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ApeCoin 社区批准曼谷酒店提案!

2024-08-02 09:32:27502浏览

ApeCoin 社区已批准在泰国曼谷开设一家酒店的提议。第一年,酒店收入的 50% 将分配给 ApeCoin 资金库,以支持正在进行的项目开发。

ApeCoin 社区批准曼谷酒店提案!

ApeCoin 社区批准在曼谷开设猿主题酒店

在最近的一项进展中,ApeCoin 社区批准了一项在泰国曼谷市中心黄金地段开设一家猿主题酒店的提案。此举旨在增加Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC) IP的曝光度,增强ApeCoin的知名度和实用性。

根据提案,酒店第一年产生的收入的 50% 将分配给 ApeCoin 金库,以支持正在进行的项目开发。该提案是在社区对 410,100 个 Ape 代币(相当于 360 万美元)的请求进行投票后提出的。

The proposal, known as AIP-444, was approved by voters with a 78.3% vote of approval. The hotel will feature Ape-themed rooms, including APE, BAYC, Apechain, Otherwise, and Mocaverse, as per the terms.

ApeCoin DAO will receive 50% of the room revenue after the themed rooms are completed.

“Our goal is to enhance the BACY IP exposure, visibility and utility of the ApeCoin and generate actual revenue for ApeCoin DAO.”


The proposed hotel will handle the local compliance settlement of the funds. The hotel will offer various activities in addition to Ape-themed rooms, such as ApeCoin-themed exhibitions, an Ape bar, an Ape swimming pool, and an MBA-themed exhibition area.

“This proposal combines IP application, the hotel industry, the arts, and the cryptocurrency field,” ApeCoin added. These should all promote the ApeCoin, ApeChain, and the various Ape communities.

以上是ApeCoin 社区批准曼谷酒店提案!的详细内容。更多信息请关注PHP中文网其他相关文章!
