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2024-08-02 06:01:421226浏览


如果你遇到这样的情况,你肯定会想是否有办法恢复未保存的记事本文件,这样你就不必花费大量时间重新创建它。尽管在很多情况下这并不容易,但也并非不可能。现在,本文将向您展示如何在 Windows 10 上恢复未保存或删除的记事本文件。

  • 第 1 部分:从临时文件中恢复未保存的记事本文件
  • 第 2 部分:如何恢复已删除的记事本文件

第 1 部分:从临时文件中恢复未保存的记事本文件

与Microsoft Office不同,记事本没有自动保存功能来记住并保存当前编辑的内容。但是,意外关闭或未保存的记事本文件也可能保存在计算机上的临时文件夹中。因此,您仍然有一线希望可以从临时文件中恢复未保存的记事本文件。请按照以下步骤操作。

步骤 1:在任务栏的搜索框中,输入 %AppData%,然后从结果列表中选择 %AppData%。

How to Recover Unsaved or Deleted Notepad File

第2步:您将进入文件夹C:UsersUsernameAppDataRoaming。在右上角的搜索框中输入 filename.txt。然后等待搜索过程完成。

How to Recover Unsaved or Deleted Notepad File



How to Recover Unsaved or Deleted Notepad File

第 2 部分:如何恢复已删除的记事本文件


选项 1:检查文件历史记录

第 1 步:在“开始”按钮旁边的搜索框中键入文件历史记录,然后按 Enter。

How to Recover Unsaved or Deleted Notepad File

第 2 步:文件历史记录应用程序打开。它显示您计算机上文件的历史版本。双击打开每个文件夹,检查其中是否包含您删除的记事本文件。当您找到目标记事本文件时,选择它并单击“恢复”按钮即可恢复它。

How to Recover Unsaved or Deleted Notepad File


How to Recover Unsaved or Deleted Notepad File

选项 2:使用 iSumsoft Data Refixer

要在没有任何备份的情况下恢复已删除/丢失的记事本文件,最简单有效的方法是使用特殊的文件恢复程序。这里我们推荐使用功能强大的iSumsoft Data Refixer。它可以深度扫描计算机硬盘的扇区,找到所有已删除和丢失的文件,然后让您从搜索结果中快速筛选出目标记事本文件。最后,只需单击一下,您就可以将文件恢复到所需位置。步骤如下。

1.下载 iSumsoft Data Refixer 并将其安装在您的计算机上。安装过程只需几秒钟,无需任何手动设置。安装完成后,运行该程序。


How to Recover Unsaved or Deleted Notepad File

3. Wait for the scanning to complete. This will take a few minutes. You can just let it scan itself, and you can do other things.

How to Recover Unsaved or Deleted Notepad File

Step 4: When the scan is complete, all found folders are listed on the interface. Expand the folder where you deleted your Notepad file. Select the target text file and click Recover.

How to Recover Unsaved or Deleted Notepad File

4. A Select folder… dialog opens. Select where you will want to save the recovered Notepad file, and then click Select Folder. The software will immediately start recovering the file.

How to Recover Unsaved or Deleted Notepad File

5. When you receive a pop-up dialog box saying that the recovery is complete, you can open the recovery folder to view the recovered Notepad file. The file should be intact, with no content missing or damaged.

How to Recover Unsaved or Deleted Notepad File


Many times, it's not easy to recover an unsaved or deleted Notepad document, so please allow us to give you a few suggestions.

1. Save the Notepad file timely while editing.

This is a good time to start a new habit of hitting the Ctrl+S keys to save the content in an opening notepad file manually. This will maximize the security of your important information. Generally, before any content is permanently removed, you'll be asked to confirm the deletion. To avoid accidental removal of your content, double-check these warnings before confirming.

How to Recover Unsaved or Deleted Notepad File

2. Back up your notepad file.

This experience has demonstrated the importance of backups. It's a good idea to keep a copy or two on your computer or keep a copy on a storage device like a USB flash drive. Another way to prevent file loss is to store documents online with Microsoft OneDrive. Saving files to OneDrive gives them an extra layer of protection even if something happens to your computer OneDrive will keep your files safe and accessible.

