single expression that flows from left to right. This makes it:

  1. More readable: Once you're used to reduce, this reads almost like English.
  2. Immutable: We're not changing any existing data, just creating new strings.
  3. Shorter: We've reduced our function to a single, powerful line.

Remember, in the kitchen of code, it's not just about getting the job done – it's about style, efficiency, and leaving a clean workspace. Our functional pancake flipper does all three!

Main Course: Curry Transformation Feast

Now, let's spice things up with some Indian cuisine! Imagine we're running a bustling Indian restaurant, and we need to transform our thali menu. We want to adjust spice levels, filter out dishes based on dietary preferences, and format the names for our trendy menu board.

Imperative Style (The frazzled curry chef):

const thaliMenu = [
    { name: 'Butter Chicken', spiceLevel: 2, vegetarian: false, available: true },
    { name: 'Palak Paneer', spiceLevel: 1, vegetarian: true, available: true },
    { name: 'Lamb Vindaloo', spiceLevel: 4, vegetarian: false, available: false },
    { name: 'Dal Makhani', spiceLevel: 1, vegetarian: true, available: true },
    { name: 'Chicken Tikka Masala', spiceLevel: 3, vegetarian: false, available: true }

const veggieSpicyMenu = [];
for (let i = 0; i < thaliMenu.length; i++) {
    if (thaliMenu[i].vegetarian && thaliMenu[i].available) {
        let dish = {
            name: thaliMenu[i].name.toUpperCase().replace(/ /g, '_'),
            spiceLevel: thaliMenu[i].spiceLevel + 1
        if (dish.spiceLevel > 5) dish.spiceLevel = 5;

Functional Style (The Michelin-star tandoor master):

const thaliMenu = [
    { name: 'Butter Chicken', spiceLevel: 2, vegetarian: false, available: true },
    { name: 'Palak Paneer', spiceLevel: 1, vegetarian: true, available: true },
    { name: 'Lamb Vindaloo', spiceLevel: 4, vegetarian: false, available: false },
    { name: 'Dal Makhani', spiceLevel: 1, vegetarian: true, available: true },
    { name: 'Chicken Tikka Masala', spiceLevel: 3, vegetarian: false, available: true }

const veggieSpicyMenu = thaliMenu
    .filter(dish => dish.vegetarian && dish.available)
    .map(dish => ({
        name: dish.name.toUpperCase().replace(/ /g, '_'),
        spiceLevel: Math.min(dish.spiceLevel + 1, 5)

?✨ We've just transformed our thali menu with the grace of a yoga master. The functional approach reads like a recipe from a classic Indian cookbook: "Filter the vegetarian and available dishes, then map them to new objects with formatted names and increased spice levels." It's a recipe for code that's as aromatic and delightful as the dishes it describes!

Dessert: Async Chai Brewing Symphony

For our final course, let's steep ourselves in the art of asynchronous chai brewing. Imagine we're creating a smart chai maker that needs to check tea leaves, heat water, and blend spices, all in perfect harmony.

Imperative Style (The flustered chai wallah):

function brewChai(teaType, callback) {
        .then(leaves => {
            if (leaves.quality === 'good') {
                    .then(water => {
                            .then(spices => {
                                const chai = mixChaiIngredients(leaves, water, spices);
                                callback(null, chai);
                            .catch(error => callback(error));
                    .catch(error => callback(error));
            } else {
                callback(new Error('Tea leaves are not of good quality'));
        .catch(error => callback(error));

Functional Style (The serene chai master):

const brewChai = teaType =>
        .then(leaves => 
            leaves.quality === 'good'
                ? Promise.all([
                : Promise.reject(new Error('Tea leaves are not of good quality'))
        .then(([leaves, water, spices]) => mixChaiIngredients(leaves, water, spices));

Wah, what a beautiful symphony! ?? We've just orchestrated a complex chai brewing process into a smooth, promise-based operation. It's like watching a graceful kathak dance – each step flows seamlessly into the next, creating a perfect blend of flavors and aromas.

The Secret Masala: Why FP is the Chef's Kiss ?‍??

  • Readability: FP code often reads like a story. "Filter this, map that, reduce those." It's like writing a recipe for your future self (or your poor colleague who has to maintain your code).
  • Predictability: Pure functions always return the same output for a given input. No surprises, no "it worked on my machine" mysteries.
  • Testability: Since FP emphasizes pure functions, testing becomes a breeze. It's like being able to taste each ingredient separately before combining them.
  • Conciseness: As we've seen, FP can often express complex operations in just a few lines. Less code means fewer bugs and easier maintenance.
  • Composition: You can combine simple functions to create complex behaviors, like stacking Lego bricks to build a castle. ?

Wrapping Up Our Functional Feast

There you have it, folks! We've transformed our code from a fast-food joint to a Michelin-star restaurant. Functional programming in JavaScript isn't just about writing less code; it's about writing code that's easier to understand, test, and maintain.

Remember, you don't have to go full Gordon Ramsay and remake your entire codebase overnight. Start small – try using map instead of a for-loop, or break a complex function into smaller, pure functions. Before you know it, you'll be whipping up functional programming delicacies that would make any code chef proud!

Now, go forth and func-tionalize! May your code be pure, your functions be high-order, and your bugs be few.

Happy coding, and may the func be with you! ??
JavaScript - What

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